
  • 网络Media selection;media choice;choice of media
  1. 课程设计与媒体选择

    Course Design & Choice of Media by Applying the Theory of Transactional Distance

  2. 东南亚汉语教师远程教育教与学模式及媒体选择探索

    On the Pattern of Instructing and Learning and the Choice of Media of Distance Education for Chinese Teachers in Southeast Asia

  3. 广告媒体选择的DEA模型研究

    Research on the DEA Approach to the Advertising Media 's Choice

  4. 论文化协议对全球虚拟团队媒体选择的影响

    Studying the Effect of Cultural Protocols on Media Choice in GVT

  5. 房地产开发商广告媒体选择研究

    Study on the Selections of Advertisement Media of the Real Estate Developer

  6. 为什么媒体选择这个特定事件进行报道?

    Why has this media outlet chosen to report this particular story ?

  7. 这里得益与媒体选择,采购方式,与创意的配合。

    Benefit and media choice here , purchasing , and creative with .

  8. 面对挑战与冲击,传统媒体选择了不同的应对方式。

    Facing to challenge and impact , traditional media choose different ways .

  9. 小众传播时代的广告媒体选择

    Ad Media Choice in the Times of Minority Spread

  10. 远程教学中的媒体选择理论

    The The ory of Choosing Media in Distance Teaching

  11. 运用混合学习进行教学设计,需要分析学习者、学习内容、学习成本、媒体选择等主要因素。

    It need analyse learner , learning content , study cost , media choosing .

  12. 化妆品广告的网络媒体选择

    Media Carriers of Makeup 's Network Ads

  13. 形象策略重在树立西部航空形象,整合传播注重广告的价值和媒体选择;

    Image strategy can emphasize and promote Western Aviation by means of advertisements and multi-media .

  14. 广告媒体选择的定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis of Advertisement Medium Choosing

  15. 组织学习与媒体选择

    Organizational Learning and Media Choosing

  16. 教学媒体选择中的媒体价值观

    On Choice of Instructional Media

  17. 浅谈产品广告的媒体选择

    Media Choosing of Products Advertisement

  18. 网络广告媒体选择与运用网络广告存在的问题及对策研究

    Relationship between Network Advertisement Selection and Application Strategy The Existence Problems of Network Advertisement and Countermeasures ' Study

  19. 另一方面,在促进销售量增长的基础上,展开详细论述,分别从创意表现、媒体选择和市场营销组合几个方面进行分析。

    For another , the thesis goes deep into the analysis on originality , media , and marketing .

  20. 基于学习风格的高中英语教学媒体选择与运用研究

    A Study on the Choice and Application of English Instruction Media Based on Learning Styles in Senior High School

  21. 但我们都知道,那些日子已经过去,对于多种新媒体选择的闸门已经打开。

    But as we all know , those days are over and the flood gates have opened to a multitude of new media choices .

  22. 广告宣传应精心策划广告内容,注意广告媒体选择、媒体组合和选择合适的媒体时机决策;

    The advertisement propaganda should design the scheme elaborately , choose the media , media mix earnestly and grasp appropriate chance for media decision .

  23. 媒体选择的备份,以满足数据保护和恢复的需求:数据备份到磁带,磁盘或DVD/CD或媒体组合这些。

    Choice of backup media to meet data protection and recovery needs : Backup data to tape , disk or DVD / CD or a combination of these media .

  24. 规范功能是保证,因为它关系到作品质量和传播效果的问题。作品传播媒体选择初探

    Normal function is the guarantee because it is related to the quality of the quality of works . How to Choose the Mass Media to Disseminate the Books Effectively

  25. 第二部分是本研究的理论依据和原则,主要是针对教学设计中用到的相关理论进行了论述,并探讨了媒体选择及课件制作的相应原则。

    The second part is the academic basis and principle of this study , which mainly focuses on the relevant principle of the choice of multimedia and the making of courseware .

  26. 第一,制定了广告计划,对广告的目标、预算、媒体选择作出了具体的分析与决策,制定了具体计划及执行方案。

    First , the development of advertising plans , advertising objectives , budget , media choose to make a concrete analysis and decision-making , developed a specific plan and the implementation plan .

  27. 另外中美大学生的媒体选择情况也显示出了不同,美国学生较之中国学生,更容易选择电子邮件交流,而中国学生比美国学生电话交流得更多。

    Moreover , post hoc analyses reveal that American students will be likely to use E-mail more than Chinese students while Chinese students rate telephone as significantly more than American students do .

  28. 尽管他质疑通过社交媒体选择股票的方法,但博伦教授认为,整体的互联网情绪分析能产生重大收获,就像当年加州淘金热一样。

    Despite his doubts about social media stock picking , Prof Bollen believes broader Internet mood analysis could lead to something big , and likens the pursuit to the Californian gold rush .

  29. 教学设计阶段主要包括学习者的特征分析、教学内容分析、教学目标分析、教学策略分析、教学媒体选择,最终形成文字稿本;

    The instructional design stage includes : character analyses of each student , teaching content analyses , teaching aim analyses , teaching strategy analyses , teaching media choice and producing the final written manuscript .

  30. 从人机交互界面的风格设计、布局分析,媒体选择、操作设计等几方面进行了初步探讨。从用户的角度出发,在满足功能需求的情况下着重实现了界面的友好性和易操作性。

    The style design , layout analysis , medias selection and control design of the interface are discussed , which is focused in the amiability and the facility by considering the request of the user .