
zǒng gōng chéng shī
  • chief engineer
总工程师[zǒng gōng chéng shī]
  1. 总工程师太忙了,不能出席今天的会议。

    The chief engineer is very busy and can 't be in attendance at today 's meeting .

  2. 约瑟夫·施特劳斯(JosephStrauss)是金门大桥项目总工程师。

    Joseph Strauss was the chief engineer of the Golden Gate Bridge project .

  3. 总工程师是这项工程的擎天柱。

    The main engineer will be the pillars of the project .

  4. 然后他在费城的米德维尔钢铁公司(midvalesteelworks)工作并成为总工程师,然后转到伯利恒钢铁公司工作。

    He then worked at Midvale steel works in Philadelphia , where he became chief engineer , before moving to Bethlehem Steel Company .

  5. 工信部总工程师张峰说:“中国已经在5G技术的一些关键领域取得了进展。”

    China has made progress in the research of some key areas regarding 5G technology , said MIIT chief engineer Zhang Feng .

  6. 据SteveLord(SGI的文件系统软件总工程师)说,刚编写完一个补丁来解决该问题,并且不久将可以使用该补丁。

    According to Steve Lord , the Principal Engineer of filesystem software for SGI , a patch has just been written to address this problem , and it should be available soon .

  7. 工信部发言人、总工程师张峰表示,去年年底,我国超过58%的移动电话用户为4G用户。

    More than 58 % of China 's mobile phone users were 4G subscribers at the end of 2016 , according to Zhang Feng , spokesperson and chief engineer of MIIT .

  8. MLR的总工程师张洪涛说,发现矿床的省份包括东北的辽宁省,华北的河北省,华东的山东、安徽省,以及西南的四川省。

    The deposits were discovered in provinces including northeastern Liaoning , northern Hebei , eastern Shandong and Anhui , and southwestern Sichuan , said Zhang Hongtao , MLR chief engineer .

  9. 陕西省煤田地质局(ShaanxiCoalfieldGeologyBureau)总工程师王国柱昨日表示,尚未决定合资企业生产何种煤炭产品。陕西省煤田地质局是陕西省政府下属部门,也是英美资源集团在当地的合作伙伴。

    Wang Guozhu , chief engineer at Shaanxi Coalfield Geology Bureau , an arm of the provincial government and Anglo American 's local partner , said yesterday no decision had been made on what coal products might be produced by the venture .

  10. 1913年的时候,洛杉矶水务部门的总工程师威廉·马尔霍兰(WilliamMulholland)用一句传世的宣言开启了洛杉矶引水渠的闸门:“水就在那里,尽管取而用之。”此番话语,尽显傲慢。

    It was hubris , born in the words of the city 's chief water engineer , William Mulholland , when he opened the gates of the Los Angeles Aqueduct in 1913 with an immortal proclamation : " There it is . Take it . "

  11. 石油工程(采油、钻井总工程师)

    Petroleum Engineering ( Chief Engineers of Oil Production and Drilling )

  12. 特殊钢厂厂长和总工程师谈全面质量管理

    Directors and chief engineers of special steel works talk about TQC

  13. 协助总工程师管理技术开发部的各项工作;

    Assist chief engineer to manage all works of develop dept ;

  14. 汉斯原是我在福特分部的总工程师。

    Hans used to be my chief engineer at the Ford Division .

  15. 这个项目的总工程师是约瑟夫?斯特劳斯。

    The chief engineer for the project was Joseph Strauss .

  16. 总工程师对这些倾向发出了尖锐的警告。

    The chief engineer sounded a sharp warning against all these tendencies .

  17. 反应堆控制总工程师监督反应堆。

    Chief engineer of reactor control supervises the reactor .

  18. 唐被委任为该项工程的总工程师。

    Don was appointed chief engineer of the project .

  19. 他的设计得到了总工程师的肯定。

    His design was approved by the chief engineer .

  20. 基思成为该公司的工业总工程师。

    Keith joined the company as chief industrial engineer .

  21. 他是厂长并且还是总工程师。

    She 's both a singer and a dancer .

  22. 我叫乔治,是项且经理和总工程师。

    My name is george . I 'm a project manager and chief engineer .

  23. 大型设备的存放经主管副总工程师批准。

    The storage of large equipment shall be approved by the assistant chief engineer .

  24. 我们的总工程师跳槽到一家外资企业。

    It is heard our chief engineer has hopped to a foreign capital enterprise .

  25. 我的父亲于1946年回到马可尼公司任总工程师。

    My father returned to the Marconi Company as Engineer in Chief in 1946 .

  26. 亨利不久就当上了底特律城电气公司的总工程师。

    In Detroit , Henry soon became Chief Engineer for the town electric company .

  27. 总工程师需要掌握维护整个铁路系统的安全。

    The chief engineer is in charge of maintaining safely throughout the railway system .

  28. 上海电子工程设计研究院有限公司副总工程师、级工程师。

    Discussion on the supervisor engineer participation in design during the engineering design stage ;

  29. 强化总工程师技术负责制

    Strengthen the chief engineer technical responsibility system

  30. 在汽轮机控制总工程师控制一切,随着发电机组的交易。

    Chief engineer of the turbine control controls everything that deals with the generating unit .