
  • 网络international refugee;Refugees International
  1. 我们应该耐心听听国际难民的遭遇。

    We should lend an ear to those international refugees .

  2. 贝卡·海勒是国际难民援助项目的负责人。

    Becca Heller is the director of the International Refugee Assistance Project .

  3. 联合国与国际难民组织的协定

    Agreement between the United Nations and the International Refugee Organization

  4. 亚非区域国际难民和人道主义法

    International Refugee and Humanitarian Law in the Asian-African Regio

  5. 国际难民年英国委员会

    United Kingdom Committee For World Refugee Year

  6. 有时候,他会说:我们从国内难民变成了国际难民。

    Sometimes he says we have gone from being IDPs to EDPs - externally displaced persons .

  7. 国际难民安置资料中心

    International Refugee Integration Resource Centre

  8. 国际难民协会表示,所有难民营的性暴力,家庭暴力和团伙犯罪呈上升趋势。

    Refugees International says sexual , domestic and gang violence in and around the refugee camps is rising .

  9. 联合国难民署的前身国际难民组织帮助了100万欧洲人在海外定居。

    UNHCR 's predecessor , the International Refugee Organization ( IRO ) helped one million Europeans to resettle overseas .

  10. 国际难民协会是位于华盛顿的一家难民咨询机构。该协会一份新的报道严厉批评了海地难民营的状况。

    A new report by Refugees International , a Washington-based refugee advocacy group , is sharply critical of conditions in the refugee camps in Haiti .

  11. 这些来自德国、奥地利和意大利难民营的人登上一艘国际难民组织租来的轮船,前往美国开始新生活。

    Seen here are displaced persons from camps in germany , Austria and Italy boarding an IRO-chartered ship on their way to start a new life in the us .

  12. 国际难民保护机制在保护难民权利方面取得了巨大的成就,但随着时间的推移,这一机制对难民权利的保护越来越差强人意。

    The international refugee protection mechanism in protecting the rights of refugees has made tremendous achievements , but with the passage of time , the mechanism for the protection of the rights of refugees is increasingly unsatisfactory .

  13. 跋涉千里参赛,他们只为证明自己国家的存在国际奥委会难民代表队选手詹姆斯·奇恩杰克在男子800米小组赛中起跑时跌倒,获得最后一名。

    There was devastation for IOC Refugee Olympic Team runner James Nyang Chiengjiek , who finished last in his men 's 800m heat after an early fall .

  14. 国际保护亚洲难民和失所人民宣言

    Declaration on the International Protection of Refugees and Displaced Persons in Asia

  15. 国际组织在难民保护中的作用也是不可缺少。

    And international organization has also played an indispensable function in the refugee protection .

  16. 国际教育和难民服务社

    International Education and Refugee Service

  17. 卡扎菲的军队从三面包围了这座城市,加强了对港口的袭击。这是国际援助和难民疏散唯一的生命线。

    His forces have ed the city on three sides and have attacks on the city 's port , the sole for international aid and the evacuation of refugees .

  18. 国际保护和援助难民方案

    Programme on International Protection of and Assistance to Refugees

  19. 国际合作防止新难民潮政府专家组;

    Group of Governmental Experts on international cooperation to avert new flows of refugees ;

  20. 国际志愿机构理事会难民委员会协商和协调政治行动常设机构主席会议

    Commission on Refugees of the International Council of Voluntary Agencies Presidential Meeting of the Permanent Mechanism for Consultation and Concerted Political Action

  21. 国际社会公认,难民自愿遣返到原籍国是永久解决难民问题的最佳方案。

    The international community commonly recognizes that voluntarily repatriating refugees to their original countries is the best approach to permanently resolving refugee problems .

  22. 政府在2014年实行了筛选机制,选择那些符合国际法条件的难民,政客们从此推动了更严格的限制措施。

    Politicians have pushed for tighter curbs after the government adopted a screening mechanism in 2014 to select those meeting the refugee criteria set out in international law .

  23. 批评人士说,这项协议显示澳大利亚不顾国际责任,将难民抛弃在柬埔寨,澳大利亚是世界上最大的经济体之一,而柬埔寨则是世界上最贫穷的国家之一。

    Critics say the deal amounts to Australia , one of the world 's biggest economies , neglecting its international responsibilities and dumping refugees off on Cambodia , one of the world 's poorest countries .