
  1. 采用四种方法(DSC法、压片法、热膨胀法、挤出法)研究了聚苯乙烯和聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯类无定形高聚物的液-液转变温度。

    Four methods ( DSC , compression molding , thermal expansion , extrudate swell ) are used to observe the liquid-liquid transition temperature of polystyrene and poly ( methyl-methacrylate ) .

  2. 无定形高聚物熔体液-液转变研究

    Liquid-liquid transitions of amorphous polymers

  3. 基于描述高温下金属行为的方法并经过修改状态变量本构方程,本研究提出一个无定形高聚物的粘塑性行为的模型。

    In this study , a modelization of the viscoplastic behaviour of amorphous polymers is proposed , from an approach originally developed for metals behaviour at high temperature , in which state variable constitutive equations have been modified .

  4. 数值算法表明该模型能较好预示屈服后的本征软化以及随之而产生的渐进定向硬化,尤其是对无定形玻璃态高聚物。

    The numerical algorithm shows that the predictions of this model well describe the intrinsic softening upon yield threshold and the subsequent progressive orientational hardening typical for amorphous glassy polymers .