
hēi diāo
  • black sea-bream;black porgy
  1. 黑鲷的营养需求及营养代谢研究进展

    Research advances of nutrient requirement and metabolism of black porgy

  2. 黑鲷视觉发育与摄食的关系

    The relation between feeding and vision development of black porgy

  3. 雄性及雌性黑鲷白肌中RNA-DNA比率在6月均显著高于其他季节的水平(P<0.05)。

    The RNA-DNA ratio in white muscle of black seabream is the highest in June ( P < 0.01 ) .

  4. 饲料中不同水平的维生素C对黑鲷仔鱼全鱼的常规营养成分含量无显著影响(P>0.05)。

    There was no apparent difference in liver proximate protein content and whole body proximate composition among vitamin C treatments ( P > 0.05 ) .

  5. 随着饲料中维生素C水平的提高,黑鲷仔鱼全鱼、肌肉、肝脏、脑、鳃和血浆中的维浙江大学硕士论文生索C含量呈匕升趋势。

    Vitamin C concentrations in whole body , muscle , liver , brain , gill and plasma enhanced as the dietary vitamin C level increased .

  6. 在室温条件下,黑鲷精子活力随保存时间的延长而下降,保存4h后的精子失去激烈运动的能力。

    When preservation time is over 4 hours , the spermatozoa are unable to swim intensely . Exercise .

  7. 对照组黑鲷仔鱼肌肉中的粗脂肪含量显著低于各试验组(P<0.05),但是饲料中不同水平的维生素C对肌肉粗蛋白和水分含量无显著影响(P>0.05)。

    The proximate muscle fat content of the control fish was significantly lower than other groups ( P < 0.05 ) , but no significant influence on the muscle proximate protein and moisture contents could be found among treatments ( P > 0.05 ) .

  8. 实验还得出体重20~40g的黑鲷在18℃的胃排空率为每小时排出摄入食物量的6%~7%。

    The gastric evacuation rate of black sea bream was 6 ~ 7 % of consumed food per hour at 18 ℃ .

  9. 经过48h暂养后缓慢降温到6℃,在低温(2±0.5)℃无水条件下供纯氧可以使黑鲷存活6h。

    When the temperature dropped slowly to 6 ℃ , its waterless keeping - alive time in pure oxygen at low temperature ( 2 ± 0 . 5 ) ℃ could reach 6 hours after 48 hours ' temporary culture .

  10. 泥滩混水养殖黑鲷技术研究

    On Culture of Black Sea Bream in Turbid Water of Mudbank

  11. 黑鲷土池育苗与浮游动物的关系池杉苗圃地化学除草试验

    The Relationship between Spams Macrocephalus Larvae & Zooplankton in Earth Pond Nursery

  12. 黑鲷无水保活技术的初步研究

    A Primary Study on the Keeping-alive Technique of Spams macrocephalus by Waterless Method

  13. 沿海鱼池黑鲷养殖试验

    An experiment on the culture of black sea bream in the coastal fish pond

  14. 结果表明,从黑鲷的胃、肠和肝胰脏中均可以检测出蛋白酶、淀粉酶和脂肪酶的活性。

    The result showed that the protease activity was stomach > intestine > hepatopancreas ;

  15. 淡水黑鲷的生物学特性与养殖技术

    Biological Characteristic and Culture Technique of Hephaestus fuliginosus

  16. 黑鲷化学感觉发育和摄食关系中国对虾摄食行为的化学感觉生理学研究&Ⅱ.中国对虾进食过程中的化学感觉

    The Relation Between the Feeding and the Development of the Chemoreception of Black Porgy

  17. 汞、铅对黑鲷的胚胎发育有较明显的迟滞效应。

    Mercury and lead obviously retarded embryonic development .

  18. 亨诺黑-忻莱因二氏症候群(2)较高代谢和较低生长,如欧氏六线鱼和黑鲷;

    Higher metabolic consumption and lower growth efficiency , e.g. black porgy and fat greenling ;

  19. 试验结果表明,投饵率水平影响黑鲷幼鱼鱼体的水分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、以及钙磷的含量。

    Feeding rate affected the contents of moisture , crude protein and crude fat of juvenile black seabream .

  20. 黑鲷嗅上皮的超微结构泥滩混水养殖黑鲷技术研究

    Ultrastructural studies on olfactory epithelia of black sea bream On Culture of Black Sea Bream in Turbid Water of Mudbank

  21. 用行为解析法研究三种不同口径鱼礁模型对黑鲷的诱集。

    The attractive effect of 3 fish reef models of different diameter on black por-gy with behavioral analysis method is studied .

  22. 试验结果表明鱼油、豆油为黑鲷配合饲料可选用的优良脂肪源。

    The study results suggest that fish oil and soybean oil are good fat sources for the feed of black sea bream .

  23. 饥饿对黑鲷血清生长激素、甲状腺激素以及白肌和肝脏脂肪、蛋白质含量的影响

    Effects of Starvation on the Contents of Growth Hormone and Triiodothyronine in Serum , and Lipid and Protein of White Muscles and Livers in Black Seabreams

  24. 当蛋白水平为42%,脂肪水平为16%时,黑鲷幼鱼获得最大特定生长率(3.20)、最高蛋白质效率(2.10)和最小饵料系数(1.14)。

    Fish fed the diet with protein and lipid levels of42 % and16 % respectively had the best SGR ( 3.20 ), PER ( 2.10 ) and FCR ( 1.14 ) .

  25. 视网膜细胞这种形态组合有利于提高视网膜对光的敏感性,与黑鲷生存的浅海底层弱光环境相适应。

    This kind of communication of the retina cells can improve the sensitivity of the retina , and adapt to the dim light environment at the bottom of a shallow sea .

  26. 本论文还对饲料添加不平衡的精氨酸/赖氨酸对黑鲷幼鱼的影响,两种氨基酸在黑鲷体内的拮抗作用及其可能的机理进行探索。

    In this research , the effect of dietary imbalanced arginine / lysine was estimated and the potential mechanism of antagonism between these two EAAs in black sea bream was also discussed .

  27. 序列差异比较结果显示,真鲷与黄鳍鲷的序列差异在这5种鱼类中最大,达到了18.2%,黄鳍鲷和黑鲷的差异最小(2.4%)。

    The result of sequence divergence analysis revealed that the discrepancy was from 2.4 % to 18.2 % between the 5 fishes . The highest was between P.major and S.latus and the lowest was between S.latus and S.macrocephalus .

  28. 饲料中磷的添加水平对黑鲷幼鱼的肥满度没有显著影响(P>0.05),但肝体指数随着饲料磷水平的升高而显著下降(P<0.05)。

    No significant ( P > 0.05 ) changes exist in condition factor of black seabream fed different levels of phosphorus , but the HSI ( hepatosomatic index ) was significantly improved with the increasing supplementation of dietary phosphorus .

  29. 对南海区4种鲷鱼精子的适盐性及其活力进行了比较,黄鳍鲷、平鲷、黑鲷和真鲷精子激活所需的最低盐度分别为8、10、>8、>10;

    It was found that the lowest activating salinity of each of spermatozoa of yellowfin bream , silver bream , black porgy and red seabream should be 8 , 10 , > 8 , > 10 at least respectively .

  30. 黑鲷精子经过超低温保存后,其激活率、受精率与鲜精的接近,精子活力则有所下降。

    The activation rate and fertilization rate of the cryopreserved spermatozoa are close to those of fresh spermatozoa , but their motility declines and the lowest salinity at which the post-thaw spermatozoa of black porgy can be activated rises .