
fǎn bǔ
  • Regurgitation;feed mother birds in return when fully grown—repay one's parents for bringing one up when they get old
反哺 [fǎn bǔ]
  • [when a little bird grows up,it feed food to its mother] 鸟雏长大,衔食哺其母。后用以比喻报答父母

  • 雏既壮而能飞兮,乃衔食而反哺。--《初学记.鸟赋》

  1. 狭义的反哺源于哺育,广义的反哺包含哺育,也包含WTO农业支持和保护。

    Back-nurture is resulted from nurture in the narrow sense , but in the broad sense , it includes nurture , even contains agricultural support and protection in WTO framework .

  2. 作为新农业政策标识的2004年中央一号文件,将在由农业为工业提供积累向工业反哺农业转折的整个历史时期持续发挥作用。

    As a signal of a new agricultural policy , the No.

  3. 现阶段我国工业反哺农业的背景与挑战

    China industry supporting agriculture 's background and its challenge at present

  4. 新型工业化背景下工业反哺农业的制度创新

    Industry-financed Agriculture : System Innovation under the Background of New Industrialization

  5. 论工业反哺农业与城乡一体化发展

    Industry Re-feeding Agriculture and Integrative Development of Countryside and City

  6. 我国已进入了工业反哺农业(本文指大农业含林业)新阶段。

    The stage of industry-financed agriculture ( inclued Forestry ) has arrived .

  7. 但也有反哺的时候。

    But there were times of back feeding , too .

  8. 中国工业反哺农业的实现机制和路径选择

    China 's Industry Repaying Agriculture : Its Mechanisms and Means

  9. 关于工业反哺农业的政策选择问题

    Industry Feeds Agriculture in Return : The Selection of Policies

  10. 工业化反哺与中国三农问题

    Industrialization Compensation and Problems of Agriculture , Farmers and Countryside in China

  11. 反哺农业的关键是反哺政策的设计。

    Secondly , the key to industry re-feeding agriculture is policy design .

  12. 长江三角洲地区工业反哺农业、城市带动乡村的一般经验有:城乡互动发展、以小城镇为主体和乡镇企业的集聚化发展推进城乡一体化。

    Its general experiences are that urban and rural area develop harmoniously .

  13. 第五章对我国工业反哺农业政策的制约因素进行了探讨与分析。

    The fifth chapter analyzes the constraints of of industry re-feeding agriculture .

  14. 反哺时代的中国新农村建设战略。

    The strategy for China new rural reconstruction in two-return nurture stage .

  15. 二元经济结构下工业反哺农业机制的研究

    Research on Compensatory Mechanism of Industry to Agriculture in the Dual Economy

  16. 工业反哺农业阶段的乡镇政府角色定位

    The Township Government ′ s Role Orientation in the Stage of Industry-financed Agriculture

  17. 一是对工业反哺农业的发生依据进行分析。

    It analyzes the background of industry financing agriculture .

  18. 第六部分是对实施工业反哺农业的体制机制进行设计与探讨。

    The sixth part designs and discusses the mechanisms of industry nurturing agriculture .

  19. 工业反哺农业应遵循农村经济发展次序

    The Rural Economy Development Order and the Choice of the Route of Industry-Back-Feeding-Agriculture

  20. 基于知识反哺的我国企业创新实现途径研究

    The Route to Innovate Based on the Knowledge Feedback

  21. 这是政府反哺的第四项任务。

    This is the fourth task of government back-nurture .

  22. 论地方财政压力下的反哺空间及路径寻求

    On the " Nurturing " Space and Path Pursuit under Local Finance Pressure

  23. 发展涉农教育:工业反哺的成效关键

    A Key Factor in the Success of Industrial Back-nurturing & Developing Agriculture-related Education

  24. 工业反哺农业中资金投入的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of the Input of Fund into Agriculture

  25. 互动与反哺:越南文化对中国的影响

    Co-effect and Feed-back : On the Influence of Vietnam 's Culture to China

  26. 加大两个反哺建设社会主义新农村

    Building the New Countryside and Strengthening " Reverse Nurture of Two Kinds "

  27. 工业反哺农业:机械化现状分析

    Industry " Feedback " Agriculture : Analysis of Mechanization

  28. 城市卫生机构支援乡镇卫生院工程是城市反哺农村的有益尝试

    City Health Organizations Helping Township Public Health Centers an Useful Attempt to Repayment

  29. 工业反哺农业之道

    The Policy of Industry 's Re-feeding of Agriculture

  30. 我国沿海发达地区已具备工业反哺农业的能力。

    The coastal areas in our country have the ability of industry re-feeding agriculture .