
méi tǐ shí yàn shì
  • Media Lab
  1. 伊藤穰一,麻省理工学院大学媒体实验室(MITMediaLab)董事

    Joi ITO , director of MIT Media Lab

  2. 这一切始于我加入的由MIT媒体实验室在2014年设立的名叫大壶马拉松的创新研讨会,

    It all started when I joined an innovation workshop by MIT Media Lab in 2014 called the Kumbhathon

  3. 据美国麻省理工学院媒体实验室(MITMediaLab)发布的一份报告,“在拥堵严重的都市地区,约有40%的汽油浪费在了驾车族寻找车位的过程中。”

    A report published by the MIT Media Lab States , " in congested urban areas , about 40 % of total gasoline use is in cars looking for parking . "

  4. 使用这些文字命令块来简化编程的逻辑,这很大程度上源于麻省理工学院媒体实验室(MassachusettsInstituteofTechnologyMediaLab)的研究成果。这个实验室2007年引入了视觉编程语言Scratch。

    The use of these word-command blocks to simplify coding logic stems largely from the work of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab , which introduced a visual programming language called Scratch in 2007 .

  5. 皇后大学人类媒体实验室主管洛尔·维特加尔解释道,ReFlex的运行原理与之相似。

    ReFlex works on a similar principle , explains Roel Vertegaal , director of the Human Media Lab at Queen 's University , where the phone was created .

  6. 这种膝上型电脑最初由麻省理工学院(MIT)媒体实验室的全体成员在非盈利组织“每个儿童一台膝上型电脑”中提出。

    The laptop was first proposed by faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) Media Lab under the non-profit organization , One Laptop Per Child .

  7. 麻省理工学院(MIT)的媒体实验室中停放着一辆小型车,它看起来就像《摩登家庭》中的智能车。

    A small vehicle that looks like a Jetsons version of a smart car rests in a room at MIT 's Media Lab. Here 's how it works .

  8. MIT媒体实验室皮卡德(R.W.Picard)认为,情感是人类信息交流中自然和社会的部分,人们在与计算机进行交互时会很自然的用到情感。

    Professor Picard in MIT Media Lab emphasized that the emotion is a natural part of society , the people will use a very natural emotion when they interact with computers .

  9. 麻省理工学院媒体实验室(MITMediaLab)的安德鲁眠荭德(AndrewHeyward)表示,如今政治人士的社交媒体战略和品牌很像,这就是为什么共和党人唐纳德礠朗普(DonaldTrump)成为遥遥领先的最成功的总统候选人。

    Andrew Heyward , of the MIT Media Lab , says politicians " social media strategies now resemble those of brands , with Republican Donald Trump by far the most successful presidential candidate .

  10. OLPC是美国的一个非盈利电脑组织,由麻省理工学院媒体实验室主任尼古拉斯•尼葛洛庞帝教授发起。

    OLPC is a non-profit computer organization of American , By the Massachusetts institute of technology 's media lab of professor Nicholas negroponte launched .

  11. 麻省理工学院媒体实验室还开展了名为CityHome的智能家居项目。

    MIT 's Media Lab is also working on what it dubs the CityHome .

  12. 在麻省理工媒体实验室,XavierBenavides和他的团队在两层海绵鞋垫间缝入了一个陀螺仪和加速计。

    Xavier Benavides and his team at the MIT Media Lab sewed a gyroscope and accelerometer between two layers of spongy insole .

  13. 为了探讨虚拟3D立体声技术在实践中的应用,依据人体头部相关传递函数(HRTF)的原理,采用美国MIT媒体实验室测得的KEMAR假人头HRTF数据,利用多媒体计算机合成了两通道虚拟3D立体声。

    Virtual 3D sound is achieved based on the principle of head related transfer function ( HRTF ) to advance the practical development of virtual 3D sound . The raw data of HRTF are offered by MIT Media Lab and multi media computers are used for computing .

