
  • 网络cvm;contingent valuation method;Contingent Value Method
  1. 条件价值法是森林景观资产评估的首要方法。

    CVM is the main method of forest landscape asset evaluation .

  2. 其次,介绍了城市轨道交通外部性的评估方法,包括条件价值法、运输成本与地价理论和特征价格法等;

    Secondly , this paper presents the appraisal method of the urban rail transit externality , including Contingent Value Method , Land Price Function Model , Transit Cost and Land Price theory , and Hedonic Price Method .

  3. 应用条件价值法(CVM)评估白洋淀湿地非使用价值是维持白洋淀湿地可持续发展的前提,而个人支付意愿又是CVM的核心内容。

    The application of CVM to evaluate non-use value of Baiyangdian wetland is the premise of continuable-development for Baiyangdian wetland .

  4. 通过对国内外农地价值评估方法的评述和对比分析,选择条件价值法(CVM)对安置区土地流转补偿定价进行实证研究。

    Through comparing the domestic farmland valuation approach with the foreign one , this chapter conducts an empirical research about land transference compensation on the basis of CVM .

  5. 非使用价值采用条件价值法进行了评估。

    Non use value is evaluated by contingent valuation method .

  6. 条件价值法评估生命价值的应用探讨

    Application Study on the Evaluation of VSL Based on Contingent Valuation Method

  7. 条件价值法在森林景观资产评估中的应用

    Application of CVM Method in Forest Landscape Asset Evaluation

  8. 条件价值法在澳门固体废弃物管理经济价值评估中的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Economic Valuation of Solid Waste Management in Macao Using CVM

  9. 基于条件价值法的黄河上游河道生态系统服务恢复支付评估

    Assessment on Payment for Ecosystem Services Restoration along Upstream of Yellow River Based on Contingent Valuation Method

  10. 采用条件价值法对一块小型人工湿地系统进行环境经济价值评价。

    The contingent valuation method is introduced to assess the environmental-economic values for a small scale constructed wetland system .

  11. 在8种评价方法中,只有条件价值法既能评价森林游憩的利用价值,又可评价它的非利用价值,而其它7种方法则只能评价森林游憩的部分利用价值。

    TCM only evaluates the use values of forests recreation , but CVM can estimate both use values and non-use values of forests recreation .

  12. 以河南省焦作市为研究区域,以2006年为研究时段,运用综合方法和条件价值法对其耕地保护的外部性进行了测算。

    Then , the externalities of cultivated land protection in2006 in Jiaozuo city are calculated by contingent valuation method ( CVM ) and synthetic approach .

  13. 运用条件价值法从需求方的角度对医院院誉的价值进行评估,是对传统无形资产评估方法的突破。

    It is a breakthrough of the traditional intangible assets evaluating method that using Contingent Valuation Method to evaluate a hospitals goodwill from the need aspect .

  14. 系统地介绍了西方国家常用的1种评价环境物品(公共物品)的方法&条件价值法。

    The contingent valuation method ( CVM ), an effective approach to evaluate environmental goods ( public goods ) widely used by the western countries has been systematically introduced .

  15. 同时,结合条件价值法,对信丰县生态补偿机制进行了探讨,以期为信丰县政府制定相关生态补偿政策提供参考依据。

    At the same time , this paper discussed the ecological compensation mechanism by applying the contingent valuation method in Xinfeng County , to provide government reference basis to formulate relevant policies about ecological compensation .

  16. 存在价值和遗产价值可以通过条件价值评估法(CV法)进行评估。

    The other two kinds of values can be measured by Contingent Value Method ( CV method ) .

  17. 条件价值评估法(ContingentValuationMethod,CVM)是评估环境污染的经济损失价值的有效方法之一。

    The contingent valuation method ( CVM ) is a simple , flexible non-market valuation method that is widely used in cost benefit analysis and environmental impact assessment .

  18. 条件价值评估法(CVM)是估算生态系统服务最主要的技术方法之一。

    The contingent valuation method ( CVM ) is one of the most dominating techniques for estimating the value of ecosystem services .

  19. 持续性分析用于条件价值评估法数据统计分析&以浙江省临安市CVM调查数据为例

    Application of Parameter Estimation to Contingent Valuation Method Based on Duration Analysis : A Case Study of Data Analysis for Lin'an City , Zhejiang Province

  20. 选择典型丘陵地区荆门市,采用条件价值评估法(CVM)进行支付意愿的问卷调查,了解了民众对农地非市场价值的认识,并对该价值进行了定量的评估。

    The contingent valuation method ( CVM ) is applied in the residents'understanding of non-marker value of farmland and assessing non-market value of Jingmen , which is in a typical upland area .

  21. 运用收益还原法及条件价值评估法(CVM)对武汉市不同类型农地资源的市场价值和非市场价值进行估算。

    In this paper , the market value and non-market value of different type agricultural land resources in Wuhan City were estimated by the methods of random sampling , income approach , and contingent valuation .

  22. 条件价值评估法(CVM)是推导环境资源生态系统服务的支付意愿的标准方法之一。

    The contingent valuation method ( CVM ) is one of the most dominating and standard techniques for eliciting the willingness to pay ( WTP ) for the ecosystem services provided by environment and resources .

  23. 条件价值评估法的有效性和可靠性研究

    Study on Validity and Reliability of Contingent Valuation Method

  24. 基于条件价值评估法农民灌溉水价承受能力研究

    Study on Farmers ' Bearing Capacity to Irrigation Water Price Based on Contingent Valuation Method

  25. 条件价值评估法通过问卷调查反映环境影响下的价值问题,是一种理论化极强的评价方法。

    The CVM , a theoretical valuation method , reflects the value problems through investigation .

  26. 通过条件价值评估法计算得出的游憩价值要小于通过旅行费用法计算结果。

    Valuation method by the recreational value calculated is less than through the travel cost method to calculate the results .

  27. 条件价值评估法本土化改进及其验证&来自武汉的实证研究怎样理解和区分验证和评估在助听器验配中的使用

    Application and Modification of CVM in China & An Empirical Research Coming from Wuhan ; Discussion on the understanding and use of verification and validation in hearing aid fitting

  28. 条件价值评估法是目前生态(环境)经济学中最重要的和应用最为广泛的公共所有物价值的一种评估方法。

    At present , contingent valuation method ( CVM ) has been the most important and a widely used way of evaluation the public property in the field of ecological economics and environmental economics .

  29. 条件价值评估法是国际上衡量环境物品非利用经济价值的主要方法之一,其调查的问卷格式主要有开放式和封闭式两种类型。

    The contingent valuation method ( CVM ) is one of the techniques which is most widely used for estimating the value of environmental goods , its main forms can be classified into open ended question and closed ended question formats .

  30. 总结参与式农村评价理论和条件价值评估理论,采用参与式农村条件价值评估法评估公共物品的价值。

    On the basis of introducing the method of Participatory Rural Appraisal and Contingent Valuation simply , this paper put forward Participatory Rural-Contingent Valuation method to estimate the Public Goods .