
  • 网络Capital operation;capital operating;CEO
  1. 在此基础上,通过SWOT分析,提出了大型水电建筑企业的总体发展战略,并对水电建筑企业的市场发展战略、资本运营战略、品牌战略、体制创新战略及科技创新战略进行了详细的研究。

    On this basis , it used the SWOT analysis , the future general development strategy of large-scale hydropower construction enterprises was draw up . A detailed study of market development strategies , capital operation strategies , brand strategy , institutional strategy , technology innovation strategy .

  2. 中国旅游类上市公司资本运营研究

    Study on the Capital Operation of Tourism Listed Companies in China

  3. 对加入WTO后对中国资产管理公司的发展产生深远影响进行了全面的分析和阐述,并提出了中国的资产管理公司必须全面树立资本运营观念。

    It expounds the impact on China 's AMC when China enters the WTO , it brings forward the concept of capital management for China 's AMC .

  4. 去年6月,中联重科联手弘毅投资和高盛(GoldmanSachs)旗下的私人资本运营公司,以4.22亿美元的价格赢得了交易。

    Zoomlion , teamed with Hony Capital and Goldman Sachs'private-equity arm , won the bidding with a $ 422 million offer in June .

  5. Nufarm是行业并购中被私人资本运营公司关注的几家农用化学品公司之一。

    Nufarm is one of several agrochemical companies targeted by private-equity firms amid an industry consolidation .

  6. 建立有效的国有资本运营机制和监管体系

    Building Up Effective Operating Mechanism and Supervising System of State-owed Capital

  7. 略论国有资本运营与上市公司收购之制度价值

    National Capital Operations and System Value of Listed Corporations ' Purchase

  8. 我国国企资本运营的实证研究

    The Empirical Study of Capital Administration in Chinese State owned Enterprises

  9. 大庆石油管理局资本运营研究关于资本经营的思考

    The Research of Capital Management Petroleum for DaQing Petroleum Administration Bureau

  10. 企业集团资本运营模式策略运用

    Capital Operation Modes of Enterprise Group & Strategies of Their Application

  11. 通过资本运营有助于传媒企业的发展。

    Through capital management , the media corporation will further develop .

  12. 关于通过资本运营解决两层分离问题的几点思考

    Thoughts on solution to separation of two levels by capital operation

  13. 国有资本运营的制度变迁与效率研究

    Study on the Institutional Change and Efficiency of State-owned Capital Operation

  14. 唐山市国有资本运营体系构建

    The construction of operating system of state-owned capital in Tangshan city

  15. 第四部分:智力资本运营模式。

    Fourth : The mode of capital operation of intellectual capital .

  16. 对河北省出版集团资本运营状况的思考

    Contemplation of the Status of Capital Operation in Hebeis Publishing Group

  17. 企业经营也仅局限于产品经营这一层次,难以通过资本运营使国有资本向管理和效益好的企业流动。

    Enterprise Management is confined in product management , not capital management .

  18. 区域人力资本运营的差异性比较研究

    The Different Comparison Study on the Regional Human Capital Operation

  19. 企业人力资本运营模式构建探究

    Study on the mode of human capital running in Enterprises

  20. 试论以金融形式为主的国有资本运营机制

    On State - capital Operating System Taking Finance as Its Dominant Factor

  21. 国有企业资本运营理论体系结构

    System Framework of the Theory of Stated-Owned Enterprise Capital Operation

  22. 论交通行业上市公司资本运营战略

    Studies of the Capital Strategies of Listed Companies in the Transportation Industry

  23. 国有土地资本运营与复杂性研究

    A Study of the Operation and Complexity about the State-owned Land Capital

  24. 关于马克思资本运营思想的研究

    A Study of Karl Marx 's Thoughts on Capital Operation

  25. 培养新时代资本运营战略型企业家;

    Training strategic capital operation enterprisers of the new time ;

  26. 资本运营&企业经营的新方法

    Capital operation & a new way of management of enterprises

  27. 中国上市公司资本运营模式分析

    Capitals Operation Mode Analyze of the China Company in Stock

  28. 把握企业性质,实施资本运营

    Grasping the nature of enterprise and carrying on capital management

  29. 论企业并购过程的整体性经济评价&一拖集团公司资产重组与资本运营实证研究

    Economic Evaluation of the Ensemble Process In Mergers and Acquisitions of Enterprise

  30. 再次,对我国上市公司资本运营的现有模式进行了归纳总结;

    Third , the pattern of listed company capital operation .