
ɡuó jì wēi jī
  • international payments crisis
  1. 需要他去关注的国际危机将会减少。

    There would be fewer international crises demanding his attention

  2. 位于叙利亚的国际危机组织(InternationalCrisisGroup)资深分析人员PeterHarling表示,

    Peter Harling , a senior analyst on Iraq with the International Crisis Group , based in Syria , says

  3. 智库国际危机组织(InternationalCrisisGroup)在上月的一份报告中写道:制裁使得缅甸与西方断绝了经济和外交上的联系,从而推动该国在经济和政治上更接近中国。

    By closing off economic and diplomatic engagement with the west , sanctions have pushed [ Burma ] economically and politically closer to China , the International Crisis Group think-tank wrote in a report last month .

  4. 国际危机集团(InternationalCrisisGroup)东北亚地区项目副主管丹尼尔品克斯顿(DanielPinkston)表示:这是给那些紧要人士的一种信号:那些举足轻重的人以及金正日的挑战者。

    It 's a sign to people that matter : major players and challengers to Kim Jong-il , says Daniel Pinkston , north-east Asia deputy project director at International Crisis Group .

  5. 国际危机组织(internationalcrisisgroup)在今年早些时候的一份报告中指出,长期隐而未发的政治纷争将重新出现,加上splm的“专横作派”,这会扼住各项制度的“咽喉”。

    A report by the International Crisis Group earlier this year noted the return of long-simmering political disputes , alongside " a domineering approach " from the SPLM , saying it has " a chokehold " on institutions .

  6. 国际危机组织(internationalcrisisgroup)的朝鲜专家丹尼尔品克斯顿(danielpinkston)警告说,如果禁止朝鲜船只进入韩国领海,可能会导致朝鲜方面关闭领空,尽管朝方每年从经飞经航班中赚取数百万美元。

    The decision to ban their entry could prompt Pyongyang to block flights even thought the North earned several million dollars each year in overflight fees , warned Daniel Pinkston , a North Korea expert at the International Crisis Group .

  7. 在她的新电视剧中,Katharine将扮演CharlestonTucker,一位负责每天分析美国面对的重大国际危机的中情局分析师。

    In her new television show , Katherine plays Charleston Tucker , a CIA analyst responsible for prioritizing the biggest international crises facing America on a daily basis .

  8. 国际危机组织的阿富汗分析家CandaceRondeaux称,由于在阿富汗人民的心目中,美国和卡尔扎伊不可分割,现在美国处于非常尴尬的位置。

    Afghan analyst Candace Rondeaux of the International Crisis Group says that puts the United States in an position because the U.S. and Mr. Karzai are linked in Afghan minds .

  9. 国际危机集团这份报告的作者之一斯蒂芬妮克莱恩-阿尔布兰特(StephanieKleine-Ahlbrandt)表示:这场游戏的实质是把执法当作主权争端这个更大问题的代理。

    The name of the game has been to use law enforcement as a proxy for the grander sovereignty dispute , says Stephanie Kleine-Ahlbrandt , one of the authors of the ICG report .

  10. 国家利益视角下的国际危机管理研究

    Research on International Crisis Management from an Angle of National Interest

  11. 当代中国国际危机管理模式选择研究

    The Study on the Model of Contemporary International Crises Management of China

  12. “首脑外交”在国际危机处理中扮演着重要的角色。

    Summit diplomacy plays a very important role in the national crisis management .

  13. 集中点处于国际危机的中心

    Stood at the epicenter of the international crisis .

  14. 实际上,欧洲的团结往往会在国际危机时期分崩离析。

    In fact , European unity tends to crumble at moments of international crisis .

  15. 国际危机管理及其研究方法

    International Crisis Management and its research Methods

  16. 在国际危机中,美国总统的个性与本能至关重要。

    In international crises , the character and instincts of the American president are critical .

  17. 国际危机在8月份爆发的趋势一直持续到现代。

    The tendency for international crises to break out in August has persisted into the modern age .

  18. 该模式的提出为管理东北亚地区国际危机提供了宏观模型。

    The model proposed for the management of international crises in Northeast Asia provides a macro model .

  19. 中外学者对国际危机管理的定义在两个方面是共同的,一是和平解决危机,避免战争发生;二是最大限度地维护本国利益。

    International crisis management is a process in which a war is avoided and national interest is protected .

  20. 国际危机处理中的首脑外交&以古巴导弹危机为个案的分析

    The Role of Summit Diplomacy in the International Crisis Management & A Case Study of Cuban Missile Crisis

  21. 在发生国际危机时,它是一个缓解紧张并开展谈判的中心场所。

    In times of international crisis , it serves as a focal point for easing tensions and beginning negotiations .

  22. 他肯定这名特务是一个长期潜伏者,可能是为了在一旦发生国际危机时进行破坏活动的。

    He was sure the agent was a sleeper , probably for sabotage in the event of an international crisis .

  23. 国际危机组织的索马里问题专家阿比迪说,沙巴布允许运送救援物资的决定并不代表该组织在意识形态方面的转变。

    International Crisis Group Somalia expert Rashid Abdi says al-Shabab 's decision to allow aid does not represent an ideological shift .

  24. 国际危机研究是重要的战略性研究,也是中国学术界相对薄弱的研究领域。

    International crisis study is a major field in strategic studies but it is relatively weak and backward in Chinese academia .

  25. 法国和德国公众深深明白,自命能从国家层面解决国际危机是虚假的。

    The French and German public understand deep down that the pretence of national solutions to an international crisis is fake .

  26. 国际危机组织驻首尔分析员平克斯顿指出,各国谈判代表还有许多年的工作要做。

    A Seoul-based analyst for the International Crisis Group , Daniel Pinkston , says , years of work lie ahead for negotiators .

  27. 伴随着国际危机日益频繁的出现,国际危机管理已经成为世界各国对外政策的重要内容之一。

    With the increasingly emergence of international crisis , international crisis management has become an important part of foreign policy around the world .

  28. 平克斯顿是“国际危机组织”驻首尔的分析人士。他推测,华盛顿和平壤很快会就核实核清单的问题达成一项妥协性协议。

    Dan Pinkston , a Seoul-based analyst with the International Crisis Group , speculates Washington and Pyongyang may soon reach a verification compromise .

  29. 没有法律框架来保护他们,南亚国际危机集团项目总监,萨米·娜艾哈迈德说指出。

    They have no legal framework to protect them , said Samina Ahmed , South Asia project director at the International Crisis Group .

  30. 国际危机也就成为了国际关系中的一种常态,断断续续的在国际社会中发生,影响着国际社会的和平发展。

    International crises become normality in international relations , and occur intermittently in the international community , and affect the peaceful development of international community .