
dào qiè báo xiǎn
  • burglary insurance
  1. 他把一个工程师所拥有的技能滥用来盗窃保险箱。

    His skill as an engineer was misapplied to burgling safes .

  2. 诺丁汉居民因室内盗窃而提出保险赔偿的机率是Endsleigh保险公司全国平均水平的两倍之多。

    Residents in Nottingham were more than twice as likely to claim for household theft than insurer Endsleigh 's national average .

  3. 在复活节银行假日的周末,位于伦敦市中心的哈顿花园保险有限公司发生了一起迅雷不及掩耳之势的盗窃,72个保险箱被洗劫一空。

    Seventy-two safe deposit boxes were opened in a raid at the Hatton Garden Safe Deposit Ltd in central London over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend .