
  • 网络MTA;New York subway;Subway;New York City Subway, NYCS;NYC subways
  1. 亚马逊(Amazon)从纽约地铁上的手推车看到了未来。

    Amazon has seen the future - and it is a pushcart on the New York subway .

  2. 纽约地铁上的iPod使用者以赞许的眼光相互对望,察觉到独特的白色和容易缠绕的耳机,这标志着他们又遇到了一位使用iPod的伙伴。

    IPod users on the New York subway eye one another approvingly , spotting the distinctive white and tangleprone earphones that mark another member of the club .

  3. (纽约地铁站也能看到Seamless的广告:“幸福就是就算忘带午餐,也能马上订到更好的美食。”)

    ( witness the ads plastered in NYC subways : " happiness is forgetting your lunch and instantly ordering something better . " )

  4. 2014年,韦尔康奈尔医学院(WeillCornellMedicalCollege)的科学家研究团队采集了486个纽约地铁站中的验票闸门、座位和自动售票机里的各种细菌基因样本进行排序。

    In 2014 , a team of scientists from Weill Cornell Medical College sequenced genetic material found in the turnstiles , seats , and ticket booths of all 468 New York City subway stations .

  5. 她经常参观摄影展和艺术展,走在街上会收听鲍厄里男孩(BoweryBoys)在podcast里关于纽约地铁系统历史的广播。

    She frequently attends exhibitions of photography and art , and walks the streets listening to Bowery Boys podcasts about the history of the subway system .

  6. 在纽约地铁上,两名用手推车递送大量亚马逊包裹的员工表示,多数PrimeNow货物都用地铁递送,原因是曼哈顿拥堵的路面交通让60分钟送达的可能性几乎为零。

    Two delivery workers pushing large trolleys of Amazon parcels on the subway said the company was using underground trains for most Prime Now deliveries because traffic on Manhattan 's gridlocked streets made it impossible to honour a 60-minute guarantee .

  7. 房间的窗帘是威廉•莫里斯(WilliamMorris)设计风格的回归。还有祼露的砖墙。浴室墙壁上,从天花到地板都采用奶油色长方形墙砖,这与纽约地铁里倒有几分相似。

    The curtains are a throwback to a William Morris design , there are exposed brick walls , and the floor-to-ceiling bathroom tiles are creamy oblongs similar to those in the New York subway .

  8. 纽约地铁列车的信息技术

    Information Technology of Subway Cars for the New York City Transit

  9. 用的就是纽约地铁工程挖出来的土。

    Removed during the construction of the New York subway system .

  10. 这个岛是用修建纽约地铁时挖出来的土。

    The island was expand to its present size with dirt .

  11. 时代广场是纽约地铁的交会点。

    Times Square is the nexus of the New York subway .

  12. 桑迪飓风过后,关闭四天的纽约地铁和公车系统部分恢复运营。

    Subways and buses resumed limited service Thursday after a four-day shutdown .

  13. 我在哪里能买到一张纽约地铁图呢?

    Where can I get a New York Underground map ?

  14. 纽约地铁和巴黎的地铁格局不太一样。

    Subway in New York isn 't similar to the subway in Paris .

  15. 纽约地铁治安维持会几周来受到了媒体的关注。

    The subway vigilante in New York was in the media for weeks .

  16. 我为自己感到难过&孤身一人在纽约地铁站里。

    I felt sorry for myself & alone in a New York subway station .

  17. 暴风雨,正如你从这幅纽约地铁涨水图中看见的一样。

    and to storm surge , as you can see from the subway flooding .

  18. 图为纽约地铁车窗上的涂鸦正等待着清除。

    Graffiti wait to be cleaned from the window of a New York subway car .

  19. 外地人很容易在纽约地铁如迷宫般的人行地道里迷路。

    Out-of-towners may easily lose their way in New York City 's labyrinthine subway passages .

  20. 他试图在纽约地铁站台实施恐怖主义行为

    In an attempt to commit an act of terrorism on a New York subway platform .

  21. 在纽约地铁中心总站,咨询处上方的时钟指向了5点54分。

    Six minutes to six , said the clock over the information booth in Grand Central Station .

  22. 与纽约地铁许多线路一样,这条四轨线路供多个不同的服务使用。

    Like much of the New York subway , the four-track line is used by multiple different services .

  23. 守护天使组织是一群警戒行动者,他们致力于阴止纽约地铁的犯罪行为。

    The guardian angels are a group of vigilantes who try to prevent crime on the New York subway .

  24. 而这个月,一个同性恋朋友在纽约地铁上遭到骚扰。

    This month , he said a gay friend of his was harassed on the New York City subway .

  25. 在纽约地铁中,列车司机时常应对困境,意想不到的状况,一切都因为与这个出乎意料的大都市在一起。注:听力文本来源于普特

    On the subway of New York , train operators collide with dilemma , an inflexible schedule and an unpredicted metropolis .

  26. 乔治和山姆坐纽约地铁,一个乞丐上前向他们要零钱。

    George and Sam are riding on a New York City subway when a beggar approaches them asking for spare change .

  27. 但要理解它究竟有多受欢迎,你还是得去纽约地铁瞧瞧。

    But to understand just how popular Candy Crush is , you have to go underground to the New York City Subways .

  28. 然而我朋友就是不能眼看着有人在纽约地铁独入是非之地而置之不顾。

    However , my friend simply could not see someone brave the rough maw of a New York subway without trying to help .

  29. 有许多诉讼案件都很可笑,如一个跳到纽约地铁列车前面的男人因受伤而诉诸法律;

    Ridiculous lawsuits abound , including the man who jumped in front of a New York subway train and then sued for injury ;

  30. 最后一个人类消失。四十八小时之后,电力消失,水泵停止,纽约地铁隧道被淹。

    The last human disappears.48 hours later , the power dies , the pumps stop , and New York 's subway tunnels are flooded .