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While content of proline and soluble sugar were increasing and had negative relation with SWC .
There had a negative correlation between the litter biomass and the SWC , and the water content of all litter layers had a positive correlation with the SWC . 7 .
A GIS Based Remote Sensing Method for Underground Soil Moisture Test
A GIS Based Remote Sensing Method for Soil Moisture Inversion and Change Law in Mining Areas
Time Domain Reflectometry ( TDR ) is becoming a widely used method to measure soil volumetric water content .
Compared to non-road area , activities associated with roads significantly decreased soil moisture and salinity , and increased soil pH and nitrate concentration .
Research on Emulation of Distributional Law of Soil Water Contents in Various Stands of Small Watershed Based on RS & GIS
With the increase of grazing intensity , the water percentage in soil will decrease with corresponding increasing of PH and decreasing of soil organic matter content and alkaline-N.6 .
The POD activity and the proline mass fraction improved with the decrease of soil moisture , under the high and moderate P treatments .
The optimal soil water content was 8 ~ 13 % and the highest NaCl tolerance concentration was 1.2 % for seed germination .
Temperature and water content of the soil affect degradation rates of DBP and DEHP .
In this paper , uncertainty in hydrological simulation is studied by altering antecedent soil water content parameters of the distributed hydrology model .
Soil water content in different depth has a " V " change which is high , low , high in the 1st harvest . The change related with root .
The results of DCA ordination indicate that water conditions of soil is increased in the succession process .
The first axis of DCA indicates the water gradient of soil while the second axis changes of soil type .
Soil fertility was positively correlated with Soil moisture , organic matter , alkali N , available K , available P , conductivity , pH , while soil fertility was negatively correlated with the bulk density , total salt .
At soil water content 60 % ~ 75 % field water capacity ( θ F ), the transpiration rate and photosynthetic rate of plants were higher then others , and the prophase yields were the highest .
The incubation tests were conducted with upland soil and flooded paddy soil under different soil water conditions . The mitigation effect of the tested fertilizers on the emission of N_2O and CH_4 were studied .
It was noted that the peak flowering time of rice was ahead under the lowest water content treatment , and the peak flowering time was concentrated on the first three days , resulting in shortened and lightened the panicle of rice .
At the 80 % field capacity , when the root was cutted more seriously and more later , the seed yield WUE of millet were dropped ;
Shannon-Wiener index was negatively correlated with the temperature , while positively correlated with the relative humidity and soil moisture content in growing season .
When the soil water content is high , with second leaching to the soil , the .
Experiment and Research for 1HS-1.2 Subsoiler for Water of Soil
DCCA of plots showed : Community III and community IV were higher than community I and community II in soil water content gradient .
There was a linear correlation between soil respiration and the soil water content in the upper 20 cm of soil .
The moisture in the fallow sandy soil could reach field capacity under the nor - mal precipitation and moisture content was 15 % in 0-100 cm depth in October .
In 10-15cm soil layer , the soil moisture content of CK was the highest , which was 33.3 % .
Water content detection of sample soil collected in 2003 showed , compared with 2002 , no obvious variation in sample CG , an increase from 5.23 % to 7.25 % in WS , while a decrease from 7.04 % to 2.56 % in CK .
Soil water content was increased with the depth , and the rangeability of 020 cm soil water content was greatest . 2 .
Moisture content and matric potential of soils under intense irrigation in celery greenhouse in Dianchi catchment were monitored by using TDR ( TRIME-T3 ) and WM-1 tensiometer during the growth period of celery .