
zuò zhènɡ nénɡ lì
  • Ability to testify;competence to bear witness
  1. 用作证能力问题攻击你们。

    He comes at you on competency issues .

  2. 这种资格表明一个国家的法律用来承认或判断某人是否能成为诉讼中的证人的标准,我国刑事诉讼中的证人资格包括三个基本方面:独立性、知情性、作证能力。

    The qualifications of a witness in Chinese criminal proceedings include three basic respects : independence , full knowledge of the crime , and the ability of proving .

  3. 本文首先分析了研究未成年人作证能力和必要性,然后基于国内外的比较法考察,提出了我国未成年人作证能力的确认标准和审查程序,最后提出笔者的立法建议。

    This article analyzes the necessity of research , advances the affirming standard and examing procedure of competency of pupil witness , and also puts forward some legislative suggestions .

  4. 第三章主要分析了影响证人资格与作证能力的具体因素。主要就证人的年龄、智力和精神状态及道德品行进行了比较分析。

    The third chapter mainly analyzes the concrete factor to affect the witness ' qualification and the ability of testifying , mainly analyzes the witness 's age , the intelligence and the mental condition and the moral conduct .