
  • 网络Digital Publishing;digital publish;e-publishing
  1. 如今数字出版业迅猛发展。

    The digital publishing industry is booming nowadays .

  2. 使用数字出版套间更容易的创建Android平台的杂志内容。

    Major publishers using Digital Publishing Suite are on board to create and distribute content using Content Viewer for Android .

  3. 所以我对iPad保持欢迎和赞许的态度,至少我们可以一同为繁荣壮大数字出版业出力。

    So we actually welcome the iPad & we think it s going to be a joint force with us in creating a stronger digital publishing industry .

  4. Inkling数字出版公司首席执行官马特o麦金尼斯对征收食物税的想法非常不满。

    The idea of a food tax rankles Matt MacInnis , CEO of the digital publishing startup Inkling .

  5. 今年春天,畅销小说作家瓦利·兰姆(WallyLamb)将出版新小说《我会带你去那儿》(I’llTakeYouThere),通过数字出版公司Metabook,只以手机应用形式发行。

    This spring , the best-selling novelist Wally Lamb will publish a new novel , " I 'll Take You There , " exclusively as an app via the digital publishing company Metabook .

  6. 中国音像与数字出版协会游戏出版工作委员会近日发布声明称,国家新闻出版广电总局密切关注《精灵宝可梦Go》手机游戏以及相关技术。

    According to a statement released by the Game Publication Committee under the China Audio-Video and Digital Publishing Association , the State Administration of Press Publication , Radio , Film and Television ( SAPPRFT ) has paid close attention to the Pokemon Go mobile game and related technology .

  7. GPO与FDLP在数字出版时代的发展模式

    The Development Model of GPO and FDLP

  8. 不过,潘多尔菲提醒出版商要防止多媒体特征倾销到数字出版。“它可能很难将MP3和多媒体联系应用到设计中并且使他们流畅。”

    Still , Pandolfi warns publishers against just dumping multimedia features into the digital edition . 'It can be hard to tie MP3s and multimedia into the design and make them fluid ," he added . "

  9. 基于知识元的内容组织对数字出版的启示

    Enlightenment of Content Organization Based on Knowledge Cell to Digital Publishing

  10. 基于数字出版的科学交流系统成本收益模型

    A Cost-effective Model of Scientific Communication System Based on Digital Publishing

  11. 数字出版已经成为出版业的发展趋势。

    Digital publishing has increasingly become the main trend in publishing industry .

  12. 试论图书馆在数字出版产业链中的地位和作用

    The Position and Functions of Libraries in E-publishing Industrial Chain

  13. 实际上,数字出版给作者带来的利润率也更高。

    The margins are actually better for writers as well .

  14. 基于业务流程再造理论的数字出版模式创新

    Innovated model of digital publishing based on business process reengineering

  15. 甘肃省数字出版业务发展现状及对策研究

    The Current Situation and Countermeasures of Digital Publishing Industry in Gansu Province

  16. 他的研究兴趣包括数字出版和图书的发展未来。

    His research interests include digital publishing and the future of the book .

  17. 数字出版产业一直是技术服务商占据中心地位,近年来,数字出版已呈现群雄逐鹿的局面。

    Digital publishing industry has taken a central role in technical service providers .

  18. 如今数字出版技术的出现,必将给出版业带来又一轮变革。

    Nowadays , the digital publishing technologies will bring another change to publishing .

  19. 面向跨媒体数字出版的可变数据印刷研究

    Research on Variable Data Printing for Cross-media Digital Publishing

  20. 传统出版业的现代化之路&数字出版与传统出版的结合

    Modernization of Traditional Publishing Industry & Combination of Digital Publishing and Traditional Publishing

  21. 中国精品学术期刊数字出版平台刍议

    A Proposal to Build a Digital Publishing Platform for Chinese Premium Academic Journals

  22. 重庆市图书出版单位数字出版现状及发展对策研究

    Study on Book Publishers Company of Chongqing Improve Digital Publishing Current Situation and Strategy

  23. 数字出版业务已成爱思唯尔的主要收入来源之一。

    Digital publication has become one of the main sources for Elsevier 's income .

  24. 最终给出一套量化的数字出版水印评价标准结果。

    Finally gives a quantitative digital watermark publishing the results of the evaluation criteria .

  25. 数字出版&高校期刊发展面临的新课题

    Digital publication & A new issue for journal development of institutions of higher education

  26. 北京数字出版信息中心结构设计

    Structural Design of Beijing Statistic Publication Information Centre

  27. 这并不等于他们牢牢控制了数字出版。

    It is not as if they have some iron grip over digital distribution .

  28. 在全球范围内,数字出版产业如火如荼。

    Digital publishing industry is developing worldwide .

  29. 新闻出版十二五规划把数字出版作为战略性新兴产业。

    Digital publishing as a strategic emerging industries had been included in the new plan .

  30. 而与此同时,数字出版业务则应运而生。

    Meanwhile , digital publishing has emerged .