
  1. 不当得利制度也是民法制度中与其他制度的关联性最为密切的一项制度,不当得利极易与其他法律关系发生混淆。

    Unjust enrichment , which also maintains the closest ties with other doctrine , could easily bring legal confusion with other legal relationship .

  2. 诉讼行为是诉讼主体有意识地使诉讼法律关系发生、变更和消灭的活动。

    Act in civil litigation is people 's conscious behavior in order to make the relation of litigation occur , change and exterminate .

  3. 引起医患法律关系发生的原因概而论之有三种:(1)医患双方达成医疗合同;

    In briefly , three reasons could cause by the legal relationship , they are - ( 1 ) the medical contract made by doctors and patients ;

  4. 教师聘用制的实施使得高校与教师的法律关系发生了变革,从而也给高校教师的权益保障带来了新的问题。

    The enforcement of the system of appointment in universities has made great change in the legal relation between university and teachers , and also brought the new problems to the rights and interests guarantee of university 's teachers .

  5. 纠纷可诉性的范围包括民法所调整的民事法律关系发生的争议、应受民事法律保护的应有权利受到侵害引发的争议、宪法权利受到私法主体侵害所引发的争议。

    The scope of dispute suability includes the disputes of civil legal relation regulated by civil law , the disputes of infringement of rights protected by civil law and the disputes of infringement to the private subjects protected by the constitution .

  6. 仲裁协议是指当事人同意将他们之间的特定法律关系中已经发生或者可能发生的争议提交仲裁的协议。

    An arbitration agreement is an agreement by parties to submit to arbitration all or certain disputes which have arisen or which may arise in connection with the legal relationship between the parties .

  7. 体育纠纷,是指在体育活动中以及解决与体育相关的各种事务中,各种体育法律关系主体之间发生的,以体育权利义务为内容的矛盾。

    Sports dispute , which is a social dispute happening among the subjects of sports law relation in sports activities and various affairs related with sports , whose content are sports rights and obligations .

  8. 涉外案件是指当事人至少有一方是外方,或者,如果当事人都是中方,双方建立法律关系的事实发生在外国或者纠纷标的物在外国的案件。

    Foreign-related cases are those involving at least one foreign party or , if they are both Chinese parties , cases where either the facts establishing the legal relationship between the parties occurred in a foreign country or the subject matter in dispute is in a foreign country .

  9. 在教育体制的改革中,我国教育法律调整的社会关系发生了重大变化,迫切需要依法治教。

    In the educational system reforms , the socialistic relationship restructured by our educational laws have had significant changes and need urgently operate on education according to laws .