
  • 网络Game Client
  1. 典型地是作为盒装产品提供给消费者的游戏客户端的费用。

    Typically the cost of the game client as a boxed product to the consumer .

  2. 任何发送到游戏客户端的数据都可以访问或修改。

    Any data that are sent to a game client can be accessed or modified .

  3. 基于J2ME的游戏客户端设计、基于PC的服务器端设计,模拟客户端到服务器端的数据流异步传输控制。

    Based on J2ME game customer end design , based on PC server end design , simulation customer end to server end data stream asynchronous transmission control .

  4. 棋牌类网络游戏客户端架构设计

    Design of client architecture for chess / cards on-line games

  5. 游戏客户端通过用户界面向游戏玩家展示信息。

    Game clients display information to the game player through the user interface .

  6. 机顶盒游戏客户端主要设计思路是按照面向对象的设计思想。

    The main thoughtway in designing the Set-top Box games clients is the object-oriented programming thought .

  7. 我们可以下载游戏客户端但现在无法登录到任何服务器。

    We can download game client now and not be able to log onto any servers .

  8. 如前所述,在游戏客户端软件层级结构的最底层,一切都只是数据。

    As we noted earlier , at the deepest layer of the game client , everything is just data .

  9. 例如,游戏客户端现在也许能够通过付款提取内容(由一个函数调用进行控制)。

    For example , the game client may now be able to retrieve the content in return for a payment , controlled under a single function call .

  10. 我转了个角度问关于游戏客户端本身问题,得到几个我闻所未闻的答案。

    I changed angles a bit and asked some questions regarding the game client itself , and was given several answers that I hadn 't heard before .

  11. 游戏客户端到了玩家手里,为了在游戏中赢得荣誉或利益,玩家将疯狂研究游戏客户端的每一项。

    Game client to the players hands , in order to win the honor or interests of the game , the player of the game will be crazy every client .

  12. 举个例子,如果游戏客户端辨识出一瓶隐藏的神秘魔法药剂的位置,那么那些数据一定在游戏客户端的某个地方,即使该数据在你的用户界面上根本看不到。

    For example , if the game client knows the location of a hidden secret potion , those data must exist in the game client somewhere even if the data are not apparent to you in the user interface .

  13. 框架采用集群运行游戏客户端,输出广视角、高分辨率的游戏画面;采用投影仪作为显示设备,显示尺寸大,投影在柱面幕上能带给游戏玩家强烈的沉浸感。

    The framework runs game clients on a cluster for generating images of high resolution and wide field of view . It displays images using multi-channel projectors to cast them on large scale cylinder screen , which offers strong immersive experience .

  14. 本文主要研究基于手机平台的智能游戏程序客户端设计及手机客户端与PC服务器间的互联。

    This paper is mainly about the research of the smart client game design based on mobile phone and mobile phone network with PC server .

  15. 修正了在围城战中游戏的客户端被冻结的错误。

    Correction of a bug that sometimes freezes clients program in siege attack .

  16. 本文还针对IPTVSTB的特点,设计并实现了游戏系统的客户端程序。

    This paper also designed and implemented a game client for IPTV STB in terms of its requirement .

  17. 多人游戏中降低了客户端搜索到直升机的距离。

    Fixed MP bug which decreased client 's acquisition range of helicopters .

  18. 但为了让事情变得简单,我放弃使用这种方法,而是集中讲述存储游戏数据、在客户端与服务器之间通信,以及打造前端的基础知识。

    To keep it simple , though , I forgo this approach to concentrate on the basics of storing the game data , communicating between the client and server , and building the front end .

  19. 传统的游戏运营是在游戏客户端中集成所有游戏资源,这种方式不仅使得新游戏资源发布速度慢且难度大,而且不可避免会使得客户端变得无比庞大。

    In traditionally , all game resources is integrated in game client , this kind of means not only make the new game resources released slowly and difficulty , and inevitably the client will be very large .

  20. 传统的网络游戏架构分为游戏服务器和游戏客户端。

    The traditional online game architecture is composed of game server and game client .

  21. 网络引擎是网络游戏服务器的一个重要组成部分,是网络游戏服务器与客户端之间进行数据通信的基础,网络引擎在处理网络消息时的性能直接影响网络游戏服务器的性能。

    Network engine is an important part of the online game server , the communication between server and client is based on the network engine . The performance of the online game server is depends on the performance of the network engine .

  22. 在本文写作过程中,笔者还开发了一个实例小游戏&俄罗斯方块网络版。该游戏基于C/S的多用户网络游戏框架,客户端采用MVC模式实现,具有一定的理论和实用价值。

    During the writing of this thesis , the author selected the C / S style network protocol , developed a game programming framework , and a demo game-Online Tetris .