
shī gǔ
  • skeleton;skeleton of a corpse
尸骨 [shī gǔ]
  • (1) [skeleton of a corpse] 尸体腐烂后留下的骨架

  • 丈夫尸骨未寒,我不能再嫁

  • (2) ,又称尸骸

尸骨[shī gǔ]
  1. 我们要尽可能的不去碰到尸骨。

    We 're gonna do this without touching the actual skeleton as much as possible .

  2. 这是具年代久远的尸骨了。

    This is a very old skeleton .

  3. 她的尸骨已运回家乡安葬。

    Her body was sent home for burial .

  4. 尸骨被刨出,移到了墓地。

    The bones were disinterred and moved to a burial site .

  5. 这真是太不得体了。真想不到在他尸骨未寒时就那么说话。

    It was very tasteless . Fancy talking like that so soon after his death

  6. 他尸骨未寒,还是那些人又大肆谴责起他来。

    Within days of his death those same people were falling over themselves to denounce him .

  7. 一位农民发现了一些深埋地下的尸骨。

    A farmer found some bones buried deep beneath the ground .

  8. 从中世纪伦敦瘟疫受害者的尸骨上提取出的DNA揭示了一个震惊世人的消息&黑死病现在仍然存在。

    DNA taken from the skeletons of plague victims in medieval London has unearthed a shocking revelation – the Black Death is still present today .

  9. 据悉,格拉纳达大学法医系曾做过一些意义重大的DNA鉴定,包括对西班牙内战留下的秘密坟墓中的尸骨和哥伦布尸骨的鉴定。

    The university forensic team has previously worked on other high-profile identifications , including bodies from unmarked civil war graves , and the remains of Christopher Colombus .

  10. eBay允许售卖用于医学目的的多种骨骼,但不包括被制成木乃伊的人体尸骨。

    The Web site allows the sale of skeletons for medical use , but not mummified remains .

  11. 在罗思的首部影片《尸骨无存》(CabinFever,2002年)中,一群来到一处乡间木屋的年轻人染上了一种会让人通身腐烂的怪病,并未受到恶灵的挟制。

    Mr. Roth 's first film , ' Cabin Fever ' ( 2002 ) , had young folks at a rural cabin succumbing to a flesh-eating disease rather than demons .

  12. 方法设计并制作一个C3型桡骨远端骨折尸骨模型,并用其评估背侧钢板固定桡骨远端骨折的生物力学特性。

    Methods A cadaveric model for biomechanical study on fixation methods for AO type C3 fractures of distal radius was designed and produced , and its efficacy was assessed .

  13. 在切割尸骨之时,Zack不小心把一种致命病菌释放了出来,导致大家都只能在隔离环境中过圣诞了。

    While cutting into the bones of the man , Zack accidentally releases a deadly fungus , that causes the team to be quarantined over Christmas .

  14. 在他1993年攀登乔戈里峰(K2)的时候,他还发现并带回了美国登山者阿特·吉尔凯(ArtGilkey)(于1953年,死于雪崩)的遗物,包括几块较轻且干净的尸骨和一些破旧的衣物。

    In 1993 , on K2 , he also found and carried down the light , clean bones and ragged clothing of Art Gilkey , an American climber swept away by an avalanche in 1953 .

  15. 结论本研究成功制作可重复性好的C3型桡骨远端骨折尸骨模型,生物力学测试提示在100N纵向负荷下,背侧钢板固定不能完全重建桡骨远端骨折的力学性能。

    Conclusion A standardized AO type C3 fracture of distal radius can be reproduced with good reproducibility of the setup and results of this model . The results suggest that dorsal plating can not totally restore the axial loading transmission pattern of normal radius with 100N axial load .

  16. 柯林斯先生会在他尸骨未寒前把我们撵出房子

    Mr Collins will turn us out before he is cold .

  17. 玛格丽特尸骨未寒,他就找人来代替她了。

    Alvarez is barely cold , he 's already replaced her .

  18. 利用视觉观察肱骨末端确定尸骨性别

    Determining the Sex of Skeletal Remains through Observation of Distal Humerus

  19. 为什么不在半夜转移她的尸骨呢?

    Why not have her deported in the middle of the night ?

  20. 我们带来的只有死亡,留下的只有尸骨。

    We brings only death , and leave only carrion .

  21. 哥伦比亚发现两年前被绑人质的尸骨

    Bones of Hostages Kidnapped Two Years ago Found in Colombia

  22. 他第一个妻子尸骨未寒,他们就迫不及待地结婚了。

    They got married indecently soon after his first wife 's funeral .

  23. 结果尸骨及土壤中没有分离到鼠疫菌。

    Results Not to abstract plague from ash and soil .

  24. 再紧靠着这堵新墙,重新堆好尸骨。

    Against the new masonry I re-erected the old rampart of bones .

  25. 然后,尸骨会用新麻布包起来重新埋葬。

    The remains are then wrapped in a new shroud and reburied .

  26. 而我的血肉之躯也会成为尸骨。

    And my reality will become that of a corpse .

  27. 她的尸骨已埋在那个公墓里了。

    Her bones have been laid in that cemetery .

  28. 就是新闻都在报道的尸骨。

    Is this rotting skeletal corpse that 's been all over the news .

  29. 只有血迹和尸骨散落在沙滩上,

    Just blood and bones all over the sand .

  30. 靠躲在其他超级英雄的尸骨之下?哦,天!

    By hiding under the bones of another super ? Oh , man !