
  • 网络china news;chinanews;China News Service;China News Net
  1. 据中国新闻网报道,德勤日前发布的一份研究报告称,在未来,财务工作人员最有可能被人工智能(AI)所取代。

    Finance employees are most likely to be replaced by artificial intelligence ( AI ) in the future , said a research report by Deloitte , China News reported .

  2. 男子组冠军格布鲁对中国新闻网表示,鉴于天气状况糟糕,他对自己的成绩很满意。

    The men 's winner , Mr. Gebru , teold China News Net that he was satisfied with his performance given the adverse conditions .

  3. 中国新闻网简称中新网,由中国新闻社主办。

    The Chinanews online service ( Chinanews . com ) is the website launched by China News Service ( CNS ) .

  4. 据中国新闻网报道,该结构有四层楼高,伫立在石家庄市郊的一个影视基地里。

    The structure is four-storeys high and stands in the grounds of a film and television studio on the outskirts of the city , the China News website reports .

  5. 据中国新闻网报道,中国共享单车巨头之一的摩拜单车,已经就涉嫌专利侵权,向网约车巨头滴滴出行提出了800万元人民币的赔偿。

    Mobike , one of China 's bike-sharing giants , has filed an eight million yuan claim for compensation against ride-hailing giant Didi Chuxing over alleged patent infringements , according to .

  6. 中国新闻网近日报道,10多个省区市已出台社保降费方案,地方政府表示,降低社保费率不会影响职工福利。

    More than 10 provincial-level regions have unveiled their social security cut programs , and local governments said lowering the percentage will not affect employee 's welfare and benefits , reported .

  7. 中国新闻网表示,在北部省份山西,高温补贴一个月有240元人民币,南部省份广东只有150元。

    Shanxi Province , in the north , offers 240 renminbi a month , while Guangdong , in the far south , provides a relatively low 150 renminbi , according to China News Service .

  8. 根据中国新闻网报道,在自家的羊被袭击后,他们靠狗的帮助,循着熊猫的脚印,从羊圈一直追踪到山林里。

    One of their sheep had been attacked and , with the help of a dog , they followed animal tracks leading from the sheep pen into woods , according to the China News Service .

  9. 中国新闻网报道称,兄弟二人告诉国家林业局官员,他们开枪射击了树上的一只不明动物,在这只动物死后,才发现是只雌性成年大熊猫。

    The brothers told State Forestry Administration officers that they shot an unidentified animal in a tree , and only after it was dead discovered it was an adult female panda , the China News Service reported .

  10. 中国新闻网报道,根据法律规定,当温度超过35摄氏度的时候,很多在户外工作的人就有资格享受高温补贴——在北京,这种补贴的标准是每个月180元人民币。

    By law , many people who work outdoors are eligible for a heat subsidy when temperatures go above 95 , or 35 degrees Celsius - a pay supplement that in Beijing amounts to 180 renminbi a month , or $ 27 , China News Service reported .

  11. 中国新闻网报道称,故宫博物院,也就是众所周知的紫禁城,随着它的最新系列产品里7000多种纪念品的推出,比如高达468元一件的定制珠宝饰品,仅2015年上半年就收入了7亿多人民币(约1.09亿美金)。 reports that the museum , widely known as the Forbidden City , has taken in more than 700 million yuan ( $ 109 million ) during the first half of 2015 with their new product line , boasting more than 7000 different souvenir items such as custom jewelry priced up to 468 yuan .

  12. 4.7万亿元人民币的数字最初来自官方的中国交通新闻网的一篇文章,该文昨日被交通运输部官网转载。它再度令人关注中国基础设施投资所保持的规模。

    The figure , in an article from the official transportation news service republished yesterday on the ministry 's website , has refocused attention on the scale of China 's continuing infrastructure investment .

  13. 中国电影新闻网在周六报道,国产浪漫喜剧《前任攻略2》成绩同样不错,获得第二名。自11月6日以来到当周结束,该片总票房收入达到了1亿900万美元。

    Domestic rom-com " Ex-Files 2 " came in at a respectable second place , earning 109 million yuan in the week after opening on Nov. 6 , China Film News reported Saturday .

  14. 新华社称,中国新华新闻电视网英语电视台(cncworld)本周在亚洲可以通过卫星接收,从下月开始信号将覆盖全球。

    Xinhua said CNC world could be received in Asia over satellite this week and available around the world from next month .

  15. 据中国官方的中国新闻网(ChinaNewsNet)报导,四川腾中重工曾预计2007年收入是人民币30亿元(合4.4亿美元)。

    China News Net , an official Chinese news site , said Tengzhong expected revenue in 2007 of 3 billion yuan , or $ 440 million .

  16. 中国新华社援引中国新闻网报道称,中国工商银行(ICBC)高层官员否认了一篇关于中国三大银行寻求入股总部位于英国的渣打银行(StandardChartered)的报道。

    BEIJING , Nov 19 ( Reuters ) - Senior officials at Industrial and Commercial Bank of China denied a report that China 's three leading banks were seeking a stake in UK-based Standard Chartered , Xinhua news agency reported on Monday , citing the China News Service .

  17. [中国新闻社、中国新闻网记者]王部长您好,您作为外长在上任之初就到外交部领事保护中心考察,强调外交官要随时倾听民众心声,维护民众利益。

    China News Service : Foreign Minister Wang , shortly after you took office , you visited the Foreign Ministry 's Consular Service and Protection Center . You stressed that Chinese diplomats must listen to the voice of the people at all times and uphold their interests .

  18. 赛前被看好的中国女选手宫丽华告诉中国新闻网,雾霾对她的影响不大,但这种天气导致很多人排汗不畅,因此影响了他们的成绩。

    The favored Chinese woman runner , Gong Lihua , told China News Net that the smog didn 't affect her too much but it interfered with many people 's ability to sweat , affecting their performance .