
  • 【计】condition number
  1. 二次特征值问题的Rice条件数

    The Rice Condition Number of Quadratic Eigenvalue Problem

  2. 正交矩阵特征值问题的最佳向后扰动分析与一类特征子空间的Rice条件数

    The Optimal Backward Perturbation Analysis for Orthogonal Matrix Eigenvalue Problem and Rice Condition Numbers of Certain Characteristic Subspaces

  3. 矩阵条件数应用于FBG传感器多参数测量研究

    Research of the condition number of matrix in multi-parameter measurement FBGs

  4. Stewart运动平台的雅可比矩阵条件数的研究

    Study on the Condition Number of Jacobian Matrix of Stewart Platforms

  5. 用解析展开方法得到了二次特征值问题的Rice条件数,并给出了数值例子来说明结果。

    A Rice condition number of the quadratic eigenvalue problem with the analytic expansion method is derived , and a computational example is presented in the paper .

  6. 代数Riccati方程可稳解的条件数

    Condition numbers of the stabilizing solutions of the algebraic Riccati Equations

  7. Jacobi迭代预处理中的条件数与迭代次数的关系

    Relation Between Condition Number and Iteration Degrees in Jacobi Iteration Pretreatment

  8. 本文讨论质量矩阵M与刚度矩阵K的谱条件数的估计。

    Spectra for ocean swell In this paper , we discuss the estimates for the condition numbers of the mass matrix M and the stiffness matrix K.

  9. 解线性代数方程组的传统方法是利用LU分解等直接求解,虽然传统方法具有理论上直接得到真解的优点,但当系数矩阵条件数很大时,存在严重的稳定性问题。

    The traditional methods are to solve the linear algebra equations directly , based on matrix factorization such as LU decomposition .

  10. 标度整体最小二乘问题及对称代数Riccati方程的扰动分析及条件数

    Perturbation Analysis and Condition Numbers of Scaled Total Least Squares Problems and Symmetric Algebraic Riccati Equations

  11. 误差估计中矩阵求逆条件数的最优性在Hilbert空间中的推广

    The Generation of Optimality in Hilbert Space about Condition Number with Respect to Inversion of Matrix in the Error Estimation

  12. 敏感度矩阵的条件数是影响干涉合成孔径雷达(InSAR)定标性能的重要因素。

    The condition number of sensitivity matrix is a key factor that influences the performance of InSAR calibration .

  13. QR分解可以改善矩阵条件数,从而提高数值稳定性。

    QR decomposition can improve the condition number of a matrix and then improve the numerical stability .

  14. 矩阵的Moore-Penrose逆和最小二乘问题的条件数

    Condition Numbers for Moore-Penrose Inverse of Matrix and Linear Least Squares Problem

  15. 作为三个矩阵乘积的奇异值分解,CCD的计算易受到矩阵坏条件数和元素误差的影响。

    CCD is the singular value decomposition of the product of three matrixes , so it is vulnerable in the impact of bad matrix condition number and element error .

  16. 混合有限元离散矩阵Schur补的条件数估计

    The condition number estimate for Schur complement of mixed finite element discrete matrix

  17. KKT系统结构条件数与条件数的比较

    Comparing condition number with structured condition number for KKT systems

  18. 求解网格方程的SOR迭代法之收敛速度与条件数的关系

    The relationship between the convergence speed of SOR iterative method and condition number for solving grid functions

  19. 利用Stewart机构的Jacobin矩阵条件数分析传感器精度到刚体测量精度的影响。

    The condition number of the Stewart mechanism Jacobian was used to analyze the measurement precision of the sensors and the system .

  20. 广义逆在代数扰动理论中的性质、表示及矩陈Drazin逆条件数的极小性质

    Properties and Representations of Generalized Inverse on Algebraic Perturbation and Minimal Property of Condition Number on Drazin Inverse

  21. 电容层析成像(ECT)系统的不适定性问题严重影响重建图像质量,为此必须减小灵敏度矩阵的条件数。

    The reconstructed image quality of electrical capacitance tomography ( ECT ) system is heavily affected by the ill-posedness problem , so the condition number of the sensitivity matrix must be decreased .

  22. 引入累积法GM模型-一种新颖的参数估计方法,研究表明累积法GM模型条件数一般都较小,属于良态模型。

    This paper introduces cumulative GM Method , a new method to estimate their parameter . Though practice , we get the condition number of cumulative GM Method is litter commonly , these models belong to well-conditioned model .

  23. 本文分析了文献[1]中战斗机模型的设计结果,证明对于这类条件数较大的MIMO对象,由于条件数对消的存在,使得混合灵敏度问题的设计结果对于输入不确定性一般不能保证系统的鲁棒性。

    In this paper the analysis of the fighter model design [ 1 ] is presented and the result shows that mixed sensitivity design can not deal with the robust performance design of MIMO plant with high condition number .

  24. 本文主要研究了KKT系统的结构条件数,而且对于一类特殊的KKT系统,研究了它的结构敏度方面的问题。

    This article researches the structured condition number on KKT system , for a special KKT system , the structured sensitivity is also considered .

  25. 然而,由于包含矩阵求逆与乘积运算,若直接计算AB?1,其条件数可能很大(即使A,B都是良态的),在有限字长条件下,QR迭代精度无法保证。

    Of course , it is unpractical that straight computing AB ? 1 . Due to product and inverse calculate , the matrix condition number is bad and iterative computing accuracy can not be promised in limited words length condition .

  26. 但另一方面,通过对原GM(1,1)的模型分析发现,其系数矩阵具有较大的条件数,病态性严重。

    But on the other hand through the analyzing of coefficient matrix of original GM ( 1 , 1 ) model , it is found that the condition number is large , that means that its coefficient matrix has serious morbid phenomena .

  27. 算法根据对EIT问题中目标函数的分析,将以前常用的,对正规方程组的求解,转化为求解一个条件数更好的超定方程组的最小二乘解。

    According to the analysis of objective functions in EIT , the derivation of normal equations is converted to obtain the least square solution of a over-determined equations in which the condition number is better .

  28. 样条小波的Sobolev-Riesz条件数

    Sobolev-Riesz Condition Number of Spline Wavelets

  29. 利用切比雪夫多项式使矛盾方程组系数矩阵正交化,利用Householder变换直接解矛盾方程组,尽可能降低病态条件数,提高了计算精度。

    The coefficient matrix is orthogonalized by using polynomial and the overdetermined equations are solved by Householder transformation . The numerical ill-condition is decreased as low as possible , hence the operational accuracy is increased .

  30. 对于这一类的KKT系统,定义了偏条件数,给出了最优向后误差的分析,相应的结构条件数和一些扰动界。

    This article deals with the sensitivity analysis for this subclass of KKT systems . Optimal backward perturbation analysis is investigated . The partial condition numbers are defined and explicit formulae are derived .