
yóu jì
  • travels;travel notes
游记 [yóu jì]
  • [travel notes] 对游历进行记录的文体

游记[yóu jì]
  1. 从古代游记看传统思维和语言的困境

    Viewing the conventional thinking and language predicament from the ancient travel notes

  2. 柳宗元山水游记中的人格美

    The Beauty of Personality in Liu Zong-yuan 's Travel Notes

  3. 她人生的唯一目标就是当游记作家。

    Her sole object in life is to become a travel writer .

  4. 候选人是一位知名的游记作家,也是电视名人,基本上无可挑剔。

    The candidate was quite unexceptionable , a well-known travel writer and TV personality

  5. 《西游记》讲唐僧往西天取经的故事。

    The journey to the West tells how the Tang Monk went to the Western Heaven to acquire scriptures .

  6. 毕竟不知此去吉凶如何,且听下回分解。(《西游记》)

    We do not know whether good or ill will befall him after he leaves , and you must listen to the explanation in the next chapter .

  7. 这是拜伦长诗《恰尔德·哈罗尔德游记》的第四章。

    It 's the fourth canto of Byron 's " Childe Harold " .

  8. 总的看,这是一部尚可一读的描述美国社会和政治的游记。

    The book adds up to a readable , sociopolitical travelogue of America .

  9. 近一半的新作品都是国风风格,或者说“传统中国风”。这些故事大多是根据中国传说或文学作品改编。例如,《西行纪之再见悟空》改编自《西游记》。

    Nearly half of the new works are in guofeng style , or “ traditional Chinese style ” . The stories are mostly based on or adapted from Chinese legends or literature . For example , The Westward comes from Journey to the West .

  10. 法式风情的拼图&法国城市Nancy,Strasbourg游记

    Composite Picture in French Style & Itinerary of Nancy , Strasbourg

  11. 2010年,乔布斯在推广iPad时,展示了皮克斯公司制作的电影“飞屋环游记”。

    Steve Jobs shows a scene from " Up ", a Pixar film , during his speech introducing the iPad in2010 .

  12. 《西游记》单音节动词重叠式VV与V-V的差异

    Study for the differences of overlapping forms of mono-syllable verbs ( vv and v-v ) in the novel Pilgrimage to the West

  13. 《西游记》的七子模式

    The " Seven Persons " Mode of Pilgrimage to the West

  14. 《西游记》体助词研究

    Study on the Aspect Auxiliaries in the Journey to the West

  15. 她在阅读彩色增刊上的游记文章。

    She was reading the travel stuff in the colour supplement .

  16. 古代山水游记发展论略

    A General Survey of the Development of Ancient Landscape Travel Notes

  17. 《西游记》是第一个被改写的故事。

    Journey to the West was the first to be revamped .

  18. 彼得杰克逊最新的一本书《非洲》部分是游记,部分是回忆录。

    Peter jackson 's latest book'africa'is part travelogue , part memoir .

  19. 从作者看《西游记》为道教文学奇葩

    Pilgrimage to the West : A Classical Work of Taoist Literature

  20. 近代域外游记的特征及价值

    The Characteristics and Values of Overseas Travel Notes in Modern Times

  21. 在孩提时代,我喜欢看游记。

    I liked to read the travels when I was a child .

  22. 《西游记》俗语中的人物性格和时代特色

    Personality and Time Characteristics in Slang of A Journey to the West

  23. 阅读游记书籍有某种身临其境的乐趣。

    There 's a certain vicarious pleasure in reading books about travel .

  24. 山水游记体与禅宗丛林改革;

    The style of travels and the reform of Chan ;

  25. 马可·波罗与《马可·波罗游记》新探

    A New Exploration of Marco Polo and His Book of Marco Polo

  26. 欧洲中世纪一部最流行的非宗教类作品&《曼德维尔游记》的文本生成、版本流传及中国形象综论

    The Most Popular Unreligious Works in Middle Ages of Europe

  27. 第一部分,分析苏轼游记散文的思想内容。

    Part one analyses his travels ' thoughts and content .

  28. 建筑领域中的符号学游记领域中的双子星座

    Semiology of architecture field Dual - star in Area of Travel Notes

  29. 不仅如此,对于一个游记作家来说,马不停蹄地观察是不够的。

    Also , non-stop observation is not enough for the travel writer .

  30. 《西游记》之心猿及其文化根源

    " Xinyuan " of Pilgrimage to the West and Its Cultural Source