
dào fá
  • Illegal logging;fell trees unlawfully;stealthily cut down trees
盗伐 [dào fá]
  • [stealthily cut down trees] 偷砍[树木]

盗伐[dào fá]
  1. 盗伐林木案件的特征与规律初探

    Preliminary Inquiry into Characteristics and Laws of Unlawful Felling Tree Case

  2. 盗伐、滥伐林木已被造材其立木材积测算方法应用自然伽马能谱测井确定粘土矿物类型和含量

    The Method for Determining the Standing Volume by Illegal & Excessive Logging

  3. 非法收购盗伐、滥伐的林木罪若干问题探讨

    On the crime of illegal purchasing of lumber unlawfully or destructively felled

  4. 盗伐、滥伐林木罪的犯罪客体与犯罪对象。

    Object and target of these two crimes .

  5. 根据盗伐、滥伐林木现场树坑作相应林木材积估测

    Timber Volume Estimate through Pits Left on the Spot by Illegal & Excessive Logging

  6. 据报道有45名柬埔寨盗伐者被泰国军队射杀,而这只是2012年一年的数字。

    Forty-five Cambodian loggers were reportedly shot dead by Thai forces in 2012 alone .

  7. 在林区非法收购明知是盗伐、滥伐的林木。

    In case of knowingly purchasing trees unlawfully or wantonly cut in forest districts .

  8. 提出了对盗伐滥伐森林、林木的后果进行综合评价的方法。

    Putting forward overall evaluation to the results of unlawful felling tree and excessive deforestation .

  9. 盗伐林木罪是常见的破坏国家森林资源的犯罪,犯罪形式复杂多样。

    The crime of illegal lumbering , which damages national forestry resources , has multiple forms .

  10. 盗伐滥伐林木罪的有关问题研究

    Study on Issues Related with Crime of Illegally Chopping Down Trees and Crime of Illegal Denudation

  11. 据报道有45名柬埔寨盗伐者“被泰国军队射杀,而这只是2012年一年的数字。”

    Forty-five Cambodian loggers were " reportedly shot dead by Thai forces in 2012 alone . "

  12. 盗伐、滥伐林木罪的犯罪主体。

    Subject of the two crimes .

  13. 论盗伐林木罪

    On Crime of Illegal Lumbering

  14. 用木材重量或单价换算法测算盗伐、滥伐林木材积

    The Timber Volume Calculation of Illegal & Excessive Logging with Timber Weight or Method of Univalent Conversion

  15. 这里禁止非法盗伐林木,不过居民们可以自己经营一些锯木厂和木工车间。

    The also stop illegal lumbering in the area and operate their own sawmill and woodworking shop .

  16. 环保人士发出警告,我们山上的树木已被塔利班和盗伐者砍伐殆尽,形势非常危急。

    Environmentalists had warned that our mountains had been stripped of trees by the Taliban and timber smugglers .

  17. 滥砍盗伐使东北地区森林资源遭到破坏,付出了沉重的环境代价。

    The denudation destroyed the forest reserves of northeast China , and made the region pay heavy environmental cost .

  18. 涉案林地面积是森林火灾案件定性处罚的依据,是盗伐滥伐林木案件中推算林木材积的重要因子。

    Forestland area involving a lawsuit is the basis of qualitative and punishment for the case of forest fires .

  19. 对盗伐滥伐森林、林木的定罪量刑问题进行了研究。

    In this part , the conviction and the measure penalty of unlawful felling tree and excessive deforestation are studied .

  20. 司法实践中可将涉林渎职犯罪的“前案”,即盗伐林木罪或者滥伐林木罪中“数量巨大”的标准,作为涉林渎职犯罪中“遭受重大损失”的衡量标准。

    The weigh standard may take the register criterion-Amount Greatness of the former case as the standard of the Else Bigness Loss in practice .

  21. 在泰国,自2009年以来,有数十名护林员遇害,原因是在森林中遭遇盗伐者时发生枪战。那些盗伐者来自偏远的农村或柬埔寨。

    Since 2009 , dozens of forest rangers have been killed in Thailand in shootouts with loggers from remote villages or Cambodia , it continued .

  22. 盗伐、滥伐森林或者其他林木,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

    Should the unlawful or wanton cutting of forests or other trees constitute a criminal offense , the legal responsibilities shall be investigated and dealt with .

  23. 材积是盗伐、滥伐等森林案件定性和处罚的主要依据,要求具有惟一性。

    The volume of timber is the main basis for nature determination and punishment of the forest cases such as illegal logging and its result must be sole .

  24. 根据当地中文媒体的报导,死者李乔明涉嫌盗伐林木于2月8日被送进看守所。

    According to the local Chinese-language media reports , the deceased young man , Li Qiaoming , was arrested on Feb.8 for illegal logging activity and sent to a detention center .

  25. 但由于商业采伐、非法盗伐、农业活动和人类栖息地扩张等原因,热带雨林正以惊人的速度消失。

    However , the tropical forest has been decreased because of commercial logging , illegal logging , agricultural activities , the expansion of human habitat and other reasons in recent years .

  26. 比较全面地介绍了我国目前有关盗伐滥伐森林、林木的法律法规,并指出其中的不完善之处,以及目前在执法中存在的主要问题。

    We introduce the current laws and regulations of unlawful felling tree and excessive deforestation in our country , point out its faultiness and the primary existing problems in on law enforcement .

  27. 探讨了盗伐立木材积测算工作中二元立木材积表选用和地径一元材积表的编制与应用方法。

    In addition , the discussion was made on the selection of standard volume table , the organization and application method of local volume table in the calculation of unlawfully felled tree volume .

  28. 并且通过与盗伐林木罪比较,我们可以发现非法采矿罪作用的发挥并没有一系列的相应罪名与之相配合,刑法保护缺乏体系性。

    And with the comparison of the bootleg felling forest crime , we can find there is lack of a series of corresponding counts that are marched with illegal mining . The systematic protection is needed .

  29. 香港居民对内地有诸多不满,从大量内地游客涌入香港,到北京方面插手书商失踪事件,不一而足,盗伐沉香木现象只是最新的一件。

    Tree thefts are just the latest item in a long list of Hong Kong residents " gripes with China , from the influx of tourists ; to Beijing 's hand in the booksellers " disappearance .

  30. 盗伐林木罪和滥伐林木罪是发案率最高、危害最为严重的破坏森林资源犯罪。

    Crime of illegally chopping down trees and crime of illegal denudation are the main crimes of destroying forest reserves , and are the most serious crimes with highest rate among all crimes of destroying forest reserves .