
zuò yè yuán
  • operator
  1. 协助培训新的测试作业员和技术员。

    Assist on training new test operator and technician .

  2. 使用一批作业员来并行执行多个任务对CPU密集型任务也大有裨益。

    Utilizing a pool of workers to execute multiple tasks in parallel is also beneficial for CPU-bound tasks .

  3. 由于GPars将这些任务分配给了一批作业员,我现在可以并行执行我的所有搜索了(只要内存池足够大)。

    Because GPars gives these tasks to a pool of workers , I can now perform all of my searches in parallel ( provided the pool is large enough ) .

  4. 作业员能否正确处理材料以避免损坏和混料?

    Is the inspector handling the parts properly to avoid damage or mixing ?

  5. 那个作业员可望从上面接住那件货物。

    The workman will catch the package from above .

  6. 因此本研究即针对作业员人员小腿、足部不舒适的问题,分为两个阶段来探讨。

    Thus , this research proposed a serial studies on problems of uncomfortable lower extremities , and separated all process in two parts .

  7. 在新型大地天文测量系统的研制过程中,充分利用了现有新技术与新型仪器设备的特点,提高了系统的自动化程度,极大地降低了作业员的劳动强度。

    This new astronomical geodesy system makes the astronomical measurement very easy because of automation by the new technology and performances of the new instruments .

  8. 直接减轻了作业员,检验员,硬件维修人员工作量,从而大大提高了作业的效率。

    Comparing with past mechanical pedal switch system , the Hall element pedal switch system can increase the response speed of collecting data and greatly raise work efficiency .

  9. 再透过工作抽查,掌握作业员一天中从事各种作业的时间及行走步伐数。

    That could help to know well how much time do they spent and how many steps in all kinds of work types in their whole day working .

  10. 全面总结了生产部管理人员及作业员的培训课程,使生产部的培训工作具有很强的实用性和针对性。

    This paper summarized the training course for manager and worker of production department and made the training work of the production department have the very strong practicability and pertinency .

  11. 诺可夺冠为她带来可观的收益:10万泰铢,这相当于工厂作业员一年的收入,以及一辆本田汽车。

    Connaught won for her to bring in substantial revenue : 10 million baht , which is equivalent to the factory workers a year of income , as well as a Honda .

  12. 经过对大比例尺地形图数字化的精度分析,认为要素对象误差、作业员的作业误差、扫描图像纠正误差、原地形图的误差是地形图扫描矢量数字化的主要误差来源。

    The error sources of large scale scan vector digitization , which these authors consider , is basic essential object error , workers ' error , rectification error of scan image , and quondam relief map error .

  13. 但是,物流作业员将大批量的物料进出仓库时,很难对仓库中物料存放的位置进行定位,致使作业效率大大降低。

    However , working efficiency will be greatly reduced when large amount of materials need to be put in or get out of the warehouse . Such a reduction of the working efficiency results from the difficulties in locating the material storage position .

  14. 工厂应指派一名作业场地统筹员负责处理有关防火程序和紧急事故准备状态规划的事务。

    A site coordinator should have been designated to administer the fire prevention procedures and emergency preparedness plans .

  15. 科学日益参与法庭作业,而陪审员也期待科学证据能支持讼案。

    Science is finding its way into the courtroom more and more , and jurors have come to expect scientific evidence to back up a case .

  16. 合理的日计划机车周转图应尽可能满足列车工作计划,保证必要的机车技术作业时间、乘务员的正常作息时间以及按规定的检修时间。

    Reasonable daily shift locomotive working diagram should be as far as possible to meet the train working plan , ensure the technical operation time for locomotives , the normal work and rest time for attendants and specified repair time .