
  • 网络provisioning;resource allocation
  1. OFDMA系统中利用跨层结构,在数据链路层的信息可以用来实现自适应资源调配。

    Utilizing cross-layer architecture , OFDMA systems can use the information in link layer to direct the adaptive resource allocation .

  2. 该文提出了一种新的分布式环境下用于QoS控制的基于模糊逻辑的动态资源调配(FuzzylogicbasedDynamicResourceAllocation,FDRA)算法。

    A new Fuzzy-logic based Dynamic Resource Allocation algorithm ( FDRA ) used for QoS control is proposed in this paper .

  3. Pagerank算法在企业人力资源调配上的应用

    Page Rank Algorithm in the Application of the Enterprise Human Resource Assignment

  4. 一种新的分布式QoS控制动态资源调配算法

    Trends RESOURCE A New Dynamic Resource Allocation Algorithm for Distributed QoS Control

  5. 研究了运用遗传算法求解资源调配模型的步骤,并采用采用MATLAB软件实现该遗传算法。

    To find the algorithm that is on the basis of GA-genetic algorithm for the resource distribution model . And the algorithm is implemented using MATLAB software .

  6. 另外,HSDPA还可以更加有效地实施QoS管理,通信网络能够更加智能地针对不同业务应用进行资源调配。

    Also HSDPA can make management of QoS efficiently . Communications network can do resource scheduling to different kinds of services more intelligently .

  7. 静脉药物配置中心人力资源调配效果观察

    The effect of human resource allocation of venous medicine disposing center

  8. 多水源引水灌区水资源调配模型及应用

    Optimal operation model for multi-reservoir in irrigation area and its application

  9. 资源调配的有效性和公平性一直是资源调配问题关注的焦点。

    The effectiveness and fairness is the focus in resource allocation .

  10. 流域水资源调配综合评价系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Synthetic Evaluation System of Basin Water Resources Allocation

  11. 基于应急平台的资源调配模型的研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of Resource Allocation Model Based on Emergency Platform

  12. 第四方物流资源调配决策支持系统设计

    Study on Fourth-Party Material Flow Resource Deploying Decision Support System

  13. 在多项目管理人力资源调配中的病毒遗传算法

    Virus evolutionary genetic algorithm for multi-project human resource configuration

  14. 黑河流域水资源调配评价的投影决策分析方法

    Project decision method for evaluating water resources dispatch and allocation in Heihe River basin

  15. 灌区既是灌溉工程的建筑物,又是水资源调配的执行者。

    Irrigated area is building of engineering irrigation , executor that water resource allocate .

  16. 全世界金融市场的资源调配功能紊乱。

    Worldwide financial markets allocation of resources dysfunction .

  17. 干旱气候条件下黄河流域自产水资源调配方案研究

    Study on Allocation of Groundwater and Surface Water Resources in Yellow River Basin under Drought Climate

  18. 利用现有HIS信息开发护理人力资源调配系统

    Using Available Information of HIS the System and Developing the Administration System of Nursing Human Resources

  19. 从淮安立交地涵工程看资源调配与施工成本的关系

    Discussion on the Relation between the Resources Allocation and the Construction Cost from Huai'an Overpass Culvert Engineering

  20. 如何利用海量资料和科学系统的研究方法,进行水资源调配是一项艰巨的工作。

    It is an arduous work of water resources allotment with mass data and scientific systemic method .

  21. 干旱地区区域内部洪水资源调配研究&以天津市南北水系沟通工程为例

    Research on Internal Flood Resource Utilization in Arid Area & North-South Water System Connecting Engineering in Tianjin

  22. 集团采取有效的资源调配,加强拓展该项业务,故能取得理想成绩。

    The Group 's efFORts in realigning its resources FOR the better development of this business have paid off .

  23. 为降低突发事件所造成的损失,要求决策者能够快速做出资源调配方案。

    In order to reduce the loss in emergencies , the decision-maker must do the planning of emergency materials fast .

  24. 商业银行作为社会资源调配的中介,能够促进实物资本的形成。

    Commercial Bank acts as the intermediary of the distribution of social resources and promotes the formation of physical capital .

  25. 黑河流域水资源调配管理系统空间数据库的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of the space database for the configuration and management system of water resources in Heihe River Basin

  26. 鉴于处于资源调配位置的生产计划管理是企业生产模式的直接体现,本文对生产计划的基础理论进行了研究,抽象出相关的业务流程及计算模型。

    The fundamental theories of production plan are studied in this paper , and relative operation flows and calculating model are abstracted as well .

  27. 该计划将得到合理资源调配、科研重组和机构改革的支持,后者将鼓励自由的学术争论。

    It will be supported by the rational allocation of public resources , restructured scientific research and institutional reforms that advocate free academic debate .

  28. 资源调配技术出现的根源在于用户对有限资源的争用,资源调配技术是对请求接入的用户以及已经接入系统的用户进行资源的合理分配和调度,旨在使得系统的资源使用的效用最大化。

    Resource allocation technique is to maximize the utility of system resources through accessing appropriate users as well as allocating and scheduling resource rationally .

  29. 的确,对于一个像中国这样处于经济转型时期的国家来说,国家的干预对于资源调配和规章制度的审批来说还是必不可少的。

    Granted , state involvement is still necessary in a transition economy such as China 's & to marshal resources and gain regulatory approvals .

  30. 论文取得的主要研究成果如下:(1)流域水资源调配决策指标体系建立。

    The major accomplishments are as follows : ( 1 ) Study on the index system of water resources dispatch and allocation decision-making and evaluation .