
yóu xiān shī
  • poetry about immortals
游仙诗 [yóu xiān shī]
  • [poetry about immortals] 古代借歌咏仙境以抒发情怀志向之诗

游仙诗[yóu xiān shī]
  1. 游仙诗特点及分类

    Features and Classification of Poetry about Immortals

  2. 他的游仙诗成名于当时,影响于后世。

    His poetry about immortals became famous at that time , affected in the later generation .

  3. 郭璞游仙诗中的山水情怀对后世诗歌的影响,特别兴起山水诗的发展。

    Especially , the rise of the development of landscape poetry .

  4. 浅析曹唐游仙诗的内容特色

    The Pursuit of Poem about Immortals of Cao Tang in Tang Dynasty

  5. 简论我国古代游仙诗的发展及表现主题

    On the development and themes of Chinese ancient poems on travelling to fairyland

  6. 试论唐代文人游仙诗仙人意象类型

    The Celestial Being 's Image Type of Tang Dynasty

  7. 试论江淹的哀伤诗和游仙诗

    Poetry about Grievous and Immortals of JIANG Yan

  8. 第五类,游仙诗。

    The fifth class , poems .

  9. 论郭璞游仙诗在李贺笔下的继承与发展

    On the Inheritance and Development of GUO Pu 's Immortal Poems Under LI He 's Description

  10. 游仙诗与玄理诗是宗教传播与文人接受的表现形式。

    Both the fairy poems and metaphysical poems are expression of religion spread and the acceptance by scholars .

  11. 现实忧患与生命超脱的矛盾纠葛&嵇康游仙诗简论

    The Contradiction of Misery Reality and Super life & Brief comments on the poetry about immortals of Ji Kang

  12. 游仙诗是一种描写特殊题材的文学样式,是中古时期一个重要的诗歌类别。

    The poetry about immortals is one kind of crucial literature styles that describe special themes in ancient time .

  13. 六朝以及唐代是游仙诗的发展期,就主题思想而言变化不大。

    The South Dynasty and Tang Dynasty is the period of development and there is little difference in the subject .

  14. 游仙诗是古典诗歌史中一个重要的诗歌体裁,具有悠久的创作历史。

    Youxian poem is an important poetry genre in classical poetry history , which has a long tradition of creations .

  15. 此时期出现的独特的诗歌形式&游仙诗,更是士人热衷于自然审美的体现。

    You Xian shi , the unique form of poetry appearing in this period reflects scholars ' keen to natural aesthetic .

  16. 在中古游仙诗中,游仙所经历的山水主要有山岳与海岛两大体系。

    In the middle ancient times , the mystical landscape in fairy poems mainly consists of two systems : mountains and islands .

  17. 游仙诗是一种十分特殊的文学样式,主要以神仙幻境为描写对象。

    The Poems of Mystical Excursion ( PME ), a very special literature pattern , focus on the description of the fairy mirage .

  18. 初唐游仙诗在崇道的文化背景下萌生,主要特征是对魏晋时期建立的仙道对应关系的确认与发展;

    The appearance of roving immortal poems in the early Tang times had a cultural background that the Taoism was exalted in the society .

  19. 游仙诗是人们用诗歌这一艺术形式来表达因受时间局限而追求生命永恒与自由的产品,也是宗教与艺术完美融合的产物。

    People use this form to express the pursuit of eternal life and freedom and it is a syncretic production of religion and art .

  20. 由于文学观念在魏晋南北朝这个特殊的时期也有新的发展,本文还尝试探究了作为一种文学形式的游仙诗和当时文学观念演进的关系。

    Thirdly , the author studies the relationship between the creation of the poem and the literary points of view in the Middle Ancient Times .

  21. 而游仙诗更是具有深厚的文化积淀,凝结着多少文人的希冀和梦想,忧伤与无奈。

    And You Xian poetry has a profound cultural accumulation , is congealing how many writer 's hope and the dream , sad and helpless .

  22. 第二部分在游仙诗界定的基础上,着重探讨了魏晋游仙诗的历史渊源。

    In the second part , we put emphasis on the historical origin of the Youxian shi on the basis of the definition of it .

  23. 概而言之,游仙诗是在魏晋时期发展、成熟并达到顶峰的诗歌题材。

    Generally speaking , the Youxian shi was a poetry subject which underwent a process from development , mature to summit in Wei - Jin period .

  24. 盛唐道教诗歌与前代游仙诗相比,在题材、风格、体裁等方面都有了新的特点。

    Compared with Taoist poems in the previous dynasties , those in the Tang Dynasty bore some new features in terms of their subject matters , style and genre .

  25. 李白游仙诗建立在诗人独特的“谪仙”意识基础上,同时反映了诗人的政治遭际,艺术上具有幻中有真的独特魅力;

    The roving immortal poems written by Li Bai was based on the unique consciousness of " an immortal banished from Heaven " and reflected the personal political lot .

  26. 第一部分以表格的形式对于唐前游仙诗创作概况作以整理,指出本文写作的目的与思路。

    The first chapter reviews the writing of fairyland excursion poems before Tang Dynasty in the way of forms in order to show the purpose and ways of developing the thesis .

  27. 摘要李白是唐代写游仙诗较多的诗人,其游仙诗继承了魏晋游仙诗的传统并有所发展。

    Li Bai is a poet in the Tang Dynasty who writes a lot of lyrics , and the poems inherit and extend the tradition of poets in the wei & jing dynasties .

  28. 第五部分从意象独特、造境奇异、超越恒情、词多慷慨四方面分析了魏晋游仙诗的审美特征。

    In the fifth part , we analyzed the aesthetic characteristics of the Youxian shi from the unique images , the queer realm , surmounting permanent feelings , the vehement words and the indignant feelings .

  29. 第二节主要分析了阮籍、嵇康游仙诗中的道家色彩,指出嵇康与阮籍的共同点在于将成仙与求道,游仙与游玄相联系起来。

    The second section mainly analyzes the Taoism flavor of Ruan Ji and Ji Kang 's poems . They linked the thought of becoming immortal with pursuing Tao , and fairyland excursion with mystical excursion .

  30. 游仙诗,早在六朝就已成为堪与山水诗、田园诗鼎足而三的一个诗歌品种。

    Poems of fairyland excursion is emerged as an important type of Chinese classical poetry as far as Six Dynasty period , which stood among the most important types : pastoral poems and landscape poems .