
  1. 基于RS的农业生产方式变化对区域景观生态的影响分析&以新疆玛纳斯县农业为例

    The Influence to Landscape Eco-environment by Change of Farming Mode Based on RS & Taking Manas County-region in Xinjiang as An Example

  2. 东南亚和南亚农业生产方式与思考

    Crops farming system ad thinking in southeast and south Asia

  3. 但是传统的农业生产方式使得农业的发展面临重重困境。

    But the traditional agricultural production way that agricultural development is faced with many difficulties .

  4. 他表示,可以容易地改进农业生产方式,以减少水资源损耗。

    He said agricultural practices could easily be improved to reduce the wastage of water .

  5. 传统粗放型的农业生产方式不利于西部生态脆弱地区的农业可持续发展。

    The traditional extensive agricultural production way is harm for the ecology vulnerable area agricultural sustainable development .

  6. 其根源在于西部的绝大部分地区依然是传统的农业生产方式,没有形成工业反哺农业的良好趋势。

    The root is that the agricultural production mode in most western regions is still in tradition .

  7. 改变了农业生产方式,提高了农产品质量安全水平和市场竞争力;

    Changed the mode of agriculture produce , increased farm produce quality , security level and market competition ;

  8. 由于农民为增加收入而改种经济作物,农业生产方式正在转变。

    As farmers turn to cash crops to increase their income , the mode of agricultural production is changing .

  9. 我国农村劳动力的剩余主要是相对于传统的粮食种植业和原始的农业生产方式而言的。

    China 's surplus labour is only relative to the traditional grain growing industry and primitive way of rural production .

  10. 农村社区是不同于城市社区的另一种社区类型,是以农业生产方式为基础的社区。

    Rural community is different from the city community of another type of community , with agricultural production mode based communities .

  11. 目前对于发展中国国家来说,最标准的农业生产方式应该是在美国的马托格罗斯的巴西人所采用的方法。

    The current standard for developing foreign agriculture land is what American farmers have done in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso .

  12. 综述指出,虽然有机农业生产方式可有效地减少氮素流失,但仍然存在流失的可能性。

    It has been emphasized that although nitrogen leaching is reduced efficiently on organic farming , a possibility of leaching losses still exists .

  13. 曾经被认为是一个听上去很奇怪的农业生产方式正由越来越多的葡萄园用生物科技的方法加以实践,因为它能带来的了不起的成果。

    Once considered a strange-sounding agricultural practice , an increasing number of vineyards are experimenting with biodynamic techniques for the great results it promises .

  14. 20世纪中叶以来新疆社会变革和维吾尔族农业生产方式的变化

    The Social Reforms of Xinjiang and the Changes of Uygur 's Agricultural Production Mode Since the Middle of 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  15. 甘肃农村贫困的原因十分复杂,但根本原因在于长期封闭的传统农业生产方式。

    Among the contributing factors for poverty in Gansu Province , the fundamental one is the long term closed and traditional mode of agricultural production .

  16. 农业生产方式历经数千年演变,从刀耕火种到机械化大生产、到精确农业。

    Agriculture has been developing for thousands of years , from ancient style to modern style with giant machinery , and then to precision agriculture .

  17. 但是农业生产方式依然是落后的小农经济生产方式,这种生产方式直接对农业的现代化造成制约,并且在其土地权利体系下不能解决这种制约。

    But the agricultural production way is still the backward scrap land economy production method , And directly creates the restriction to the agricultural modernization .

  18. 采取这样的农业生产方式,以及把一些农场迁到邻近城市中央的地方,将对人类和地球都有利。

    Both people and the planet would benefit by such treatment of agriculture and location of some farms in closer proximity to the city centers .

  19. 保护地栽培(设施园艺)做为一种农业生产方式的出现和发展,在古代都是为宫廷和贵族服务。

    The appearance and development of protective culture ( facilities horticulture ) as an agricultural productive method served the royal and the nobility in ancient tine .

  20. 它能使能流、物流做到科学转换和高效利用,使经济、生态实现良性循环,是一种先进的农业生产方式。

    It can transform energy flow and substances flow scientifically ; actualize the cycle of economy and biogeocenose . It is an advanced mode of agricultural production .

  21. 本笔资金将用于减少目标地区的水土流失,转变坡地农业生产方式,进而增加农户收入。

    The money will be used for efforts to transform hillside agriculture by reducing erosion in targeted areas and so put more money into the pockets of farmers .

  22. 对此,人们逐渐意识到了传统农业生产方式所暴露出来的弊端,并反思如何使农业可持续发展成为可能。

    To this , people gradually realize that the traditional mode of agricultural production have exposed the shortcomings , and reflect on how to make agricultural sustainable development possible .

  23. 常规集约化下的农业生产方式使食品安全问题突出,加之国际贸易中的绿色壁垒森严,绿色食品产业在我国兴起并发展。

    Serious problems caused by the conventional intensified agricultural production plus the " green barrier " in the international trade gave rise to the green foods industry in China .

  24. 由于受我国的农业生产方式以及农业生产者素质的制约,农产品的网络营销在我国仍处于起步阶段。

    Because of the restriction of agricultural production system and the quality of agricultural producer in our country , the Internet marketing of agricultural products is still in starting stage .

  25. 对中国农业生产方式及其发展阶段的揭示指引我们达到这样的结论:气候很可能是中国文明起源的决定性因素。

    To reveal the productive way of Chinese agriculture and its developing period lead us to this conclusion : climate might be the critical factor of the origin of Chinese civilization .

  26. 需要提供更广泛的可持续农业生产方式来帮助农民提高生产率、增加收入与福利水平,同时管理并保护好生态环境系统。

    There is need for a broader sustainable agricultural production that seeks to increase the farmers ' productivity and enhanced incomes and welfare in line with good management of the ecosystem .

  27. 区域的植被区系、农业生产方式、农业生态模式乃至文化结构与经济形态等都具有明显的过渡特征,是我国生态环境条件比较特殊区域。

    As a special zone of eco-environment , there are some obvious characters of transition in term of the agricultural ecological model , the composition of flora , cultural structure and economic state .

  28. 我们将以农业生产方式的转换为路径来说明中国文明的起源和性质,并对青铜时代的意义给出全新的诠释。

    This paper tries to demonstrate the generation and nature of Chinese civilization through the transformation of agricultural production style and explains the meaning of the bronze era from a totally new perspective .

  29. 从城市化的本质来看,城市化是农业生产方式向工业生产方式转变、农村生活方式向城市生活方式转变的过程。

    From the instinct of urbanization , the urbanization is a process of the change of mode of production from agricultural to industrial , and the transformation of lifestyle from the rural areas to urban .

  30. 但兵团地处中国西北边疆,气候干旱少雨,生态复杂脆弱,常规农业生产方式已无法支撑起兵团农业的可持续发展。

    But the it located in northwest borderland of China , the climate of there is drought and the environment is complicated , the conventional farming cannot lead it to realize sustainable development of agriculture .