
ɡuó nèi yùn shū
  • Domestic transportation;internal transportation
  1. 对铁路、公路、航空、水运等主要运输方式在国际国内运输市场的主导地位进行了分析;

    To the railroad , the road , the aviation , the water transportation and so on the main transport mode has carried on the analysis in the international internal transportation market dominant position ;

  2. 在国内运输案例中,ClearCase结构是被设计成与现存的z/OS结构一对一的关系。

    In the case of Native Transport , the ClearCase architecture was implemented as a one-to-one relationship to their current z / OS architecture .

  3. 因此,货物的运输由国内运输走向国际运输。

    Therefore , the carriage of goods is from the domestic transportation to the international transportation .

  4. 所有在国内运输的货物,我们都包了综合险。

    All goods delivered for us within the country are covered by a _blanket__ insurance policy .

  5. 是否有相关程序,规定国内运输商如何向工厂管理层汇报运输过程中违反安全规定的情况?

    Is there a procedure for in-country carriers to report in-transit security violations to the facility management ?

  6. 第一个案例来自于运输业,我把这家公司称之为“国内运输”。

    This first example comes from the transportation industry ; I will refer to this company as Native Transport .

  7. 为国内运输管理委员会修建的新总部建成,庆祝方式就是发布政府规章。

    New headquarters built for the Interstate Commerce Commission celebrated government regulation , which reined in market forces and curbed capitalism .

  8. 选择要素如大米,食糖,食油,面粉和国内运输不会受到商品及服务税。

    Selected essentials like rice , sugar , cooking oil , flour and domestic transportation would not be subjected to GST .

  9. 在生存挑战和发展机遇并存的境况下,为了能够让航运企业在国内运输行业和世界海运的竞争中占有一席之地,企业管理信息化的实施是必不可缺的。

    Under the circumstances that the challenge for existence and opportunity for development coexist , it is indispensable to carry out the enterprise administration informationization .

  10. 铁路客货运输量在国内运输市场中所占的份额分别为35%和55%左右,也居世界同行首位。

    Railway passenger and freight transport volume in the domestic transport market share of respectively 35 % and 55 % , also the first world counterparts .

  11. 然而,尽管第一季度国内运输总量增长了13.6%,但中国各航空公司承运的国际货运和客运量大幅减少了21.5%。

    However , while domestic volumes rose 13.6 per cent in the first quarter , the volume of cargo and passengers carried by Chinese airlines on international routes plummeted 21.5 per cent .

  12. 近年来,发达国家在物流系统管理理论和技术方面的发展,和它带给运输业的巨大变革与进步,引起了国内运输界的密切关注。

    In recent years , development of logistics system management theories & technique and bigness replace with the advance to the forward agent which caused the close concern of Chinese conveyance field .

  13. 由于我国人口众多、经济发展迅速、资源分布不均等因素,长期以来国内运输供需矛盾依然紧张。

    Because of our large population , rapid economic development , unequal distribution of resources , and other factors , there is an imbalance between supply and demand in the domestic transportation for a long time .

  14. 同时2008年北京奥运会以及2010年上海世博会这两大盛事对物流的需求,也必然会进一步扩大国内运输市场规模。

    At the same time , the two huge events - the 2008 Beijing Olympic and 2010 Shanghai World Expo can bring a bid demand of logistics , and definitely enlarge the domestic transportation market scale .

  15. 目前国内运输缓冲包装的主体形势下,家用电器的缓冲包装材料多采用的是泡沫塑料,这类材料回收困难,对环境污染较大。

    At present , the main situation of civil transporting packaging is that the household appliances ' cushioning material mostly adopted PE foam ( e.g. EPE ), this kind of material is hard to recycle and pollute the environment .

  16. 面对国内综合运输方式的全面发展和中国加入WTO后来自国际运输市场全球化的竞争,铁路货运站必须进行根本性的变革。

    With the comprehensive development of domestic transportation model and the transportation globalization after China entering into WTO , it is necessary for railway freight station to take thoroughly reform .

  17. 虚拟交通路口及造型实体的运动仿真研究,不仅实现了交通路口的虚拟仿真,而且对VRML在国内交通运输和教育方面的应用也起到了积极的作用。

    The system of virtual traffic crossing and emulation of sport body shows the traffic crossing . and improves the application of VRML in aspects of domestic education and traffic .

  18. 中国拥有1.8万km海岸线,11万km内河航道,承担着9%的国内贸易运输和85%以上的外贸货物运输,沿海沿江有1460多个商港。

    China has a coastline of 18,000 km , 110,000 km inland waterways , bearing 9 % of domestic trade transport and more than 85 % of foreign trade cargo transportation , and there are more than 1460 coastal ports along rivers .

  19. 在研究国内公路运输行业管理MIS设计与开发方案的基础上,结合湖南省公路运输行业管理的特点和实际,设计与实现了省级、地州市级和县级行业管理广域网下的MIS。

    On the basis of studying the practice and characteristics of Hunan vocational road transportation management , an overall framework of management system is presented and the MIS , by means of WAN connecting province , city and country , is designed and realized .

  20. 本文对引进及消化吸收美国CPI公司高压气瓶技术进行了分析,并将其开发成能够符合国内道路运输要求的高压高纯度气体的专用运输半挂车。

    The author and his colleague comprehended and analyzed the technology of high pressure cylinder introduced from America CPT company , then developed it into special semi - trailer subject to domestic requirement of road transportation for high pressure and high purity gas .

  21. 国内航空运输业的公共安全管理研究

    Research on Public Safety Management of Civil Aviation Transportation

  22. 因此,针对不同航班延误情形制定和实施有效的航班延误补救措施对于国内航空运输企业有着非常重要的意义。

    Consequently , it is important for airline companies to establish effective recovery measurements .

  23. 国内航空运输价格改革

    An Analysis of Domestic Air Fare Reform

  24. 国内航空运输飞行事故经济损失计算方法&间接经济损失篇

    Study on the Method for Evaluating the Indirect Economic Loss of Domestic Civil Aviation Flight Accident

  25. 国内航空运输市场发生了前所未有的发展变化。

    Unprecedented developments and changes have been taken place in the domestic market of aviation transportation .

  26. 它在国内的运输装配内置的气缸,减少总长度。

    It has an internally built-in air cylinder in the carriage assembly , reducing overall length .

  27. 而将原油在国内航线运输属于粗放型、高耗、低效的运输方式。

    The oil in the domestic coast line transport is high consumption , and inefficient approach .

  28. 国内集装箱运输形势追踪

    Situation pursuit of domestic container transport

  29. 本文对目前国内外运输走廊研究进行了综述。

    The paper is a summary for Transportation Corridor ( TC ) study at home and abroad .

  30. 但最重要的是,中国的国内旅客运输量保持了积极的增长趋势。

    But most important is that China 's domestic passenger transport volumes remain on a positive growth trend .