
  • 网络Wireless Charger
  1. 从OnLeaks公布的泄露示意图来看,下一代iPhone将会具备无线充电技术。

    The phone 's schematics , leaked via @ OnLeaks show that the next iPhone could feature wireless charging .

  2. 苹果的这份新专利申请让人想起创业公司WiTricity,后者在2009年的科技娱乐与设计(TED)大会上首次发布了无线充电技术。

    The new patent links Apple to startup company WiTricity , which first debuted its wireless-charging technology at the2009 Technology Entertainment and Design Conference .

  3. 两大行业组织PMA和A4WP都认为,磁共振很有可能将成为无线充电技术的第二代标准,因为磁共振可以传输更多的电力,足以为厨房用具等用电量更大的设备充电。

    Both industry groups look to magnetic resonance technology as the likely second-generation standard for wireless charging , thanks to its ability to transfer larger quantities of energy and therefore support larger devices such as kitchen appliances .

  4. 其他从事无线充电技术研究的公司还有很多。据市调机构IHS科技公司的数据预测,全球无线充电市场的规模有望从2013年的2.16亿美元飙升至2018年的85亿美元。

    The list goes on . The wireless power market is expected to explode from a $ 216 million in 2013 to $ 8.5 billion in 2018 globally , according to IHS Technology , a market research firm .

  5. 英特尔和鸿海/富士康集团将无线充电技术视为笔记本和手机等电子设备的杀手级应用。它们在几周前投资了WiTricity公司。

    In recent weeks , Intel and Hon Hai / Foxconn , seeing wireless charging as a possible killer app for electronic devices such as laptops and cellphones , invested in WiTricity .

  6. 无线充电技术不仅在民用领域崭露头角,在其他领域也大放异彩。

    The technology has applications outside the consumer sphere as well .

  7. 无线充电技术标准化具有重要的意义。

    The standardization of wireless charging techniques has great significance .

  8. 直到那时,我们才将真正见证无线充电技术的潜力。

    Only then will we see what wireless charging is capable of .

  9. 无线充电技术也成为一大亮点。

    Wireless charging technology is seen as a highlight .

  10. 第五章关于无线充电技术未来的展望。

    Chapter V concentrates on the expectation for future techniques of wireless charging .

  11. 苹果目前未参与任何联盟,而是自行提交了无线充电技术专利申请。

    Apple is unattached , but has filed its own wireless power patents .

  12. 可如果使用无线充电技术的话,这个问题就会迎刃而解。

    But the problem will be readily resolved with the use of wireless charging .

  13. 其中本文重点研究了以电磁感应为方式的无线充电技术的原理和基本实现方案。

    Mainly discussed the principle and solution of wireless charging which based upon electromagnetic induction .

  14. 超声波是唯一一种能够用于消费电子产品的具有商用前景的无线充电技术。

    Ultrasonic is the only type of energy that can be commercialized for consumer devices .

  15. 目前有三种基本的无线充电技术:无线电充电、共振充电和感应充电。

    There are three basic technologies for wireless charging : radio charging , resonant charging and induction charging .

  16. 无线充电技术成为主流看起来已经没有悬念,只是个时间问题了。

    It now seems to be a matter of when , rather than if , wireless charging enters the mainstream .

  17. 日前,一张新的泄露图重新确认了这款设备将会加入一项我们所期待的内容--iPhone8可能会用上无线充电技术。

    A new leak reiterates what we already expect to be packed into the device - the iPhone 8 could feature wireless charging .

  18. 目前,无线充电技术的标准大战还在继续,无线充电技术本身也仍然是个新鲜事物,但这种局面不会永远持续下去。

    For now , the wireless charging standards war rages on , and the technology remains a novelty at best . But it can 't go on forever .

  19. 这两大标准基本上使用的是相同的技术,但技术规格不同,导致企业在产品中嵌入无线充电技术时往往会因为标准问题伤脑筋。

    The two standards use what is essentially the same technology but apply it with different specifications , creating problems for the companies that must embed the technology in their products .

  20. 富士通公司在大阪府立大学电子信息通讯学会的会议上推出这一原理系统。该公司称,电动汽车的使用者未来也可以利用这种无线充电技术为汽车充电。

    Electric cars users may also eventually be able to charge their vehicles wirelessly using the same technology , said the company , which unveiled a prototype system at the Institute of Electronics , Information and Communication Engineers conference at Osaka Prefecture University .

  21. 我了解到,超声波是唯一一种能够提供我们想要的无线充电体验的技术。

    And I learned that ultrasound was the only type of technology that would work for the experience we are trying to give , which is the Wi-Fi for charging .

  22. 无线充电作为一种技术门类,当然肯定已经有人尝试过了,而且是被很多人使用很多不同的技术尝试过了。

    Wireless charging as a category absolutely has been tried before and is being done by multiple parties using different technologies .

  23. 无线设备供应商之间的激烈烈竞争也加速了无线充电技术的引入。

    Fierce competition between manufacturers of mobile devices is also accelerating the introduction of wireless charging .