
  • 网络capital good
  1. 本文从不同角度分析了,我国工业内部结构的演变过程及其发展趋势,通过对比分析,指出了我国工业内部资本品工业发展严重不足的问题。

    This paper analyses evolving process and developing trend of our country 's industry internal structure in different aspects . Through comparative analysis , it is pointed out that capital goods industry is seriously fallen behind with the whole national economy develop - ment .

  2. 具体来说,第一,外商直接投资流入一方面通过结汇直接导致外汇储备增加,我国通过FDI获得了资金,但这些资金并没有用于购买外国资本品、技术和管理经验。

    China received the funds through FDI , but these funds are not used for the purchase of foreign capital goods , technology and management experience .

  3. 与前人研究模型不同,本文旨在测定FDI通过资本品引进产生的技术溢出率。

    This improved model is different from other researchers ' model , in which we can measure technological spillovers productivity .

  4. 正如瑞信(CreditSuisse)所指出的,在今年首季上市公司的利润增长中,政府主导的三大行业银行、资本品和能源占到80%。

    As Credit Suisse notes , three big state-dominated sub-sectors – banks , capital goods and energy – accounted for an aggregate 80 per cent of listed companies ' earnings growth in the first quarter .

  5. “进口明显好转,可能反映出对资本品和消费品的国内需求十分旺盛,前者是由于刺激计划中的投资,后者则是由于出人意料的消费热潮,”野村证券(nomurasecurities)的孙明春表示。

    " The sharp improvement in imports likely reflected strong domestic demand for capital goods as a result of stimulus investment and for consumer goods as a result of an unexpected consumption boom , " said Sun Mingchun , of Nomura Securities .

  6. 各类公司都采取了资本品制造商的做法。

    All sort of companies have adopted the approach of capital goods manufacturers .

  7. 世界上的资本品逐渐多了起来。

    The world gradually filled up with capital goods .

  8. 增加资本品进口对中国经济增长具有不可忽视的作用。

    The increase of capital imports ' contribution to China 's economic growth cannot be overstressed .

  9. 她对建筑、资本品、运输和能源板块比较缺乏信心。

    She is less convinced by companies in construction , capital goods , transport and energy .

  10. 这里用到一个两行业代际模型,资本品由两个不同的技术生产。

    I establish a two-sector Overlapping Generation model where capital goods are produced by two different technologies .

  11. 在斯拉法体系中,不同的资本品部门却拥有统一利润率。

    In Sraffa 's system , however , different capital departments share " uniform profit rate " .

  12. 我们都知道,社会总产品包括两个部分,资本品和消费品,而收入也分为两个部分,消费和储蓄。

    As we all know , the goods can be divided into two parts , capital goods and consumption goods .

  13. 特别是,如果将政府的作用同经济增长联系在一起,可以说,由政府提供公共资本品,是促进一国资本形成,加快经济增长的重要途径。

    Especially , the public capital goods provided by the government can form one country 's capital and promote economic growth .

  14. 其次,作为一种特殊商品,房地产既具有商品的属性也具有资本品的属性。

    Secondly , as a special commodity , real estate has the property of commodity also has the property of capital goods .

  15. 解释经济周期的关键是要证明:科技创新或者固定资本品的再生产是不连续的。

    The key point of explaining the existence of business cycle is to show that there is discontinued reproduction of fixed capital goods .

  16. 对外直接投资产生的出口创造效果使使中间产品、资本品等成为新的出口增长点,从而使它得以拉动我国出口贸易的增长。

    The intermediate goods and capital goods that come from the export creating of FDI have pulled the export to a new level .

  17. 反过来,对新兴国家资本品出口的繁荣,也促进了经合组织各经济体的发展和企业利润的提升。

    In turn , OECD economies and corporate profits have been boosted by the boom in their capital goods exports to emerging countries .

  18. 他警告称,中国生产商正在闯入资本品市场(如机械)和消费品市场。

    Chinese producers were breaking into markets for capital goods , such as machinery , as well as consumer products , he warned .

  19. 工业品和资本品采购额大幅缩减,而油价和石油进口都出现下降。

    Purchases of industrial supplies and capital goods narrowed sharply , while the price of oil and the amount that was imported both fell .

  20. 随着能源、地产、资本品和材料企业近期纷纷报告收益实现增长,周期性股票正在赢得更多的关注。

    Cyclical stocks are gaining more of an audience as energy , property , capital goods and materials companies have reported higher earnings recently .

  21. 而且,中国的一些企业能以较低价格提供机械设备与其他资本品,从而使一些投资项目具备财务上的可行性。

    And it also has companies that can provide machinery and other capital goods at costs that make some of these projects financially viable .

  22. 人工经济由多个家庭、多个消费品企业、一个资本品企业、一个银行和一个政府组成。

    Economy is formed by a lot of families , a lot of consumer goods firms , a capital product firm , a bank and a government .

  23. 指出从实物上来看,某一产业是由最终消费品生产部门和资本品生产部门构成;

    Come up to see from the real object , some industry is composed by the end consumer goods producing section and the capital articles producing section ;

  24. 加工贸易带动了机械设备等资本品和中间产品的进口,直接带来了新产品、新技术并建立起新的产业。

    On the one hand , processing trade can promote the import trade of intermediate products and capital goods , and bring new techniques and industry innovation directly ;

  25. 与此同时,最近的数据显示,房地产市场可能已开始趋于稳定,因为资本品订单和消费者支出都明显出现了适度增长。

    Meanwhile , recent data suggest the housing market may be starting to stabilise , with a modestly improved trend visible in capital goods orders and consumer spending .

  26. 但不管是在哪个层次上定义的投资,都一定包含消费剩余价值、资本品、时间过程、投资主体和目的的盈利性等要素。

    No matter which one it is , it includes the factors such as consumption surplus value , capital goods , time process , investment individuals , and objective profitability .

  27. 任何对资本品税首先都会阻止人们进行财富积累,但遗产税是可加以论证的不错的选择。

    Any tax on capital will tend to dissuade people from accumulating the wealth in the first place , but a death duty is arguably one of the better options .

  28. 随着印度启动其期待已久的基础设施建设,在资本品进口空前飙升的支撑下,对华贸易在印度贸易总额中所占比例预计将呈幂次增长。

    As India begins its long-awaited infrastructure build-out , China 's share of its trade is expected to grow exponentially on the back of an unprecedented surge in capital goods imports .

  29. 为了持续增长,韩国需要以技术和经营革新提高国际竞争力,尤其要改善以资本品进口为主的贸易结构。

    South Korea like a nutcracker between China and Japan is supposed to improve its international competitiveness and capital equipment oriented import structure through technology and management innovation for its continuous growth .

  30. 如若将私人订单考虑在内,那么该指数则相对温和,国外订单实际上上扬,但是国内对资本品的需求正大幅放缓。

    The fall was more moderate if private orders only are considered , and foreign orders actually rose , but the bottom line is that the domestic demand for capital goods is weakening sharply .