
dào qiè
  • theft;steal;robbery;larceny;do;pilferage;heist;glom
盗窃 [dào qiè]
  • [steal] 用不合法的手段秘密地取得

  • 盗窃珠宝

盗窃[dào qiè]
  1. 罪犯盗窃大多是为了把赃物在黑市上卖掉,换取现金。

    Most criminals steal in order to sell their loot for cash on the black market .

  2. 有报道说一些年轻人乘局势一片混乱之际抢劫盗窃。

    There have been reports of youths taking advantage of the general confusion to loot and steal .

  3. 那位年轻人被控犯有三次盗窃罪。

    The youth was charged with three counts of burglary .

  4. 侦探正在追踪昨天盗窃仓库的窃贼。

    Detectives are hunting for thieves who broke into a warehouse yesterday .

  5. 我们的保单全面承保火灾及盗窃风险。

    Our policy offers complete protection against fire and theft .

  6. 那对夫妇被指控犯有重大/轻微盗窃罪。

    The couple were charged with grand / petty larceny .

  7. 你是否买了足够的火险和盗窃险?

    Are you fully covered for fire and theft ?

  8. 去年汽车盗窃案的侦破率仅为13%。

    Last year the detection rate for car theft was just 13 % .

  9. 她因盗窃罪正在服两年徒刑。

    She is serving two years for theft .

  10. 她有六次盗窃前科。

    She has six previous convictions for theft .

  11. 她因被控犯有六项盗窃罪而出庭受审。

    She appeared on six charges of theft .

  12. 他们因盗窃每人挨了20鞭。

    They each received 20 lashes for stealing .

  13. 谁告发他入室盗窃?

    Who fingered him for the burglaries ?

  14. 侦探认为这起入室盗窃案与去年此地区一类似案件有关。

    Detectives have linked the break-in to a similar crime in the area last year .

  15. 它没有买盗窃险。

    It isn 't insured against theft .

  16. 我们保了盗窃险没有?

    Are we insured against theft ?

  17. 她的助手被警方指控犯有盗窃和欺诈罪。

    Her assistant was accused of theft and fraud by the police

  18. 秘密调查已抓获90名涉嫌欺诈盗窃的职员。

    Secret investigations have netted ninety staff suspected of fraud and theft

  19. 他吹嘘自己参与过盗窃军火的行动。

    He 's boasted of being involved in the arms theft

  20. 另一次入室盗窃偷得了价值4,000英镑的首饰。

    Another break-in yielded a £ 4,000 haul of jewellery .

  21. 有人指责军队中存在着野蛮暴行和盗窃行为。

    Allegations of brutality and theft have been levelled at the army .

  22. 把盗窃艺术品看作是一种绅士犯罪的观念已经过时了。

    The image of art theft as a gentleman 's crime is outdated

  23. 警方正在追捕一个被控盗窃了55辆汽车的犯罪团伙。

    Police were hunting for a gang who had allegedly stolen fifty-five cars .

  24. 盗窃艺术品如今成为一种有组织的犯罪活动。

    Art theft is now part of organised crime .

  25. 那一年机动车盗窃案的侦破率仅为11.7%。

    The detection rate for motor vehicle theft that year was just 11.7 per cent

  26. 将钱包据为己有的人可能会被控盗窃。

    The finder of a wallet who takes it home may be guilty of theft

  27. 很多入室盗窃案都是年轻人干的,他们可以从狭小的窗口钻进去。

    Many break-ins are carried out by youngsters who can squeeze through tiny windows .

  28. 哈格曼被控重大盗窃罪,面临2至20年的刑期。

    Haggerman now faces two to 20 years in prison on grand larceny charges .

  29. 我向警方报告了这起盗窃案。

    I reported the theft to the police

  30. 他因入室盗窃而被捕。

    He 's been arrested for burglary .