
zǒng bà gōng
  • general strike;bandh
总罢工 [zǒng bà gōng]
  • [general strike] 各行各业所有参加工会组织的工人同时举行的罢工

总罢工[zǒng bà gōng]
  1. 这场有计划的总罢工是政府面临的一个重大经济挑战。

    The planned general strike represents an important economic challenge to the government

  2. 他们决定下个月举行总罢工。

    They decided to call a general strike in the following month .

  3. 雇员们又举行了一次总罢工。

    The employees had another general strike .

  4. 你这主张就是取消了总罢工!

    Your proposal is tantamount to calling Off the general strike !

  5. 谈判失败之后,他们下令举行总罢工。

    They ordered general strike after the failure of the talks .

  6. 过早发起总罢工会导致彻底失败。

    A premature general strike would invite total defeat .

  7. 1908年孟买工人总罢工

    The Bombay Workers ' General Strike in 1908

  8. 工业因总罢工而告停顿。

    Industry was immobilized by a general strike .

  9. 当1926年总罢工开始时,她为志愿工人创办了食堂。

    When the general strike of1926 began , she opened a canteen for volunteer workers .

  10. 这次总罢工使工业陷于瘫痪。

    The general strike paralyzed the industry .

  11. 他们警告说,如果不满足他们的要求,就要总罢工。

    They warned that a general strike would follow if their demands were not met .

  12. 他们想发动一场总罢工来摧跨这个国家。

    They wanted to launch a general strike which would bring the state to the ground .

  13. 一个男子跳起来,强烈要求举行总罢工。

    One man leapt to his feet and weighted in with a forceful appeal for all-out strike .

  14. 工会表示将于周五发动一场长达48小时的总罢工,这将是本周第二次罢工。

    Trade unions said they would start a 48-hour general strike , the second this week , on Friday .

  15. 只要你们厂里小姊妹坚决些,总罢工还可以继续下去。

    So long as the girls in your factory can remain firm , the general strike can still go on .

  16. 混合工会的抗义甚至未被理睬,于是工会号召反对公司的第二次总罢工。

    The protests of the amalgamated were not even acknowledged , and the Union called a second general strike against the corporation .

  17. 委内瑞拉反对党领袖称,一次反对乌戈·查韦斯总统的总罢工现在已经上升到一个完全抵抗的阶段。

    Opposition leaders in Venezuela said a general strike against the government of President , Hugo Chavez , has now entered a phase of total resistance .

  18. 工业陷于停顿,全城都忐忑不安地传说电车工人、印刷工人要罢工,可能要有总罢工。

    Industry was tied up , and the whole city was nervous with talk of a trolley strike , a printer 's strike , a general strike .

  19. .犹太人定居委员会宣布举行总罢工,抗议以色列政府冻结西岸建设的决定。

    Settlers Protest West Bank Construction Freeze Jewish settlement councils have declared a general strike to protest the Israeli government 's freeze on construction in West Bank communities .

  20. 现在丝厂总罢工到了一个严重的时期,首先得克服这尾巴主义!

    Now that the general strike of the silk factories has reached a critical stage , the first thing we must do is to overcome this sort of tailism !

  21. 况且现在上海丝厂女工总罢工,局面很紧,多延挨一天,也许要闹大乱子。

    Besides , with this general strike of all the silk factories in shanghai , it 's a very tricky situation , and one more day 's delay might be disastrous .

  22. 裕华厂明天不罢下来,就是破坏了总罢工,就是不执行总路线!

    If the girls at the Yu Hua Factory don 't come out on strike again tomorrow , it will be a case of undermining the general strike and disobeying the Party line !

  23. “到底她们那什么总同盟罢工,背后是哪些人在那里搅?”

    " What 's this so-called general strike committee they 've got ? And who 's behind it pulling the strings ?"

  24. 到晚上七点钟光景,跟昏黑的暮色一齐来的,是总同盟罢工的势将瓦解。

    It was around seven o'clock in the evening , and the gathering darkness brought with it the prospect of the general strike collapsing .

  25. 刚才我派长林和她们的罢工委员会办交涉,她们又说要听丝厂总同盟罢工委员会的命令。

    I sent Kuei Chang-lin to negotiate with the strike committee , but they say they 're waiting for orders from the silk filatures general strike committee .