
jìng é
  • net amount
净额[jìng é]
  1. 资产项目按扣除减值准备后的净额列示,不属于抵销。

    The presentation of net amount of an asset item less the impairment provision is not an offset .

  2. 非日常活动产生的损益,以收入扣减费用后的净额列示,不属于抵销。

    The presentation of the net amount of any gain or loss produced by any non-routine activity minus the expenses is not an offset .

  3. 可运营宽带IP城域网建设方案及关键技术分析可供营运的资产净额

    The Solution and Key Technology of Operational IP MAN ; net operating assets

  4. 中国目前正在考虑,对衍生品交易也实施一个与国际标准可比的净额结算协议(nettingagreement)。

    China is now considering implementing an internationally-comparable netting agreement for derivatives trades too .

  5. 其中,外商直接投资(FDI)净额在2004年总共达到1655亿美元,增加了137亿美元。

    Of this , net foreign direct investment ( FDI ) totaled $ 165.5 billion , up by $ 13.7 billion in2004 .

  6. 即使白宫过于乐观的增长预期得以实现,到2017年,联邦债务净额也将超过GDP的100%。

    Even if the White House 's over-optimistic growth forecasts are correct , that will still take the gross federal debt above 100 per cent of GDP by 2017 .

  7. CCP通过一种称为净额结算的流程,简化了多重敞口网络,有助于降低金融系统的风险。

    It helps reduce risk in the financial system by simplifying a web of multiple exposures through a process known as netting .

  8. 美国财政部国际资本流动(tic)数据显示,自6月底以来,外国购买美国长期证券净额大幅度下降。

    The US Treasury International Capital System ( TIC ) data show a massive drop in net foreign purchases of us long-term securities since the end of June .

  9. 去年,在【接二连三的】经常账目赤字之后,它的国际负债净额(葡萄牙欠外国投资人的,少于自己的外国资产)上涨到了GDP的112%。

    Its net international debt ( what Portugal owes to foreigners , less the foreign assets it owns ) rose to112 % of GDP last year , after a run of huge current-account deficits .

  10. 与其紧密联系的净额结算是抵销的高级形态,它不仅在ISDA(国际互换与衍生交易协会)文件而且在国际金融衍生交易中都是最基本和最重要的法律问题。

    Netting , as the developed form is most important and fundamental not only in the ISDA Master Agreement but also in the international financial market .

  11. 即使曼联的债务净额达到4.25亿英镑&是其2011年息税折旧及摊销前利润(EBITDA)的3.9倍,它仍有投资价值。

    Even allowing for its £ 425m of net debt – 3.9 times 2011 earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amortisation – there is value in Manchester United .

  12. 在MS-MA定量分析框架下,对银行风险传染的目标免疫策略、净额免疫策略、银行间救助免疫策略和组合免疫策略进行了研究。

    Under the quantitative framework , we have studied the target immunization strategy 、 the netting immunization strategy 、 the interbank bailout immunization strategy and the mix immunization strategy .

  13. 而且,对小麦来讲,一直影响气候的CO2的含量增加也使光合作用更为容易,这将使产量增加到足以抵消大约一半的与气候有关的损失(玉米的光合作用方式不同,因此按净额计算受损较大)。

    What is more , for wheat the increasing level of carbon dioxide that is changing the climate also makes photosynthesis easier , which should have increased yields enough to wipe out perhaps half of the climate-related loss ( maize , which photosynthesises in a different way , is thus the bigger loser of the two in net terms ) .

  14. 各地区工业产品销售率商品产销成本对销售净额的比率

    Ratio of cost of goods manufactured and sold to net sales

  15. 基薪净额加有受扶养人的工作地点差价调整数;

    Net base salary plus post adjustment at the dependent rate ;

  16. 本年销售(销货)或营业收入净额

    Net sales or net revenue from operation of the year

  17. 依莉莎白预期销货净额将达二亿一千五百万美元。

    Elizabeth expects net sales of approximately $ 215 million .

  18. 进出发展中国家的资金转移净额;

    Net transfer of resources to and from developing countries ;

  19. 其次,考虑了各个要素对国民收入中生产税净额的贡献。

    The capital reward of net taxed on production is also considered .

  20. 该校平均学杂费净额仅1万美元出头。

    The school 's average net price was just over $ 10000 .

  21. 净额支付系统是银行间支付的重要途径。

    The net settlement system is the main channel of payment between banks .

  22. 销售收入净额低于账面款额;

    Deficiency of net sale proceeds over carrying amount ;

  23. 银行同业拆入净额总值资本充足率管理趋势与商业银行资本金补充

    Total net interbank borrowing Capital Adequacy Management and Capital Supplement in Commercial Banks

  24. 销售毛利对销售净额的比率

    Ratio of margin on sales to net sales

  25. 在该交易完成后,它的借款净额将超过1000亿美元。

    After the deal it will have net borrowings of more than $ 100bn .

  26. 减除基金间转帐调整数后的净额

    Net of adjustment for elimination of inter-fund transfers

  27. 所得税分配中的税后净额概念

    Net of tax concept of income tax allocation

  28. 税款净额对毛额关系未过期风险的额外款额

    Net-to-gross tax relationship additional amount for unexpired risk

  29. 净额支付系统流动性风险、信用风险的测量与评估

    Measure and Evaluation of the Liquidity Risk and Credit Risk in Net Settlement System

  30. 上年度养恤金调整数(净额)

    Adjustments to prior year benefits ( net )