  14. 在阿斯彭理念节(AspenIdeasfestival)上,我听到了来自麻省理工学院(MIT)媒体实验室主管伊藤穰一(JoiIto)的精彩演讲:源于建筑系的这项倡议,旨在力推不同类型的研究人员和创业者相互切磋。

    At the Aspen Ideas festival , I listened to fascinating presentations from Joi Ito , head of the MIT Media Lab : this initiative , which grew out of the architecture department , aims to force different types of researchers and entrepreneurs to collide with each other .

  15. 我们在媒体实验室研发这种

    We 've been developing at the Media Lab this little

  16. 麻省理工的媒体实验室正忙于研究能更像人类那样互动的机器人。

    MIT 's media lab is working on robots that can interact more like humans .

  17. 媒体实验室的远程集中控制管理

    Long-Distance Management in Media Labs

  18. 这款眼镜由麻省理工学院媒体实验室研制,目前仍处于研发阶段。

    The glasses are currently under development by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 's Media Lab.

  19. 在我麻省理工学院的研究室--就是现在看到的,那是在媒体实验室里

    In my lab , which we 're peering into now , at MIT -- this is at the media lab.

  20. 但上个月,麻省理工学院媒体实验室的研究人员获得了沃达丰美洲基金无线创新项目的一等奖。

    But last month the researchers from the MIT Media Lab won first prize in the Vodafone Americas Foundation Wireless Innovation Project .

  21. 据马萨诸塞州剑桥市的麻省理工媒体实验室的研究小组说,这个主意可以使打电话更有趣。

    According to a research team at the MIT Media Lab in Cambridge . Massachusetts , the idea will make phoning more fun .

  22. 这个机器人是麻省理工大学媒体实验室和波士顿儿童医院合作研发,后者投资了50万美元用于研究社交机器人。

    The robots a collaboration between MITs Media Lab and Boston Childrens Hospital , which has invested half a million bucks to research social robots .

  23. 这个机器人是麻省理工大学媒体实验室和波士顿儿童医院合作研发,投资50万美元的研究型社交机器人。

    The robot 's a collaboration between MIT 's Media Lab and Boston Children 's Hospital , which has invested half a million bucks to research social robots 。

  24. 媒体实验室有许多有极富创意的人材(有些是尖端使用者),这些人因兴趣及需要,建立了许多构想及具潜力的产品原型。

    The Media Lab houses very creative people ( some of them leading-edge users ) who build prototypes of new ideas and potential products based upon their own interests and needs .

  25. 在学期末,这些学生修习本课程的成果发表于麻省理工媒体实验室举办的一场名为「十一」的成果展中。

    The work by the students from this class was put on display in an exhibition entitled " eleven " in the MIT Media Lab at the end of the semester .

  26. 我摆放媒体实验室时了解到的未来之书确实是一本书,就像《晚安,月亮》、《遗失的天堂》和《圣经》一样。

    The book of the future described to me on a visit to Media Lab is really a book , just like " Goodnight Moon "," Paradise Lost " or the Bible .

  27. 在期末专题中,学生将开发新的专题讨论(运用媒体实验室技术),反覆讨论和改进,分析其参与者是如何学习的,他们又学到了些什麽。

    As a final project , students will develop new workshops ( using Media Lab technologies ), iteratively run and refine the workshops , and analyze how and what the workshop participants learn .

  28. 周二,在麻省理工学院的媒体实验室时,他说,价格应该是没有问题的,因为整个设备,屏幕及其它所有配件,将由塑料制成。

    Speaking at MIT 's Media Lab on Tuesday he said that the price point should be no problem because the whole device , screen and all , will be made from plastic .

  29. 在这堂课中,我们将依据麻省理工学院媒体实验室的格言:“展示,或者让它死亡”,或者另外一种说法:“想像、了解,然后评论”。

    " In this class we will live by the MIT Media Lab motto " demo or die . " Or , to be a little more nuanced ," imagine , realize , and critique .

  30. 然而,爱特信公司22.5万美元的创建费就来自麻省理工学院教授们的风险基金,其中包括麻省理工学院媒体实验室创始人、《连结》杂志的创办人之一尼可拉斯·尼葛罗庞帝。

    ITC , however , was set up with $ 225000 in seed money from MIT professors , including Nicholas Negro Ponte , founding director of the MIT Media Laboratory and co-founder of Wired magazine .