
  1. 最后提出了水资源保护管理措施。

    Finally management measures of water resources protection were proposed .

  2. 水环境资源管理措施探讨

    Approach on Management Measures of Water Environmental Resources

  3. 针对分析结果提出了成都市在建设现代田园城市过程中河流水质改善及水资源管理的措施和建议。

    The corresponding suggestions aiming at the analysis results were proposed for water quality improvement and water resources management .

  4. 1980年以来美国水资源管理与节水措施

    Water resources management and water-saving in USA since 1980

  5. 进而提出水资源保护的管理措施,以实现我省水资源的可持续利用,保证我省社会经济的可持续发展。

    In order to realize sustainable water resources utilization and guarantee sustainable sustainable water resources utilization and guarantee sustainable economic and social development of hubei province , the dissertation recommended management measures of water resources conservation .

  6. 土壤含水率的准确测定对于有效水资源管理、灌溉措施、作物生长、旱地农业节水、产量预测以及化学物质监测等方面非常重要,也是精准农业极为关键的重要参数。

    Accurate testing soil moisture is vital for water resources management , irrigation , crop growth , water-saving , production forecasts , as well as chemicals monitoring , and also is a key technology in precision agriculture .

  7. 深化灌区水资源管理体制改革的措施

    Measures of Deepening Reform of Water Resource Management System in Irrigation Area

  8. 用水许可证制度是实施水资源统一管理的重要措施之一。

    The license system of using water is one of the important methods of integrated water resources management .

  9. 根据宁波市环境保护十五计划,本文对水资源管理提出了一些措施和建议,如加快引水工程建设,逐步取消饮用水从河网取水;

    According to Tenth Five-Year Plan of Ningbo on environmental protection , with regard to headstream of drinking water , the suggestion was quickening leading water work ;

  10. 鉴于此,提出了调整土地利用结构、发展节水灌溉技术、加强水资源科学管理等具体措施,以期实现节约用水、科学用水,确保水资源得到可持续利用

    In view of water resources characteristics and status quo of utilization in the region , this paper proposed measures that were regulating the structures of land utilization , popularizing water saving technology and strengthening scientific management to guarantee the sustainable utilization of water resources

  11. 为了保护水源,防治水污染,对水环境进行实时监控是水资源管理的必要措施。

    In order to protect water resources free from pollution , it is necessary to monitor aquatic pollution in real time in the management of water resource .

  12. 最后,本文从地表水水质保护、地下水水质保护、水资源保护措施和水资源保护管理措施几个方面对峰峰矿区水资源保护进行了初步探讨。

    Finally , this article from the surface water and underground water resources protection and measures to protect water resources protection and management measures for protection of water resources in Fengfeng mine area were discussed .

  13. 面对流域水资源利用方面突出的问题和新时期治水的新要求,珠江流域急需制定适合的水资源管理措施和调整流域的水利建设战略。

    So it is necessary to adjust the water utilization policy and the water resources management to solve the prominent water utility problems .

  14. 迫切需要对水资源需求的机理进行研究,研究科学的用水模式、水资源需求调控方式以及进行水资源需求管理的有效措施。

    Furthermore , it was necessary to investigate the mechanism of water resources demand ( WRD ), the patterns of water using as well as the measures taken for effectively managing water resources requirements .

  15. 本文在探讨水资源需求管理的内涵和论证水资源需求管理的重要性和必要性的基础上,对水资源需求管理的经济措施进行了初步探讨。

    Based on an analysis of the connotation of water demand management as well as its importance and necessity , the economic measures of the demand management were discussed in this paper .