
jìng shōu rù
  • net income;net revenue;net receipt
净收入[jìng shōu rù]
  1. 除那些依靠收入补助金的家庭外,被调查的家庭每周的净收入是500.20英镑。

    The families questioned , excluding those on income support , have a net income of £ 500.20 a week

  2. 在过去的三年中每人的净收入增长了大约16%。

    The net income per head rose by about 16 percent in the past three years .

  3. 去年他通过出售自己持有的股份获得了整整300万英镑的净收入。

    Last year he netted a cool 3 million pounds by selling his holdings

  4. 他每年的净收入是5万美元。

    He clears 50,000 dollars a year .

  5. 本月他净收入五千元。

    He netted five thousand yuan this month .

  6. B:是的,工资条上面会列出你的工资总额,预扣的所得税,社会保险,其他扣款以及净收入额。

    B : Yes . It will state your gross salary , tax withhold , social security , other deducation , and net income .

  7. 财务状况:Facebook2011年的营业收入达37.1亿美元,净收入为10亿美元。

    Financials : Facebook reports $ 3.71 billion in 2011 revenue , and $ 1 billion in net income .

  8. 本论文基于C/S的计算模式,采用IBMAS/400作为系统主机,IBMUDB/400作为后台数据库,运用BusinessObjects软件统计分析公司业务数据,实现了西南航空公司的净收入管理系统。

    With the adoption of IBM AS / 400 , IBM UDB / 400 and Business Objects software , we have realized the southwest airline revenue management system .

  9. 主要榜单“全球500强排行榜”(global500)显示各公司在2008年和2009年的排名、国家、市值、行业、营业额、净收入、总资产和雇员数目。

    The main global 500 table shows for each company : the rank in 2008 and 2009 , the country , market capitalisation , sector , turnover , net income , total assets and employees .

  10. 标准普尔全球市场情报(S&PGlobalMarketIntelligence)的资料显示,分析师曾一致预期苹果的季度营收为520亿美元,净收入110亿美元,合每股2美元。

    Analysts had expected Apple to report revenue of $ 52 billion and net income of $ 11 billion , or $ 2 a share , according to consensus estimates compiled by S & P Global Market Intelligence .

  11. 昨日LG宣布,第二季度净收入增长46%。

    Yesterday it announced that net income grew by 46 per cent in the second quarter .

  12. 2010年,Zynga的净收入为9000万美元,营业收入为5.97亿美元。

    Zynga reports $ 90 million of net income in 2010 on around $ 597 million in revenue .

  13. 许多投资者之所以迅速卖掉了上市时分派的股份,一定是因为他们也觉得Facebook的估值太荒唐了&Facebook的上市估值是过去12个月收入的26倍,净收入的107倍。

    One reason many investors were quick to sell their ipo-alloted shares must be its absurd Valuation : 26 times its trailing 12 month revenue and 107 times its net income .

  14. 例如,受交易结构性变化和旨在约束冒险行为的新规打击,自2009年以来高盛(GoldmanSachs)的净收入减少了约三分之一。

    At Goldman Sachs , for example , net revenues have dropped about a third since 2009 , beaten down by structural shifts in trading and new rules crimping risk-taking .

  15. 微软(Microsoft)、谷歌(Google)、eBay、英特尔(Intel)和SAP的净收入都令人失望。

    Microsoft ( MSFT ) , Google ( GOOG ) , eBay ( eBay ) , Intel ( INTC ) , and sap ( SAP ) : each one disappointed in net income .

  16. 第一季度HTC的净收入为8500万新台币(合280万美元),下降了98%,远远低于分析师预测的6亿新台币。

    Net income declined 98 % to NT $ 85 million ( $ 2.8 million ) , well below analyst estimates of NT $ 600 million .

  17. 伦敦财政研究所(InstituteforFiscalStudies)估计,实施了10多年对富人加税和给穷人提供税负减免的政策,这位前财长仅让国民中10%最富裕的人净收入减少了5%。

    Over 10 years of increasing taxes on the rich more to fund tax credits for the poor , the Institute for Fiscal Studies estimates the former chancellor stung the richest 10th of the population by only 5 per cent of their net incomes .

  18. “该FASB的,现在明确禁止的现金流量作为一个”另类的净收入作为一个指标,一个企业的表现。

    The FASB now explicitly forbids cash flow as an alternative to net income as an indicator of an enterprise 's performance .

  19. 埃森哲公司凭借忠诚的客户基础,其中包括四分之三的《财富》全球500强公司(FortuneGlobal500),跨国咨询公司埃森哲(Accenture)继续保持着健康增长。2012财年,这家公司的净收入达到了279亿美元。

    With a loyal client base that includes more than 3 / 4th of the Fortune Global 500 , the global consultancy continues to enjoy healthy growth , generating net revenues of US $ 27.9 billion for the fiscal year 2012 .

  20. 业内人士预计AEG原本可从50场演唱会中实现大约5000万美元的净收入。

    People in the concert industry estimated that AEG might have realized a net income of around $ 50 million from the 50 shows .

  21. 在nyseeuronext,最近一个季度的衍生品交易净收入(以及与此相关的结算费用)同比增长了34%。

    Volumes are growing . At NYSE Euronext , net revenue in derivatives trading ( and the clearing fees associated with it ) rose 34 per cent year-on-year in the latest quarter .

  22. 德意志银行报告了第三季度的净收入为€777M(11亿美元)。

    Deutsche Bank reported net income of € 777m ( $ 1.1 billion ) for the third quarter .

  23. 今年第二季度,携程营收跃升38%,至18亿元人民币。不过,由于开支增加,携程的净收入下跌了36%,至1.349亿元人民币。Priceline股票今年上涨了近12%。自1月份以来携程股价已上涨逾24%。

    Ctrip 's revenues jumped 38 per cent to RMB1.8bn in the second quarter but net income fell 36 per cent to RMB134.9m as expenses rose .

  24. 模拟结果显示,按照对农户净收入影响的优劣排序,从优到劣依次为补贴(S4)、投入税(S1)、新技术推广(S3)、禁令(S2);

    The results showed that , considering the policies which influences the net incomes for farmers , the taxis from priority to inferiority were : subsidy ( S4 ), input tax ( SI ), popularizing new technology ( S3 ) and ban ( S2 );

  25. 一季度净收入比去年同期下滑55%,从去年的5310万美元(合每股86美分)降至2370万美元(合每股38美分),大大低于Netflix每股60美分的预期及分析师每股69美分的预期。

    Net income fell 55 per cent to $ 23.7m , or 38 cents a share , from $ 53.1m , or 86 cents a share , a year ago , well below the 60 cents Netflix had projected and analysts " expectations of 69 cents .

  26. 在一个没有转账的完全集成的数据库中,对于介于净收入和留存收益之间的一个日志您得到一个不正确的OBRET。

    In a totally integrated database without transfer accounts , you get an incorrect OBRET for a journal that goes between net income and retained earnings .

  27. FactSet发布了一组数据,显示了最近这一财年各公司在除去终止业务和非常项目后剩下的净收入情况。根据数据,全球盈利最为丰厚的十大企业如下。

    Based on data provided by FactSet on companies ' net income before discontinued operations and extraordinary items for their latest fiscal year , these are the world 's 10 most profitable companies .

  28. 对于网易,这意味着更多的收入和净收入。

    For NTES , it means additional revenue and net income .

  29. 去年同期这块业务的净收入为负值。

    The division had recorded negative net revenues a year earlier .

  30. 分析了栽培措施对产量、净收入的影响,结果表明,3项措施对产量、净收入均有影响。

    The results showed that three elements influenced the yield and net revenue .