
  • 网络agricultural land resources
  1. 长春市农业土地资源可持续利用研究

    Study on the sustainable exploitation of the agricultural land resources in Changchun

  2. 南京市农业土地资源利用现状及开发研究

    Studies on the Present Situation and Development of Utilizing Agricultural Land Resources of Nanjing City

  3. GIS支持下的农业土地资源评价研究&以贵阳市区为例

    An agricultural land resource evaluation study based on gis ── as exemplified by Guiyang City

  4. ARC/INFO软件系统在农业土地资源评价中的应用

    Use arc / info for evaluation of land resources for cultivation

  5. 山东农业土地资源的可持续利用水平评估研究

    The evaluation of farm land sustainable use in Shandong Province

  6. 通天河流域农业土地资源评价

    Evaluation of the agricultural soil resource in the Tongtian Valley

  7. 海南岛农业土地资源可持续利用

    Study on the sustainable use of agricultural land resource in Hainan Island

  8. 鲁西北地区现状农业土地资源劳动力承载力模拟

    Estimation of the labor carrying capacity of land resources in the northwestern Shandong

  9. 农业土地资源动态评价模型研究

    An agricultural land resource dynamic evaluation model study

  10. WT0背景下的农业土地资源可持续利用研究

    A Research on the Sustainable Utilization of Agricultural Land under the Framework of WTO

  11. 萧山农业土地资源的利用与保护

    Utilization and protection of soil resource in Xiaoshan

  12. 农业土地资源可持续利用水平评估研究&以山东省为例

    Study on the evaluation of agricultural land sustainable use & a case of Shandong Province

  13. 伊犁新垦区未开发农业土地资源限制性因素评价

    Assessment of Limiting Factors of Undeveloped Agricultural Land over Newly Reclaimed Areas in Yili , Xinjiang

  14. 农业土地资源休闲价值评价与市场价格转换

    The evaluation of leisure value on agricultural land resources and the conversion them at market price

  15. 社会的变迁,人口的增加,技术的进步,经济的发展以及生活状况、价值观念的改变等等都会影响农业土地资源的利用、布局和取向。

    The change of the society , the increase of the population , technical progress , the development of the economy and change etc.

  16. 其结果为:黑龙江省农业土地资源类型齐全,具备进行规模经营的优势;

    The evaluation results are as following : the rich varieties of the agricultural land resources in Heilongjiang Province are suitable for scale management ;

  17. 通过此技术的推广实施,可提高作物产量,扩大可利用农业土地资源,改善当地生态环境,推动经济发展,促进黄河三角洲的可持续发展。

    The extending of this method in the Yellow River Delta will improve the output of the crop , increase agricultural land resource , improve local ecological environment , promote the economic development , and promote the sustainable development of this region .

  18. 喀斯特山地农业土地利用的资源条件研究

    Study on the Resources of Agricultural Land Use in Karst Mountains

  19. 云南省热区农业气候、土地资源图的编制

    Compilation of the agricultural climate - land resource map of the torrid region in Yunnan Province

  20. 对于强酸性土壤而言,由于其有限的适宜范围和较低的生产力水平,一向被认为是不宜用于农业生产的土地资源。

    Because of limited suitable and with lower productivity level , the excessive acidic soil is used to serve as the land resources that agriculture produce unwillingly .

  21. 本文从新疆当地的实际情况出发,对典型的干旱性大陆气候条件下灌溉农业地区的土地资源人口承载量的研究方法进行了探索。

    The dissertation probes the research method of the land-population carrying capacity in the irrigating farming zone of the typical arid region in the light of the local specific conditions .

  22. 周日,政府公布的一项计划方便了农民转租、租赁或转让土地,有望为更高效的农业生产释放土地资源并创收。

    On Sunday , a plan was announced that would make it easier for farmers to sublet , lease or transfer their land , potentially freeing land for more efficient farming and generating cash .

  23. 加入WTO对我国影响最大的产业莫过于农业。而农业土地资源的开发与利用是农业生产、经营、管理的基础。

    China 's entry into WTO has brought great influence to its domestic agriculture , while the exploitation and utilization of agricultural land form the base of agricultural production , operation and management .

  24. 在农业社会中,土地资源是人类农业生产的自然基础和物质条件。

    In an agricultural society , land resources are the natural basis of agricultural production of human and material conditions .

  25. 我国是一个农业人口众多、土地资源紧缺的农业大国,土地的问题是我国解决农村经济发展的核心问题。

    China is that one is densely populated agriculture , but lack of land resources . Therefore , the shortage of the resources is the core of the village economic development in China .

  26. 对农业生产来说,土地资源是最重要的生产资料和劳动对象;对工业生产和城市建设来说,土地资源是不可替代的基地和空间场所。

    On agricultural production , land resource is the most important means of production and object of labor ; on industrial production and urban construction , land resource is the irreplaceable base and spatial space .

  27. 分析了我国农业水资源、土地资源、气候资源、生物资源和生态环境建设的基本现状和发展趋势,提出了保护农业资源和生态环境的关键技术。

    The disquisition analyses the actual state and trend of development about water resources , soil resources , climatic resources , biotic resources and eco-environmental building , points out the key technologies how to protect agricultural resources and ecological environment .

  28. 农产品产地安全数字化预警系统的开发将为农业产地环境质量的监控、农业土地资源利用规划和决策、调整农业种植结构等提供基础平台和数据支持。

    Design and implementation of early warning system also could used to provide the data support for agriculture soil inspection , planning and planting configuration of agricultural land resource .

  29. 采取生态规划的方法.通过对农业科技观光园的规划设计、探索出了一条经济发达地区农业土地资源持续利用的开发模式。

    We have discussed planning methods of Agricultural Hi-tech Touring Garden and thus to find a sustainable exploitation approach of agricultural land resources in developed region .

  30. 农业生产能否持续发展直接决定着区域可持续发展能否实现,农业生产活动以土地资源、水资源作为主要的生态要素,并以化肥等作为外界投入要素。

    Whether regional sustainable development can be realized depends on the development of agricultural production . Land and water resources are the essential ecological inputs for agricultural production activity , and fertilizer is the external input factor .