
  1. 医生们试图阻止癌细胞扩散。

    The doctors are making an attempt to prevent cancer cells spreading .

  2. 手术也可以使癌细胞扩散到其他位置。

    Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites .

  3. 露丝体内已经有癌细胞扩散,生命岌岌可危。

    Ruth 's life was endangered by cancerous cells at large in her body .

  4. 阻止癌细胞扩散的尝试。

    An attempt to prevent cancer cells spreading .

  5. 然而,用于阻止癌细胞扩散的化疗药物和放射疗法可能导致其他后遗症。

    Yet the chemotherapy drugs and radiation used to stop their cancers can lead to other problems later .

  6. 但是如果癌细胞扩散入血液,则手术效果下降。

    However , when the cancer cells have invaded the blood , the effectiveness of surgery is reduced .

  7. 科学证明,癌症早期发现对治疗癌症以及延缓癌细胞扩散有极大的帮助。

    The scientifically proven cancer early detection of great help in the treatment of cancer and slow down cancer cell proliferation .

  8. 一些专家称,这些发现可能改变外科医生对癌细胞扩散到淋巴结的早期乳腺癌病患的治疗方法。

    Some experts say the findings could change the way surgeons treat early breast cancers that have spread to the lymph nodes .

  9. 这些中许多将是高恶性程度胶质瘤,高度侵袭性的癌症形式,将癌细胞扩散到整个大脑和脊髓。

    Many of these will be high-grade gliomas , a highly invasive form of cancer that sends cancerous cells throughout the brain and spinal cord .

  10. 医生用最平和的语气告诉她,癌细胞扩散至脑部,以后再也不能唱歌、演戏了。

    The doctor talked to her in a most peaceful tone that her cancer already spread to her brain , she could not sing or act anymore .

  11. 更加重要的是,癌细胞扩散似乎是由应激激素引起的,而不是由在通常情况下引发乳腺癌的性激素造成的。

    More important , the cancer cells to spread seems to be caused by stress hormones , and not the normally cause breast cancer sex hormones cause .

  12. 癌细胞可能扩散到身体的其他部位。

    The cancer cells may invade other parts of the body .

  13. 几次检查后,医生证实Bill患上了癌症,并且癌细胞已经扩散到了他的全身。接着医生告诉Bill的家人作好最坏的打算。

    After checking out for several times , the doctor confirmed that Bill had cancer , and the cancer had already spread throughout his body .

  14. 上周四,他做了CAT扫描和骨扫描,结果显示,癌细胞并未扩散到身体其他部位。

    On Thursday he had a CAT scan and bone scan , with these showing that the cancer had not spread elsewhere in his body .

  15. 研究表明VEGF-D可诱导淋巴管生成,促进癌细胞淋巴扩散,因此又被称为淋巴管内皮生长因子。

    VEGF-D can induce lymphatic vessel generation and promote lymphatic cancer cell proliferation .

  16. 结论:CEA、ICAM1和CD31在淋巴管内皮细胞中表达与癌细胞的扩散有关。

    Conclusion : The study suggests that there are relationships between the dissemination of cancer cells and expression of CEA , ICAM 1 and CD31 in lymphatic endothelial cells .

  17. 弗斯可林的其他功效同样显著,包括抑制象由血小板激活因子(PAF)6引起的炎症以及抑制癌细胞的扩散。

    Forskolin has other reported uses as well , including inhibition of the pro-inflammatory substance known as platelet-activating factor ( PAF ) 6 and inhibition of the spread of cancer cells .

  18. 癌细胞已经扩散到你的胸腔了。

    That the cancer has metastasized to your chest wall .

  19. 此时,癌细胞已经扩散到了他的肺部和骨骼。

    By then the cancer has spread to his lungs and bones .

  20. 癌细胞已经扩散到我全身了。

    I got cancer in every part of my body .

  21. 它也表明,抑制胰腺癌细胞的扩散。

    It has also been shown to inhibit pancreatic cancer cell proliferation .

  22. 癌细胞已经扩散到他的肺部。

    The cancer had spread to his lungs .

  23. 不,所谓第一期是癌细胞尚未扩散到淋巴结,对吧?

    No , stage one , the cancer hasn 't spread to the lymph nodes . Has it ?

  24. 癌细胞已经扩散到我的淋巴腺。从统计数据来看,我的时间不多了。

    The cancer had metastasized to my lymph nodes and the statistics were not great for long-term survival .

  25. 虽然治疗抑制住了癌细胞的扩散,但是这并不能达到彻底根治的疗效。

    Although the treatment stopped the progression of my cancer , it didn 't bring a full remission .

  26. 目前,全世界的科学家利用绿色荧光蛋白来追踪脑细胞的发展、肿瘤的成长以及癌细胞的扩散。

    Researchers worldwide now use GFP to track development of brain cells , the growth of tumors and the spread of cancer cells .

  27. 目前有研究者报道:在小鼠身上用远低于标准剂量的药物浓度就能抑制癌细胞的扩散。

    But now researchers report that they can curb the spread of cancer cells in mice with drug concentrations far lower than the standard dose .

  28. 据中国网周三报道,去年12月,医生发现癌细胞已经扩散到他的脊髓液,在1月1日之后,他的家人已决定停止治疗。

    Cancerous cells were found in his spinal fluid in December , and his family made the decision to stop treatment after January 1 , news site china.com.cn reported on Wednesday .

  29. 现在对24名妇女进行的一项小型研究可能给出了答案:大豆似乎可以降低体内循环的雌激素的水平,其转而又可以抑制乳腺癌细胞的扩散。

    Now a small study of two dozen women may point to an answer : soy seems to keep circulating levels of estrogen low , which in turn inhibits breast cells from proliferating .

  30. 然而,移植仅限于癌症早期,如果癌细胞已经扩散到整个肝脏,移植也不是有效的治疗方法。

    However , transplants are only feasible when the cancer is caught early ; if there is any chance that the cancer has spread beyond the liver , transplantation is not an effective therapy .