
  1. 我国森林资源化学利用的发展前景

    Prospects of chemical utilization of forest resources in China

  2. 海洋资源化学中的某些新概念

    Some new concepts in the marine resource chemistry

  3. 青海矿产饲料资源化学元素含量及其评价

    The Contents and Evaluation of Chemical Clements in Mineral Products Forage Resource in Qinghai

  4. 天然药物资源化学立足于资源的开发利用。

    Resources Chemistry of Natural Medicines is established in developing and utilizing of natural resources .

  5. 森林资源化学利用是我国森林资源高效和持续利用的一个重要方面。

    Chemical utilization of forest resources is one of the important fields of effective and sustainable utilization of forest resources .

  6. 在实施知识创新工程中,形成了资源化学、新材料和化学生物学三大学科领域。

    LICP has formed three major research areas in resource chemistry , new materials and chemical biology with the implementation of the knowledge innovation projects .

  7. 首次建议用“生物资源化学”作为这一领域的一个独立学科。并对今后的发展作了预测。

    Concept of Bio resources chemistry weS proposed first time , which was definitive as the subject that contains Studies of chemical constituent and application of Bio resources .

  8. 3-天然产物特别是天然药物的开发将进一步得到人们重视,而成为森林资源化学利用的新领域;

    Great attention will be paid to the development of natural products , especially natural medicine from forest which will be a new important field of chemical utilization of forest resources .

  9. 本文从成盐元素与生命科学,与能源和材料科学,盐溶液化学和盐湖资源化学等方面对盐湖化学的前沿进行了探讨。

    In this paper , some important subjects and developing aspects , such as the salt-formation elements and life science , the salt-formation elements and their compounds , the salt solution chemistry , and the resource chemistry of salt lake etc. , have been discussed in detail .

  10. 海洋资源的化学XX盐化工废弃物高低温盐有效利用的研究

    Chemistry of marine resources & xx studies on effective utilization of high and low temperature salt discarded materials from salt chemical industry

  11. 目前Internet上的化学信息主要包括各种化学数据库、化学专利、网络版期刊杂志、网络会议与教育、CAI资源、化学软件等等丰富的内容。

    At present , chemical information in the Internet comprises various chemical databases , chemical patents , network periodicals , net meetings , network education , CAI resource , chemical software and so on .

  12. 海洋资源的化学&ⅧTHN对海水体系中钾离子的富集性能

    Chemistry of marine resources VIII . The enrichment behaviour for potassium of thn in seawater system

  13. 植物资源与化学数据库系统(DPRC)的功能与应用

    The function and application of the Database of Plant Resources and Chemistry

  14. 矿产资源地球化学评价和预测的几个问题

    On some problems about mineral resource geochemical assessment and prospecting prediction

  15. 我国富产植物资源山苍子化学利用进展

    The Chemical Application Progresses of Abundant Litsea Cubeba Plant Resources in China

  16. 依托本土特色资源进行化学校本课程开发的研究

    Reserch on the Development of School-based Chemistry Curriculum Rely on Regional Resource

  17. 利用化学网络教育资源开展化学研究性学习

    Carrying out Chemistry Research Learning by Means of Chemistry Educational Resources on the Net

  18. 冬凌草的植物资源、化学和抗癌活性成分的研究

    He studies on the plant resource , chemical and antitumor constituents of Isodon rubescens

  19. 我国资源植物化学与天然产物化学基础研究的现状与发展

    The status and development of basic research on phytochemistry and natural product chemistry in China

  20. 森林沼泽区矿产资源地球化学勘查

    Geochemical mineral exploration in forest-swamp areas

  21. 海洋资源的化学XIV.CDAH2&甲醛树脂的合成及其在地下盐水和天然海水中对钾离子的吸着性能

    CHEMISTRY OF MARINE RESOURCES ⅹⅰⅴ . Synthesis of CDAH_2-formaldehyde resin and its adsorption of potassium ion in seawater and groundwater of Laixi saltern

  22. 对黄姜种质资源、化学成分及组织培养研究概况进行了综述。

    In this paper , the present situation of studies on germ plasm resources , chemical compositions and tissue culture of Discorea zingiberesis C.

  23. 提出了全国性、成矿带和矿田级次矿产资源地球化学评价和预测的方法。

    Finally , the exploration geochemical methods used for the mineral resource assessment and prospecting prediction on the national , metallogenesis zone and ore filed levels are introduced .

  24. 综述了桃胶的资源、化学成分、基本用途、采收、提取方法、性质及一些亟需研究解决的问题。

    This paper gave the advance of peach gum on resource , chemical components , basic use , harvest , processing , properties and the urgent projects to be resolved .

  25. 林产化学工业是将可再生的森林资源经过化学加工生产出各种有用的产品。它是森林资源高效可持续利用的一个重要组成部份。

    Forest chemical industry can produce various useful products by chemical processing of forest resources It is one of the important fields of effective and sustainable utilization of forest resources .

  26. 本文旨在建立刺五加药材种质资源的化学评价方法,对刺五加药材进行质量控制,并对不同产地的刺五加的质量进行了系统的评价。

    The aim of the research is to establish the chemical evaluation methods of Radix Acanthopanax senticosus Germplasm resource and the quality control of Radix Acanthopanax senticosus growing in different areas .

  27. 通过上述一系列研究,明确这些资源的化学特征,为深度开发和综合利用这些重要的植物资源提供依据。

    The chemistry traits of these resources were clear by a series of research mentioned above , which provide the basic clues for the deep development and comprehensive utilization of these important plant resources .

  28. 同时还对黑龙江省具有优势特色的石墨、沸石、硅线石、大理岩等矿产资源的化学成分、物相结构、综合利用途径等进行了探讨。

    At the same time , it is studied that chemical composition , phase structure , comprehensive utilization way of some advantaged metalloid resources as graphite , zeolite , sillimanite , marble and other mineral resources .

  29. 开发和利用基于网络的化学课程资源是化学教学中重视利用信息化课程资源的具体表现,丰富而适切的网络化学课程资源可以有效地提高化学课程目标的实现水平,并扩大其实现范围。

    Development and utilization of chemistry curriculum resources based on internet embody " attaching importance to information-based chemistry curriculum resources " in chemistry education . Rich and pertinent internet curriculum resources will improve the scope and level of achieving curriculum goal .

  30. 通过对不同类型烟草种质资源的化学品质测定,可以看出各类烟草种质资源的化学品质在还原糖、烟碱、钾、氯、总氮等几个重要化学品质指标存在着较大差异。

    According to the chemical quality testing of different types of tobacco germplasm resources , there were differences in the chemical quality of all kinds of tobacco germplasm resources , in content of reducing sugar , nicotine , potassium , chlorine and total nitrogen .