
  • The Inception;Christopher Nolan,Inception
  1. Facebook影片《社交网络》在颁奖季之初就备受推崇,此次更获得8项提名,与2010年热映大片、突破性科幻影片《盗梦空间》打成平手。

    The Facebook drama , " The Social Network , " the early favorite during awards season , received eight nominations , tyingwith the groundbreaking sci-fithriller " Inception , " one of 2010 's biggest movies .

  2. 《盗梦空间》这两类影片都算不上,不过它没有遭致挞伐,原因很简单:大概只有航空航天局(NASA)的系统分析师才能完全明了剧情。

    Inception misses being these two types . However , it is not vilified by the film critics for the simple reason : probably only the NASA system analyst can completely understand the plot .

  3. 他在《盗梦空间》(Inception)里变幻出一座座城市,只不过是要把它们翻转过来,或让它们一瞬间消失。

    He conjured up whole cities in ' Inception , ' only to turn them inside out , or make them vanish in a flash .

  4. 最近,华纳兄弟还尝试过其他一些非常规传播方式,在iPad、iPhone以及iPod上开发与《黑暗骑士》和《盗梦空间》(Inception)有关的应用程序。

    Recently , Warner Brothers also dabbled with other unorthodox distribution methods , by creating iPad , iPhone , and iPod apps specifically for the dark knight and inception .

  5. 在《黑暗骑士》(DarkKnight)三部曲中探索过哥谭市最险恶的深渊,又在《盗梦空间》(Inception)中跨越意识的多重层次之后,导演克里斯托弗·诺兰(ChristopherNolan)接下来能去的地方似乎只有外层空间了。

    After he plumbed the direst depths of Gotham City in his " Dark Knight " trilogy and traversed multiple levels of consciousness in " Inception , " it seems the only place the filmmaker Christopher Nolan could go next was outer space .

  6. 诺兰大神ChristopherNolan的作品每一次会让观众烧脑,上一部《盗梦空间》Inception看了四遍,最后也不知道自己得出的结论是否正确。

    Every work of Christopher Nolan will puzzled the audience too much , for instance , his previous film Inception . I don 't know my conclusion is correct or not although I 've seen the film for 4 times .

  7. 京晶:是执导过《盗梦空间》的同一位导演吧?

    That 's the same director who did Inception , right ?

  8. 幻景她就是《盗梦空间》里那个筑梦师。

    She is the girl who constructs dreamscapes in Inception .

  9. 盗梦空间是一部上映于2010年的影片,这是一部美英合拍的科幻动作电影。

    Inception is a 2010 British-American science fiction action film .

  10. 本文是关于电影《盗梦空间》字幕的翻译报告。

    This report is a report on translation the subtitle of the film Inception .

  11. 盗梦空间获得了广泛的好评。

    Inception has received wide critical acclaim .

  12. 电影《盗梦空间》存在于现实中吗?

    Is film Inception a reality ?

  13. 所以最后,《盗梦空间》。

    So finally , the inception .

  14. 《盗梦空间》是部很棒的电影。

    Inception is a good film .

  15. 没错,《盗梦空间》里雪地里的堡垒那个场景,看起来就很像是盖泽尔图书馆。

    Yes , the snow fortress in the film Inception looks a lot like the Geisel Library .

  16. 如果你是火星来的,还没有看《盗梦空间》,这篇文章请你跳过。

    If you 're that one person in the world who hasn 't seen Inception yet , stop reading .

  17. 这是好莱坞电影《盗梦空间》里面的内容:梦境可以随意操纵。

    It is the stuff of the Hollywood movie Inception : a dreamworld that can be manipulated at will .

  18. 随着好莱坞大片《盗梦空间》风靡全球,有越来越多的人着迷于探索梦境。爱思英语网。

    As the Hollywood blockbuster Inception wowed audiences around world , more and more people are interested in dream exploration .

  19. 从那以后,《阿凡达》、《盗梦空间》、《火星救援》、《地心引力》和《玩具总动员3》都获得了提名。

    Since then , Avatar , Inception , The Martian , Gravity and Toy Story 3 have all received nominations .

  20. 盗梦空间在全世界获得了超过8亿美金的票房,现在,它成为了史上最叫座的电影之一。

    Inception has grossed over $ 800 million worldwide and is thus currently one of the highest-grossing films of all time .

  21. 如果你拥有电影《盗梦空间》中的“盗梦能力”,你想盗取谁的梦?

    If you have the ability of inception in the movie : " Inception ", whose dreams do you want to steal ?

  22. 影片《盗梦空间》为我们呈现了一个梦境,一个你内心深处最想要,却无法在现实里得到的梦境。

    The film INCEPTION showed us a dream you want most in your deeply heart , which you cannot get in the reality .

  23. 第二部分,针对本次字幕翻译实践使用的材料《盗梦空间》的影片影响力和特色、文化背景、字幕特点、翻译难点作介绍。

    The second part , to discusses the influence , characteristics and cultural background of the film " inception ", problems during subtitle translation .

  24. 任务的名字就做“盗梦空间”-任务是将原始的想法植入别人的思想之中。

    The name of this challenge is " Inception " - the planting of an original idea and thoughts into a target 's mind .

  25. 故事将营造关于时间、空间和记忆的脑力游戏,诺兰在过去的多部电影(从《记忆碎片》到《盗梦空间》)中都将这一游戏玩得炉火纯青。

    And the story plays mind games with time , space and memory as Nolan has done so brilliantly in films from Memento to Inception .

  26. 它们要么像吴宇森导演的《变脸》(1997年)一样华丽浮夸,要么像克里斯托弗•诺兰的《盗梦空间》(2010)那样引人深思。

    They can be either as campy as John Woo 's Face / Off ( 1997 ) or as thought-provoking as Christopher Nolan 's Inception ( 2010 ) .

  27. 继《黑暗骑士》三部曲、《盗梦空间》和《星际穿越》之后,克里斯托弗?诺兰执导了《敦刻尔克》,该片似乎是迄今为止最宏大的历史战争题材电影之一。

    Director Christopher Nolan follows up the Dark Knight trilogy , Inception and Interstellar with what 's set to be one of the most ambitious historical war movies yet .

  28. 闲话不多说,那现在我们来用倒序的方式来清点一下这一年我们最喜爱的电影,从让人费解的《盗梦空间》到能定义我们这一代人的《社交网络》。

    After the jump , we count down our favorite movies of the year , from the mind-bending'Inception'to the movie that may have defined our generation , 'The Social Network . '

  29. 本论文以电影《盗梦空间》为例,分析和研究悬念在电影叙事结构中的重要性。

    In this thesis , the movie " Pirates of the dream space " as an example , analysis and research in the suspense in the film the importance of narrative structure .

  30. 恶搞影片包括《盗梦空间》、《国王的演讲》、《大地惊雷》、《黑天鹅》、《社交网络》以及1985年的经典穿越电影《回到未来》。

    The duo spoofed movies including Inception , The King 's Speech , True Grit , The Fighter , Black Swan and The Social Network & as well as the1985 film Back to the Future .