
  • 网络Chromis flavomaculatus;Lepomis macrochirus
  1. 从AOA皮肤cDNA中随机选择14个片段测序分析:得到一个基因片段,与青鳃鱼和河豚的酪氨酸酶基因对比同源性只有25%和26.5%。

    Selecting 16 cDNA clone fragments from cDNA in AOA skin , one clone shares 25 % and 26.5 % identities with the tyrosinase gene of Medaka fish and Fugu fish ;

  2. 类型:鲨鱼、鳃鱼。

    Examples : the ray and the shark .

  3. 第五目是总鳃鱼、康塞尔说,鳃是完全的和自由的,但由许多小刷子构成,一对一对地排在鳃环节上。

    Quinto , Conseil said , the lophobranchians , which have fully formed , free-moving jaws but whose gills consist of little tufts arranged in pairs along their gill arches .

  4. 尼德·兰喊道,鲨鱼和鳃鱼是在同一目中,康塞尔老朋友,好哇,为鳃鱼的利益起见,我劝您不要把它们放在一个鱼缸里吧!

    Ned Land exclaimed . Rays and man-eaters in the same order ? Well , Conseil my friend , on behalf of the rays , I wouldn 't advise you to put them in the same fish tank !

  5. 旧桥的评估,对评估方法进行了探讨,建立盐边桑园鳃鱼河大桥有限元模型并进行理论计算分析,通过荷载试验并依据现场检测结果对该桥进行了评估分析。

    The assessing methods are studied first . The finite element model of the bridge is established to have theoretical analyses . According to the load test and the detection result , the bearing capcity of the bridge is assessed .

  6. 在箭鱼中间,有鳃鱼,像随凤招展的台布,翻来转去,鳃鱼中我看到了使我很喜欢的那种中国鲤鱼,它上半身黑黄色,肚下淡淡的玫瑰色,眼睛后面带有三根刺;

    Around them , rays were undulating like sheets flapping in the wind , and among these I spotted , much to my glee , a Chinese ray , yellowish on its topside , a dainty pink on its belly , and armed with three stings behind its eyes ;

  7. 蓝鳃太阳鱼北美洲河湖中一种常见的可食太阳鱼(蓝鳃太阳鱼)

    A common edible sunfish ( Lepomis macrochirus ) of North American lakes and streams .

  8. 太阳鱼一种太阳鱼属及相关属的淡水太阳鱼,如蓝鳃太阳鱼国际海水淡化协会(海水淡化协会)

    Any one of various freshwater sunfishes of the genus Lepomis and related genera , such as the bluegill .

  9. 北美洲体扁平并能发出金属般光芒的食肉性淡水小鱼;刺盖太阳鱼;黑鲈;蓝鳃太阳鱼;瓜仁太阳鱼。

    Small carnivorous freshwater percoid fishes of North America usually having a laterally compressed body and metallic luster : crappies ; black bass ; bluegills ; pumpkinseed .

  10. 在实验室条件下研究实验鱼Paracheirodon对人工河水中不同形态铜的积累特征,对比了鱼体(去鳃)和鱼鳃对铜吸收量的差异,并探讨了鱼对铜的吸收机理。

    The accumulation and absorption kinetics of copper by the fish body with gill removed and the fish gill from both water and food were tested in laboratory conditions .

  11. 鱼体(去鳃)和鱼鳃对不同形态铜的积累特征

    Accumulation of copper in the fish body with gill removed and the fish gill

  12. 第二目,峻鱼,它的鳃类似圆口鱼的鳃,但下鳃活动。

    Secundo , the selacians , with gills resembling those of the cyclostomes but whose lower jaw is free-moving .

  13. 在整个检查过程中,摄像头被安放在鱼鳃下和鱼嘴中,以便观察灌药过程。

    Also during the exam , images were taken under the gill flaps and inside the whale shark 's mouth , to add to knowledge about feeding mechanics .