
ɡǔ wén zì xué
  • paleography
古文字学 [gǔ wén zì xué]
  • (1) [palaeography] 又称古学。后世称为小学

  • (2) 研究古代文字的产生、发展、演变等规律及其释义诠注的一门科学

  • (3) 对于古代书写方式(包括碑铭文)的研究;对古代作品的辨认和鉴定(如根据其词源或时期)

  1. 三位教授都是多年研究古文字学的业界元老。

    All the three professors have been immerged in the study of paleography for years .

  2. 这次讲座,贯通了古文字学和建筑学的关系,打开了新的设计思路。

    This lecture linked up paleography with architecture and , brought forward a new perspective for design .

  3. 课程包括拉丁语、古文字学和那些时期的历史文学。

    Courses include Latin , paleography , as well as courses in the history and literature of these periods .

  4. 其理论研究和学术实践,不仅奠定了科学古文字学的基础,也开启了古文字研究的新风气。

    His fundamental research and academic practice not only have laid the foundation of ancient philology , also open the new atmosphere of ancient philology .

  5. 本文同时引用了年代学、历史文献学、古文字学、科技检测分析等相关学科的研究成果。

    Although this is an archaeological research , we also cite some research results of other subjects such as Chronology , Historical Literature , and Paleography .

  6. 理论研究一直是古文字学研究的一个薄弱环节,希望本文的研究能在一定程度上弥补这一缺限,为古文字学理论研究做出一定的贡献。

    We hope that this paper may compensate for the limits to a certain extent and make some contributions to the theoretical study of Pre-Qin Chinese characters .

  7. 这一论点为后来成为古文字学重要分支的战国文字研究奠定了基础。

    This argument has established the foundation for the research of Warring States characters , which becomes an important branch of the subject of ancient characters research later .

  8. 他在经学、史学、古文字学、目录版本学、训诂学、辩伪学、校勘学等方面的研究均有重大的成就,是一位具有国际影响的著名汉学学者。

    As a world famous Chinese scholar , Mr Qu made great achievements in the study of Confucian classics , history , paleography , catalog edition study , critical interpretation of ancient texts , textual criticism study , ect .

  9. 本文简要回顾了古文字尤其是战国玺印文字研究的历史和现状,从古文字构形学的角度,研究了战国玺印文字形体的演变规律。

    This dissertation briefly reviews the historical and current researches about ancient Chinese characters , especially characters on ancient seals made in the Warring States Period , and studies the patterns of structure evolution of these characters from the perspective of the morphology of ancient characters .