
  • 网络Body Parts
  1. 警方面临着寻找尸块的可怕任务。

    Police faced the gruesome task of looking for the body parts .

  2. 我有个原则不和不愿透露姓名的男人约会因为这样能剔除一些爱隐瞒事实的人比如已有妻室或是在自家冰箱藏了尸块

    See , I have a policy . I won 't go out with guys who won 't tell me their names . I find it weeds out the ones who like to keep secrets , like they 're already married or they store body parts in their freezer .

  3. 我们可能也会找到他老哥的尸块。

    Probably gonna find his brother in there , too .

  4. 如果有人送给你一块肉,记得它是一个尸块,而尸埠都应该得到埋葬。

    Even if someone makes you a present of a piece of meat , remember that it is a dead body , and dead bodies are to be buried .