
shù zì tú shū ɡuǎn
  • digital library
  1. 谈Web服务在数字图书馆信息资源共享中的应用

    Application of Web Service in Sharing Information Resources of Digital Library

  2. 数字图书馆采用Web技术对外提供服务,用户可通过任何一台接入互联网的计算机进行访问。

    Users can access the digital library with computers connected to the Internet .

  3. 这个组织意在开启人们对数字图书馆的意识,分享能够使数字图书馆增值的最新的工具、服务和资源,提升用户体验,并促进相关人员的职业发展和学习活动。

    The mission of this NGO is to create awareness and share the latest tools , services and resources that add value to digital libraries , enrich user experiences and enhance associated people 's career development and learning activities .

  4. 语义Web与数字图书馆

    Semantic Web and Digital Library

  5. 数字图书馆中XML元数据的存储模式及其优化

    The Storage Optimization of XML Metadata in Digital Library

  6. 基于XML的数字图书馆技术体系结构研究

    The Technical Infrastructure of Digit Library Based on XML

  7. DC元数据在国内的应用及思考DC元数据在数字图书馆中的应用

    Application of Dublin Core Metadata in China Application of DC metadata in digital libraries

  8. XML与数字图书馆

    The XML and digital libraries

  9. E时代的精神家园&个人数字图书馆

    E-era 's Spirit Eden-Personal Digital Library

  10. 数字图书馆与存储区域网络(SAN)

    The Digital Library and Storage Area Network ( SAN )

  11. WEB方式MARC数字图书馆探讨

    The discussion of MARC digital library on WEB

  12. 低成本David的数字图书馆协议

    Lower Cost David 's Digital Library Protocol

  13. 数字图书馆系统中基于Ontology的用户偏好模型

    Ontology-Based Preference Model in Digital Library

  14. 数字图书馆电子商务服务SWOT分析与发展策略

    Digital Library Electronic-commerce Service SWOT Analysis and Developing Devices Discussion

  15. 本文简要论述了SOA的概念、特征、优点、不足及其在数字图书馆中的应用。

    This text briefly discussed the SOA concept , characteristic , advantage , shortage and its application in digital library .

  16. 基于J2EE规范的数字图书馆示范模型的设计与实现(下)&关键技术分析

    Design and Realization of an Example Model of Digital Library Based on J2EE Specifications (ⅱ) & Key Technology Analysis

  17. 数字图书馆中RSS阅读器的设计

    Design of RSS Reader in Digital Library

  18. 视频数据的日益增加,应用也越来越广泛。现在,在数字图书馆、军事信息系统、Web信息环境、专业视频库等应用,需要对视频数据和视频信息进行组织和管理。

    At present , we need to organize and manage video data and information in many fields , such as digital library , military information system , Web information system and video database etc.

  19. 基于RDF的数字图书馆内容管理

    RDF-Based Digital Library Content Management

  20. CALIS成员馆数字图书馆建设现状调查

    Current Status of Digital Library Construction in CALIS Member Libraries

  21. UML中最重要的是Usecase建模,文章围绕高校数字图书馆系统对利用将Usecase模型分为企业模型和系统模型来建立数字图书馆系统Usecase模型做了详细的描述。

    Use Case Model is the most important model in UML . This paper discusses a particular application of using Enterprise Use Case model and System Use Case model to build Use Case model in digital library system .

  22. 清华同方数字图书馆TPI系统在厦门图书馆中的应用

    Application of Tsinghua Tongfang Digital Library TPI System in Xiamen Municipal Library

  23. 随着互联网的不断发展,XML数据目前已被广泛应用到数字图书馆以及各种大型数据库中,因此MARK数据转化为XML数据成为研究的热点。

    With the development of Internet , XML data model has been widely applied to digital libraries and large databases . Therefore , transforming MARK data into XML data is becoming more and more important .

  24. 基于可扩展OAI的开放数字图书馆的服务协议&ODL协议研究

    Extensible OAI-based Open Digital library Protocol & ODL protocol research

  25. 本文简单地阐述了E-Learning的定义和特征,并重点分析了作为一种全新的学习方式的E-Learning与数字图书馆之间的关系。

    This paper elaborates definition and feature of E-Learning , and especially analyzes the relationship between E-Learning and digital library as a new study approach .

  26. MyOpenDL:一个基于OAI的个人数字图书馆

    MyOpenDL : An OAI-based Personal Digital Library

  27. SPIE数字图书馆及其检索

    SPIE Digital Library and Its Retrieval Method

  28. 高校通过加入中国高等教育文献保障系统(CALIS)项目,实施校内数字图书馆建设,不断建设精品课程,提高高校教育教学质量。

    University should join the ChinaAcademic Library & Information System ( CALIS ), and build digital library in school , and build best courses constantly , we will improve the quality of teaching .

  29. 为了解决传统数字图书馆系统存在的问题,DLMS系统采用了如下的方案:提供了动态配置系统服务功能和数字对象管理服务以保证系统的通用性。

    DLMS utilizes the following techniques to achieve this design goal : ( 1 ) Providing dynamic configuration service and digital object management service to guarantee the universality .

  30. 文章主要阐述了CALIS在现代信息技术、信息资源共享、文献传递服务、联合编目以及全文数据库信息等方面所具有的优势,及其对高校数字图书馆网络化发展模式所发挥的积极推动作用。

    This paper mainly describes the advantages of CALIS in modern IT , mutually shared information resources , documents transmission services , united cataloguing and information in data base etc and its active role in pushing the development of the network of college digital library .