
  • 网络Central government;central budget
  1. 中央财政主要收入项目。

    Main revenue items in the central budget .

  2. 增加中央财政赤字和国债发行规模。

    The central budget deficit and the volume of treasury bonds issued will be increased .

  3. 国家助学贷款是指贷款人向借款人发放的由中央财政或地方财政贴息,用于借款人本人或其直系亲属、法定被监护人在国内高等学校就读全日制本、专科或研究生所需学杂费和生活费用的助学贷款。

    State educational loans refer to educational loans granted by the lender to borrowers that are given fiscal interest discounts by the central financial authorities or local financial sector undergraduate , professional or graduate courses .

  4. 中央财政下达医疗救助的补助资金达到275亿元,90%投向贫困县居多的中西部地区。

    The central government earmarked 27.5 billion yuan in health assistance to combat poverty this year , and 90 percent went to keep plans going in central and western regions , home to most of the country 's impoverished counties .

  5. 自本法施行之日起,新增建设用地的土地有偿使用费,百分之三十上缴中央财政,百分之七十留给有关地方人民政府,都专项用于耕地开发。

    Starting from the date when this law comes into effect , 30 % of the land compensation fees for new construction land shall be handed over to the central finance , with the rest 70 % to be retained by related local people 's governments , for the development of land for cultivation .

  6. 中央财政支出对GDP有着显著的负影响,地方财政支出对GDP有着显著的正影响;

    The central expenditure has remarkable negative effect on GDP , the local expenditure has remarkable positive one on GDP ;

  7. 《马斯特里赫特条约》(maastrichttreaty)建立了货币联盟(央行),但没有建立政治联盟(中央财政部)。

    The Maastricht Treaty established a monetary union without a political union a central bank , but no central treasury .

  8. 我国政府的财力较为分散,中央财政的集中率较低。

    The concentration rate of the central finance is quite low .

  9. 中央财政宏观调控能力不断增强;

    Continuous strengthening the macro-regulating capacity of central fiscal policies ;

  10. 加大中央财政对贫困县的转移支付力度。

    Increase the central government on the transfer payment to poor counties .

  11. 中央财政安排启动5.5亿专项资金支撑这个项目,这体现了国家意志。

    The central government took 5.5 million funding support for the project .

  12. 论英国都铎王朝中央财政机构的过渡性特征

    On the Transitional Characters of the Tudor Central Finance Institution

  13. 中央财政拟投入433亿元用于促进就业。

    The central government will allocate 43.3 billion yuan to stimulate employment .

  14. 都铎时期,英国中央财政机构发生了重大变革。

    In the Tudor Ages , England central finance institution changed greatly .

  15. 合理运用中央财政转移资金;

    To put to rational use the funds shifted from the central finance ;

  16. 中央财政经济委员会成立始末

    The Establishment of the Central Finance and Economic Commission

  17. 中央财政对地方税收返还和转移支付情况。

    The central government 's tax rebates and transfer payments to local governments .

  18. 中央财政转移支付压力增加;

    The pressure of central financial transfer payment increase ;

  19. 以下是中央财政经济委员会的韩文秀所说。

    Han Wenxiu is with the Central Committee for Financial and Economic Affairs .

  20. 我国中央财政扶贫资金的瞄准分析

    Poverty Alleviation Fund s : Targeting & Deviation

  21. 中央财政和地方财政大幅度增加了社会保障支出。

    Both the central and local finances greatly increased their spending on social security .

  22. 中央财政应适当加大对社会保障的资金投入;

    The central finance should enlarge the capital input on the social security appropriately ;

  23. 我国财政债务规模包括中央财政规模和隐性、或有债务规模。

    The financial debt in China consists of central financial debt and covert financial debt .

  24. 对于中西部财政困难地区,中央财政给予专项支持。

    The central government will earmark special fund to support the middle and western areas .

  25. 中晚唐时期中央财政地方化倾向探析

    An Analysis of Localization on Central Government Finance in the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty

  26. 今年中央财政预算用于支持这项改革的资金将达305亿元。

    The central budget will allocate 30.5 billion Yuan to support this reform in 2003 .

  27. 中央财政对被抽中的贫困县给予补贴。

    The Central Fiscal Agency will give subsidy to the poor counties being taken out .

  28. 中央财政将国家自然科学基金的经费列入预算。

    The central treasury will incorporate the national natural science funds into the budget thereof .

  29. 适度调整国债政策是防范中央财政债务风险的要求。

    Adjusting public debt policy moderately is the way of keeping central financial debt risk away .

  30. 宇文融括户与唐朝中央财政体制的演进

    Yu-wen Rong 's Scheme and the Reform of the Central Public Finance System of Tang Dynasty