
  • 网络reservoir resettlement;reservoir migration;reservoir region immigration
  1. 论水库移民的科学范畴

    On the scientific scope of reservoir migration Engineering

  2. 少数民族地区水库移民实物指标调查研究及管理系统开发

    Research on Investigation of the Physical Indicators of Reservoir Migration in Ethnic Minority Areas and Programming of the Manage Information System

  3. G省水库移民引起的社会问题评价模型及其应用

    The Evaluation Model on the Social Problems Resulting from the Reservoir Migrants in G Province

  4. 以水库移民管理系统的UML建模为例,详细阐述了Visio中,基于UML模型的软件系统设计方案。

    With the ( example ) of Reservoir Resettlement MIS , the modeling scheme of UML in Visio is hold and arranged .

  5. 而利用GIS强大的空间数据管理和处理能力,能提高移民工作的效率,使规划、管理和决策更加科学化,因此建立基于GIS的水库移民管理信息系统是十分必要的。

    While GIS has the great potential to manage and handle space data , which will improve the efficiency of reservoir resettlement and make the planning , management and decision more scientific .

  6. 广东省水库移民管理体制改革分析

    Reformation of management mode for reservoir region immigrants in Guangdong Province

  7. 水库移民安置监测与评估方法研究

    Study on Method of Survey and Evaluation of Reservoir Emigration Allocation

  8. 水库移民中的信息传播与调控

    The Information Dissemination and Regulation in the Process of Reservoir Immigration

  9. 水库移民安置规划中移民人口的预测是移民安置规划工作的基础。

    Resettlement population Prediction is the basis of reservoir resettlement planning .

  10. 水库移民工程中介组织合同管理值得重视的几个问题

    Experience in Management of Contract with Medi organization in Resettlement Project

  11. 做好水库移民工作促进水电事业发展

    Proper Execution of Reservoir Resettlement and Promotion of Hydropower Industry Development

  12. 专业的建设与发展论水库移民规划设计

    Formation and development of planning & design profession for reservoir resettlement

  13. 辽宁省水库移民工作的展望与思考

    Prospect and think on reservoir resettlement work in Liaoning province

  14. 水库移民社会保障基金筹集模式探讨

    Some discussions about collecting mode of social security fund of reservoir immigrants

  15. 珊溪水库移民收入与生活水平恢复定量分析

    Quantitative analysis on income and livelihood level restoration of Shanxi Reservoir resettlement

  16. 水电工程建设征地和水库移民存在较多问题。

    Hydropower engineering land collection and emigration has many problems .

  17. 水库移民管理中的政府角色定位研究

    Study on Orientation of the Government Role in Water Reservoir Resettlement Management

  18. 水库移民最低生活保障线测算研究

    A Study on Measurement of Lowest Living Security Line of Reservoir Resettlement

  19. 水库移民安置土地获取方式研究&基于农村土地流转的视角

    Study on the Methods of Obtaining the Settlement Land for Reservoir Immigrants

  20. 水库移民安置与补偿分析

    Analysis on reservoir 's migration - relocation setting and compensation

  21. 水库移民生产生活水平分析与评价方法

    The analysis method for produtivity and living standards of immigrant in settlement

  22. 制度变迁背景下的水库移民返迁&人口迁移动因的推拉理论的完善

    The Reservoir Migrants ' Return Migration in the Institutional Perspective

  23. 浅析以土地使用权入股的农村水库移民生产安置机制

    Mechanism of the Rural Reservoir Resettlement for Shareholders With the Land-Use Right

  24. 对建立和完善水库移民后期扶持机制的探讨

    On Later-stage Supporting System of Establishing and Perfecting Reservoir Resettlement

  25. 关于水库移民后期扶持资金筹集、管理的思考

    Raising and Managing Aid Fund for the Later Stage of Reservoir Emigration

  26. 水库移民系统经济发展规划原理与模型研究

    Principles and Models for Economic Planning of Reservoir Resettlement System

  27. 水库移民系统重建中的联动监控方法研究

    Study of Coordinated Supervisory Control Method in Reconstruction of Reservoir Resettlement System

  28. 基于主成分分析法的水库移民安置区选优模型

    Optimization Model of Reservoir Resettlement Area based on Main Component Analysis Method

  29. 第三部分是对水库移民搬迁安置规划问题的研究。

    The third part is a research of resettlement .

  30. 水库移民规划设计是一个新兴的专业。

    The planning and design of the reservoir resettlement is a new discipline .