
  • 网络gill lamella;lamellae;gill lamellae;branch leaf
  1. 鳃小片在功能上可分为两个区:气体交换区和免疫区。

    Functionally , the gill lamella could be divided into gas exchange region and immune region .

  2. 鳃小片上皮细胞表面结构与其呼吸功能密切相关。

    The surface stucture of the gill lamella is closely related to its respiratory function .

  3. 鳃小片呈褶皱状,镶嵌排列在鳃丝两侧。

    Many secondary gill lamellae arranged on two sides of each filament , and inlaid each other .

  4. 前者的鳃丝和鳃小片上氯细胞的数量明显多于后者,两者细胞形态也存在差异;

    The number of chloride cells of the gill filament and lamellar in the former is higher than in the latter , and the morphology of chloride cells of both fishes are different ;

  5. 鱼鳃主要由鳃弓、鳃耙、鳃丝、鳃小片组成。

    The gills constitutes of gill arch , gill raker , gill filament , branch leaf .