- 动tie sb.'s hands behind his back

[(with ones hands) tied behind his back] 两手交叉绑在背后
Walk the plank - When someone is forced to walk on a plank , with hands tied behind . Plank is extended over the side of a ship , and victim is usually forced to jump to water and drown .
The robbers tied his arms behind his back with a rope .
He had my hands behind my back in a hold that was impossible to break .
I looks two mans bind he and press him down the ground , he looks suffering .
With her arms bound behind her by the criminal , she was too weak to break free .
Outside , another eight bodies lie on the grass , one with his hands tied behind his back .
The search ended , they lifted Javert to his feet , bound his arms behind his back , and fastened him to that celebrated post in the middle of the room which had formerly given the wine-shop its name .