
  • 网络Right to use water resources;water resources usufruct
  1. 复杂模型不仅能分配不同地区,而且能分配不同行业水资源使用权,计算结果更为合理。

    The complicated model can allocate water resources usufruct including not only different areas but also various industries and the calculating results are much reasonable .

  2. 水资源使用权及其制度构建

    The Usufruct of Water and the Establishment of Relevant Legal System

  3. 流域水资源使用权定量分配方法初探

    Quantitative allocation method for right to use river basin water resources

  4. 基于可利用量的水资源使用权配置

    Water use right allocation based on available water resources

  5. 水资源使用权客体的特征;

    Object feature of usufruct of water resource ;

  6. 水资源使用权分配模型研究

    Allocation model for water right

  7. 笔者在提出“水资源使用权”的法律概念后,即围绕着“水资源使用权的法律属性为普通的不动产用益物权”的核心观点进行了论述。

    I will discuss the fundamental idea of the legal property of water rights is commonusufruct of real property after the proposal of usufruct of water resource .

  8. 水权一词源于西方,是水资源使用权的简称,我国法律中没有水权一词。

    Water right , the shortened form for the usufruct of water resources , is derived from the West , and doesn 't exist in Chinese law system .

  9. 供水单位并不具有水资源使用权,但是一般都拥有管网,具有水资源的经营权,为水权拥有者提供了水权转让和市场交换的场所;

    WSO has no water usufruct , but it has pipe networks and the managing rights of water resources , which can provide the site for water rights transfer and water marketing ;

  10. 其核心在于,为什么要构建以及如何构建这样一种以水资源使用权为中心的财产权制度。

    The basic problem is why and how to establish a property rights system of water resources in consideration of the usufruct of water , which is the main point of this article .

  11. 文章的第三部分探讨了水资源使用权的理论基础的制度价值,分别从法学、经济学、生态环境与伦理学方面分析了为什么要建立水资源使用权制度。

    The third part revolves around the theoretical foundation of the relevant system on usufruct of water and its merits , with an explanation from the juristical , economic , environmental and ethical points of view .

  12. 鞍山市政府与辽宁省水利厅共同兴建汤河水源供水系统扩建工程,鞍山市获得水资源使用权并在一定范围内享受到了优惠政策。

    The government of An'shan and water conservancy department of Liaoning Province are now building the Diversion Project together , An'Shan will obtain the water resources use right and enjoy the preferential policy within the specific limits .

  13. 本文从水权的含义入手,明确水权是水资源使用权,一种新型的用益物权,提出在我国社会经济体制改革过程中,国家应该允许并鼓励这种水权进行交易。

    Five parts in this paper : first of all , the author clearly defines water rights as the right of using state-owned water resources , and puts forward that China should stimulate the trade of this kind of right with the reform of market economy .

  14. 水权配置应在实现可持续发展和效率与公平的价值基础上,根据一定依据确定水权配置顺序,通过计划和市场两种配置手段,以水资源使用权和取水权两种权利形式实现配置。

    Allocation of water right can be realized based on sustainable development , efficiency and justice by the two means of plan and market through the two forms of the right to use water resources and the water-intaking right after determining a sequence of allocation according to some criteria .

  15. 因此,我国的水权包括水资源所有权、使用权和地役权,在水资源的利用中,主要表现为水资源使用权人之间的相邻权关系和地役权关系。

    Easement and neighbor right are important for using water .

  16. 分别研究了水资源所有权和使用权;

    Water resource ownership right and use right are studied .

  17. 我国水资源所有权与使用权完善的研究

    A Study on the Perfection of Ownership and Tenure of Water in China

  18. 从宏观决策角度,论述了水资源所有权、使用权和水市场问题。

    Water resources property right , usage right and water market are discussed from the macroscopic point of view .

  19. 学者们对此产生了不同的理解,尤以水权包括水资源所有权和使用权为代表。

    Therefore , the scholars have deferent understandings on water right , which includes the usufruct of water right and the ownership of water right .

  20. 软件开发和外包服务等优先发展行业的企业,将获得能源和水资源的优先使用权。同时,对其它地区的服务企业进入本地市场,地方政府不应阻拦。

    Businesses in favoured areas such as software development and outsourced ser-vices should be given preferential access to energy and water while localities should be banned from excluding service companies from elsewhere in China from entering their markets .

  21. 通过对发达国家以及发展中国家的水资源所有权与使用权制度、水权配置制度、水权交易制度与水市场、法律准则和机构体系等方面的比较分析,得出了一些重要结论。

    Several important conclusions in the paper are arrived at by the comparative analysis on aspects of water resources ownership and usufruct system , water right allocation system , water right trade system and water market , rule of law and institution system , etc. in developed and developing countries .

  22. 水权的核心是水资源的所有权和使用权。

    The core of water right is the right of possessing and utilizing of the water resources .

  23. 我国的水权制度建设内涵主要由水资源所有权制度、水资源使用权制度、水权转让制度等三部分内容组成。

    Water right system is mainly composed of property right system , water use right system and water right transfer system .

  24. 初始水权是建立在水资源公有基础上的一种最初的水资源使用获益权,初始水权的明晰与合理分配,有利于使水资源利用中的外部性内在化,实现资源利用的高效率。

    The initial water right is one of the usufruct which is base on that the government hold the proprietorship of the water resources . The specific initial water right makes for the allocation of water resources .

  25. 资源水价模型就是量化水资源价格的模型,它是通过模型来推算为获得水资源使用权而支付给水资源所有者的货币量。

    Water resource pricing model is to measure price of the water resource , which uses model to calculate the amount paid to the owner for right to use the water resource .