
  • 网络Game Simulator;gba;Vbag-GBA
  1. 这是我收集的游戏模拟器源程序!

    This is my collection of game consoles source !

  2. 首先,每当我用这个模拟器的IPS文件到一个特定的游戏,模拟器不仅改变您所选择的字体,但它也可以变更您的主要语言。

    First , whenever I use to IPS files in this emulator to a certain game , the emulator not only changes your chosen font , but it can also change your primary language .

  3. 那么,游戏机模拟器到底是否合法,其存在是否具有法律上的合理性就成为了一个必须去面对和研究的问题。

    Whether the existence of game emulator is legal become a question for us to discuss .

  4. 这将打开大门,一长列的游戏,模拟器和其他公用事业。

    This opens the door to a long list of games , emulators and other utilities .

  5. 其结果是我们在很多商业游戏、飞行模拟器和虚拟现实仿真中都可以找到ODE。

    As a result , you 'll find the ODE in a variety of commercial games , flight simulators , and virtual reality simulations .