
  • 网络Digital Media Technology
  1. 随着数字媒体技术与Internet技术发展迅速,多媒体数据的数字化给多媒体信息的传播和处理带来了极大的便利,并极大的提高了信息表达的准确性和效率。

    With the digital media technology and the rapid development of Internet technology , Digitized multimedia data facilitate the distribution and processing of multimedia information and enhance the accuracy and efficiency of information presentation .

  2. 数字媒体技术在三峡考古成果展示中的应用研究

    Research on Application of Digital Media Technology in the Demonstration of Three Gorges Archaeological Relics

  3. 随着数字媒体技术的飞速发展和VCD机的普及,VCD光盘的制作也越来越引起人们的重视。

    With digital media development and popularization of VCD machine at full speed of technology , the making of the VCD disc causes people 's attention more and more .

  4. 浅谈数字媒体技术专业应用型本科人才的培养

    Analysis of Digital Media Technological " Application-type " talents Training

  5. 复合型数字媒体技术专业人才培养探讨

    On the Education of Multi-Digital Media Technology Specialty Talents

  6. 计算机图形学是虚拟现实与数字媒体技术的核心。

    Computer Graphics is the core of the Virtual Reality and Digital Media .

  7. 几乎在同一期间,硅谷也让数字媒体技术做到了这一点。

    Silicon Valley , almost contemporaneously , has done the same for digital media technologies .

  8. 目前,数字媒体技术在智能终端的应用也越来越广泛。

    At present , digital media technology is applied in intelligent terminals on an increasingly wider scale .

  9. 数字媒体技术将文字与动画、声音、形态色彩等整合一体。

    Digital media technology will be combination of text and color , animations , sounds , forms one .

  10. 况且数字媒体技术仍在处于一个发展中的状态,应该有一个与时俱进的态度来看待。

    Moreover , digital media technology is in the state of development , there should be a keep with the times attitude towards it .

  11. 随着网络技术和数字媒体技术的持续发展,家庭信息化智能化设备逐渐走进人们的生活。

    With the continuous development of network and digital media technology , the informationized and intelligentized home products have gradually come into our lives .

  12. 随着各种数字媒体技术日渐发展,各种先进的媒体采集设备得到普及。

    Owing to the rapid development of digital media technology , advanced media capture devices have become more and more popular in daily life .

  13. 网络媒体为主、数字媒体技术作为基础的新媒体已经在媒体传播的各个方面,表现出与传统媒体分庭抗礼的态势。

    With Internet media as its main form , new media based on digital media technology has shown the competitive trend with traditional media in all aspects .

  14. 利用现代数字媒体技术,使中华武术以更好的形式向人们展示,并提供给人们学习是继承、发扬和传播传统文化的重要方式。

    Using the modern digital media technology , the Chinese martial arts have become an important mode of transmission of the Chinese traditional culture by better media .

  15. 信息与数字媒体技术不断发展的同时,在场馆展示、展览领域数字媒体动画平台也正越来越成为发展的主流趋势。

    The information and digital media technology is in its continuous development , meanwhile the platform for digital media animation in venues or exhibitions is becoming the increasing mainstream .

  16. 由于数字媒体技术的推进,计算机三维图形学技术得到了长足的发展,它是现代计算机科学中最为活跃的领域之一。

    Due to the boosting of the Digital Media Technology , 3D Graphics Technology has fully developed . It is one of the most active fields in the computer science .

  17. 随着数字媒体技术的发展,数字革命的浪潮给媒介带来全新的发展,新的媒介形式不断涌现。

    With the development of digital media technology , the wave of the digital revolution to the media to bring about a new development , new media forms continue to emerge .

  18. 随着计算、通信和数字媒体技术的发展和渗透,以及嵌入式计算和通信设备的快速兴起,一种全新的计算模式普适计算正在兴起和发展。

    With the development and interpenetration of computation , communication and digital media , and the flourish of embedded computation and communication appliance , a novel type of computation mode pervasive / ubiquitous computing is booming .

  19. 未来数字媒体技术的发展重在智能化、多样化,实行有效管理必须从采集、传递、储存、加工、维护和使用等方面加以考虑。

    To be considered in the future development of digital media technology focuses on intelligent , diverse , efficient management must proceed from the collection , transmission , storage , processing , maintenance and use of such areas .

  20. 随着数字媒体技术、信息技术的发展,网络、手机、微博、博客等新兴媒体纷纷出现,在社会宏观和微观方面均带来巨大变革。

    With development of the digital media technology and the information technology , network , mobile phone , micro-blog , blogs and other new media appear , which bring great changes in the social macroscopic and microscopic aspects .

  21. 在应用数字媒体技术的过程中,研究可以降低制作和传输中的信号损耗,和提高影视节目的质量、品质等内容。

    In the course of media of Applied Digital , the signal in can reduce and make , and transmit to study losses , with improve the contents , such as program quality of movie & TV , quality , etc. .

  22. 在数字媒体技术的推动下,信息资源呈现出海量性、信息准入门槛低、信息服务个性化、多媒体融合趋势明显,一个全新的媒体环境应运而生。

    Thanks to the digital media technology , a new media environment emerges as the times require , in which there are vast amount of information , lower access to the information threshold , personalized information services , the clear trend of multimedia convergence .

  23. 传统的媒体制作技术也逐渐被新的数字媒体制作技术取代。

    Traditional method of media production is gradually taken place by new method based on digital technology .

  24. 数字图书馆中流媒体技术的研究与应用

    Research on Streaming Media Technology and Its Application to Digital Library

  25. 一种新型数字媒体版权保护技术&数字水印

    New Copyright Protection Techniques for Digital Products ─ Watermarking

  26. 随着数字媒体和网络技术的发展,数字水印技术开始逐渐显现。

    With the development of the digital media and internet , a new technic named Digital Watermark emerges .

  27. 随着数字媒体信息处理技术的发展和应用领域的拓展,作者的版权保护问题变得越来越重要。

    With the development of digital media information processing technology and the expansion of applications , the issues of author copyright protection become more and more important .

  28. 数字时代新媒体技术为平面设计打开了通往新世界的大门,传统吉祥纹样的本土生存环境也在不断的变化,如仍旧保留传统的图形样式,会阻碍纹样设计的发展。

    In the digital age , the local market of the traditional auspicious patterns is also engaged in a corresponding change , if the graphics are still maintaining the traditional style , will hinder patterns in modern design .

  29. 数字媒体的新互联技术

    A New Interconnection Technology of Digital Media

  30. 概括的讲,数字新媒体艺术就是技术与艺术相结合制作出含有美感的数字作品的艺术。

    In general , digital new media art is the aesthetic feeling number containing art that has been produced through the combination of technology and art .