
  1. 销售好莱坞(hollywood)大片的盗版碟,在上海是笔大买卖,而卡迪俱乐部一直是移居中国的外国人和游客追捧的地方。

    Pirated copies of Hollywood blockbusters are big business in the city , and Ka de club has been the popular haunt for expatriates and tourists .

  2. 我买了《紫雨》的盗版碟

    I bought a bootlegged copy of " Purple Rain . "

  3. 那么,这一定是一张盗版碟了。

    Then , it must be a pirate copy .

  4. 以后别再买盗版碟就是了。

    Just don 't buy any pirate copies any more in the future .

  5. 嗨,你这儿有迪伦的盗版碟。

    Hey , man , you got bootleg dylan .

  6. 或许你已经看过了盗版碟。

    Perhaps you have already seen a pirated copy .

  7. 如果他们把电影拍得足够好,人们没准儿就不会在家里看盗版碟了。

    If they made the experience good enough , audiences might start to prefer it to watching pirated movies at home .

  8. 但只有乡巴佬才对时代广场感兴趣,因为除了小饰品店,街边剧院,连锁餐馆和荫凉下卖山寨包和盗版碟的商贩外,这广场一无所有(哦,别忘了买个绿色的自由女神像)。

    But other than that , Times Square is an out-of-towners-only wasteland of knickknack shops ( don 't forget to buy your pointy green Statue-of-Liberty crown ! ) , bad street theater , chain restaurants , and shady vendors selling knock-off handbags and pirated DVDs .